

Dwarf Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Dwarf Male Character Portrait

[21:07]<GregoRokin> Koda..
[21:07]<Kodabear> lol
[21:07]<GregoRokin> please be honest
[21:07]<GregoRokin> are you a bot?
[21:08]<Kodabear> not as far as i know

House Fenring i shosting trivia! Yay!


RR the grumpy dwarf.

He's happy in his little head. But somehow when he tries to speak, as the words go from a thought and becomes words. They end up as an insult, a snotty comment. 


The friends he has is few and rarely seen. Himself you'll find lurking in chat. 


I'm the lord of the wastelands
A modern day man of steel
I gather darkness to please me
And I command you to kneel
Before the
God of thunder and rock and roll



Battle calculator





Terrain Combat Multipliers

Offense           Defense      
Terrain Type Spear Bow Inf Cav   Spear Bow Inf Cav
Buildings 20 5 40 -50   25 15 30 -45
Large Forest 5 -20 30 -15   5 -20 25 -15
Large Hill 0 10 10 -15   10 15 5 -10
Large Mountain 0 15 15 -30   20 30 5 -30
Plains -15 0 0 30   -15 0 0 25
Small Forest 10 -10 30 -10   10 -10 30 -10
Small Hill 0 0 0 0   5 5 5 0
Small Mountain 0 10 5 -20   15 15 5 -15

* The above table is copied from Vernors profile.


NPC Sizes    
Size Min Max
A Few 1 3
A Handful 4 8
Several 9 21
A Pack 22 81
Many 82 128
A Gathering 129 227
A Horde 228 462
A Throng 463 815
A Host 816 2 500
A Legion 2 501 9 999
A Myriad 10 000 24 999
A Sea 25 000 49 999
A Cornucopia 50 000  



Elite Squadrons - Cavalry - 60

Elite Companies - Ranged - 100

Elite Guards - Infantry - 150

Elite Formations - Spear - 200



* Please stay away from me, I don't like you, 
  ten squares, at least, maybe more.

* If you take my stuff, my most polite reaction
  will be a bump if I'm in a good mood. I claim
  five squares.

