
Progg Foo

Dwarf Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Dwarf Male Character Portrait

I am an autonomous subsister, bereft of allies, expelled from the land I was one of the first to settle.  Aggressors shall not be forgotten.

My harvesting policy is, if you don't own the land, you don't own what's on it!  In other words, you have to have sovereignty or an army on the land to justifiably claim what's on it.  At the very least, a border around claimed land can be created.  One hundred fifty sovereign squares can be claimed by one city.  That's enough to make a circular perimeter of radius 23 all the way around a city.  If 20 squares are claimed immediately around a city, that still leaves enough possible sovereignty to make a circle of radius 20 around a city.  Simply jotting down some words is no substitute for real mechanisms of ownership.

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Go ahead and call my bluff.  I already had to rebuild from scratch once.  I've been here longer and I'm not going away.  I can forgive, but accountability is another matter.
