

Elf Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Elf Male Character Portrait

Harvest and Creating

I like to harvest and make things. I prefer to make rather than destroy, nurture rather than hurt.


Size of NPC Armies

Size Min Max
A Few 1 3
A Handful 4 8
Several 9 21
A Pack 22 81
Many 82 128
A Gathering 129 227
A Horde 228 462
A Throng 463 815
A Host 816 2,500
A Legion 2,501 9,999
A Myriad 10,000 24,999
A Sea 25,000 49,999
A Cornucopia

Statue Areas (send 1 spy)

01   -312|717
02   -608|-189
03   910|-507
04   -102|1 then 949|-379
05   429|-931
06   516|505
07   -485|-736 then 669|794
08   652|-265 then -843|-310
09   -4|10
10   -377|-104
11   356|498
12   -157|-298
13   471|228 then -711|674
14   232|345
15   761|-892 then -39|-973
16   -194|-687
17   719|365
18   22|-85
19   -569|-91 then 136|855
20   399|-431

Terrain Combat Multipliers New (from 01-03-2015)

Offense   Defense
Spear Bow Inf Cav Terrain Type Spear Bow Inf Cav
20 5 40 -50 Buildings 25 15 30 -45
5 -20 30 -15 Large Forest 5 -20 25 -15
0 10 10 -15 Large Hill 10 15 5 -10
0 15 15 -30 Large Mountain 20 30 5 -30
-15 0 0 30 Plains -15 0 0 25
10 -10 30 -10 Small Forest 10 -10 30 -10
0 0 0 0 Small Hill 5 5 5 0
0 10 5 -20 Small Mountain 15 15 5 -15

Old one:


Places of Interest

Misted Lands at -636/756
The Rift at 534/835
Heart of Corruption at -994/-824
Steamtastic Brewery at -513/-96
Fortress of Shadows at 599/-342
Temple of Reason at 295/-165
Duraz Karag at -203/-122



Crafting Recipes

Combat calculator

An intro to sovereignty

Building charts

Fortune teller watch


Timing Calculator

Image Chat codes

City Planning Guide

How To Increase Population Topic


Requirements to Settle each City
# Settlers Population
2nd 1 450
3rd 2 2,000
4th 3 5,000
5th 4 10,000
6th 5 20,000
7th 6 40,000
8th 7 75,000
9th 8 130,000
10th 9 233,550

