
Bresslyn (Abandoned)

Human Female
Human Female Character Portrait

Please don't settle within 10 squares of my cities. If you want to harvest within 5 squares of me, please ask first.  I don't mind sharing, especially with regard to rare resources.   Please also be respectful if you see hides anywhere near my city.  My commanders work very hard battling those beasts and don't want to share the rewards.

Tips for New Players by Manannan

Newbie Guides Part 1 and Part 2 by Tallica

Starting Illyriad: An Alternative Newbie Guide by Auraya

Basic Self-Defense for New Players by Rill

Where Do I Put My City? A Guide to Real Estate by Rill

Guide to Exodus by Cerex Flikex

The Magical 7 Food Mountain by Vanerin


Heroic Human Statue

Scribe-Name Location 1 Location 2 Scribe-Name Location 1 Location 2
Aldelbrecht -312|717 - Keldar 356|498 -
Asmorn -608|-189 - Lambercht -157|-298 -
Bjander-Thegn 910|-507 - Lindricht 471|228 -711|674
Braynard -102|1 949|-379 Oddric 232|345 -
Burkhardt 429|-931 - Osgaut 761|-892 -39|-973
Eberekt 516|505 - Raedborth -194|-687 -
Ferhonanth -485|-736 669|794 Regindalt 719|365 -
Fridholt 652|-265 -843|-310 Rikert 22|-85 -
Gunthar -4|10 - Tormand -569|-91 136|855
Haestin -377|-104 - Ulvelaik 399|-431 -
Send spies to all locations above and you will receive as reward a Scribe of Allembine for each spied location (6 Scribes require to spied 2 locations, do the first locations before the 2nd ones) .... Scribe of Allembine is a spy unit with low upkeep (2 gold p/h) but high defensive value (120) ..... When a town collect all 20 scribes, that town gain discovery Allembine Research Techniques, which grants +5 research points hourly per Library level.



Meddle not in the affairs of dragons ... for you are crunchy, and taste good with ketchup
