

Human Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Human Male Character Portrait

Useful links for new players:

New players' guide part 1
New players' guide part 2
New players' guide 2
New players' guide 3

Hunting and elite guides

Picture - all craft items

Resource Upkeep at Lvl 20

Building Wood Clay Iron Stone
Archers' Field 2700   1100  
Assassins' Abode     3100 1900
Cavalry Parade Ground 1100 2700    
Foreign Office   400 800 1600
Geomancers' Retreat 700 2300   1500
Infantry Quarters     1100 2700
Runemasters' Grounding   900   1700
Saboteurs' Sanctuary 2700 1500    
Scouts' Lookout 700 1500    
Spearmen's Billets   2700 1100  
Spies Hideout 700 1100   1100
Thieves' Den 1700 1100 1700  
Trade Office 2800 690   1580
Chancery of Estates 800 3200   1600

Resource Management

Food Plots Wood Plots Clay Plots Iron Plots Stone Plots What To Build At This Location
7 5 5 3 5 cavalry, scout, spy, trade, geomancer, runemaster
7 5 5 5 3 cavalry, archers, spearmen, scout, thief
7 5 3 5 5 archers, infantry, assassin
7 3 5 5 5 spearmen, infantry, assassin, runemaster

Lots of good guides - new players etc - #/Player/Profile/354985

Label Size (approx)
Few 1-3
Handful 4-8
Several 9-21
Pack 22-81
Many 82-128
Gathering 129-227
Horde 228-462
Throng 463-815
Host 816-2,500
Legion 2,501-9,999
Myriad 10,000-24,999
Sea 25,000-49,999
Cornucopia 50,000-Inf



Illyriad City Planner

City Planner Example

Google Doc Sheet with several useful Illary info and tools


last 30 day growth

crafting excel

Thief Guide



6 cities guide

Best discusion on city 20-40 guide

Attacking Percentage Modifiers:

Terrain Type Cavalry Spears Infantry Ranged
Buildings -50 20 40 5
Large Forest -15 5 30 -20
Large Hill -15 0 10 10
Large Mountain -30 0 15 15
Plains 30 -15 0 0
Small Forest -10 10 30 -10
Small Hill 0 0 0 0
Small Mountain -20 0 5 10


Defending Percentage Modifiers:

Terrain Type Cavalry Spears Infantry Ranged
Buildings -45 25 30 15
Large Forest -15 5 25 -20
Large Hill -10 10 5 15
Large Mountain -30 20 5 30
Plains 25 -15 0 0
Small Forest -10 10 30 -10
Small Hill 0 5 5 5
Small Mountain -15 15 5 15

tools - #/Player/Profile/279547

data -


Highest population Buildings:

Archers Field 1796
Blacksmith 1497
Book Binder 1497
Calvary Parade Grounds 1796
Carpentry 1497
Common Ground 1497
Consulate 1497
Fletcher 1497
Forge 1497
Foundry 1497
Kiln 1497
Mage Tower 1497
Paddock 1497
Saddle Maker 1497
Siege Workshop 1497
Spearmaker 1497
Stonemason 1497
Tannery 1497
Tavern 1497

Trade Office 2000

Crafted Horses

Horse Type Cost Stats
 Draught Horse 1   5 5 10 1 (+25% Move Speed) for Siege Engines
 Riding Horse 1 10 1 5 1   (+25% Move Speed) for Swordsmen, Archers and Spearmen
 Heavy Warhorse 1 20 1 1 3   (+5% Attack, -5% Move Speed, +10% Carry, -5% on Hills, -5% on Mountains, -5% in Forests, -5% in Arctic, -5% in Desert, -5% in Jungle) for Cavalry
Steady Warhorse 1 20 3 1 1   (+5% Magic Res)
Nimble Warhorse 1 20 1 3  1 (-8% Attack, +24% Cav Def, +24% Spear Def, +24% Bow Def, +24% Sword Def) for Cavalry
Elven Thoroughbred 1 20 5 (+15% Move Speed, -20% for Dwarves, -20% for Humans, -20% for Orcs)
Battlebred 1 20 5
(+20% Cav Def, +20% Spear Def, +20% Bow Def, +20% Sword Def, -5% on Hills, -15% on Mountains, -10% in Forests, -5% in Arctic, -5% in Desert, -5% in Jungle, -20% for Dwarves, -20% for Elves, -20% for Orcs)
 Dwarven Battle Mule 1 20 5 (-5% Attack, -10% Move Speed, +20% on Hills, +20% on Mountains, -20% for Elves, -20% for Humans, -20% for Orcs)
War Wolf 1 20 5 (+10% Move Speed, +20% Carry, +20% on Hills, -20% for Dwarves, -20% for Elves, -20% for Humans)


Military City Development

All Cities:
7 farms 259 pop
18 basic plots 666 pop
warehouse 370 pop
library 37 pop
magetower 1497 pop
market 37 pop
barracks 37 pop
consulate 1497 pop
common ground 1497 pop
paddock 1497 pop
wall 20 pop
flourmill 16 pop
arch office 328 pop(destroy when all others built)
storehouse 37 pop(optional, may destroy towards end)
14(16) empty plots 7430(7795 pop)

Cavalry City:
3 cav parade 5388 pop
carpentry 1497 pop
kiln 1497 pop
spearmaker 1497 pop
blacksmith 1497 pop
forge 1497 pop(elf does not need)
saddlemaker 1497 pop
9 plots, 14370 pop, 3300 wood, 8100 clay

Infantry City
3 Inf lodge 5388 pop
foundry 1497 pop
stonemason 1497 pop
blacksmith 1497 pop
forge 1497 pop(elf does not need)
7 plots, 11376 pop, 3300 iron, 8100 stone

Ranged City
3 arch field 5388 pop
carpentry 1497 pop
foundry 1497 pop
fletcher 1497 pop
tannery 1497 pop
7 plots, 11376 pop, 8100 wood, 3300 iron

Spear City
3 spear billets 5388 pop
kiln 1497 pop
foundry 1497 pop
spearmaker 1497 pop
blacksmith 1497 pop
tannery 1497 pop(forge for dwarf)
8 plots, 12873 pop, 8100 clay, 3300 iron

Additional buildings you want spread out:
brewery 20 pop(may want multiple, depends on how much beer you go through and if you can sov it or not)

trade office/merch guild(2 plots, only need 1 city with these buildings, and they do not need to be lvled that high, upkeep in wood, clay, stone)

2 geomancers(2 plots, upkeep 1400 wood, 4600 clay, 3000 stone; need one city with these for every 6-7 in a cluster, alliancemates can cover for each other and make sure you add resource increase buildings as needed)

you may also want to build a runemaster temporarily, a lvl 20 runemaster will double the effectiveness of your runes and you can demolish the building after you cast the spell and keep the effectiveness


[01:17]<lordziggy> papers on table
[01:17]<lordziggy> sign away toki
[01:17]<lordziggy> looks to see if the gold is also on the way
[01:17]<Viperone> oooo  a pre-nup?
[01:18]<lonewolf> lol
[01:18]<lordziggy> basically says suz can castrate him any time she wants
[01:18]<lordziggy> in the nicest possible way
[01:18]<Skorg> standard deal then
[01:18]<Viperone> rofl
[01:18]<lordziggy> where is he
[01:18]<lonewolf> lol
[01:19]<lordziggy> dont be scared
[01:19]<Viperone> looks behind his neon pink siege blocks...nope not hiding there
[01:19]<lordziggy> ill take any form of payment, cows, horses, headless orcs
[01:19]<suzie> this is best last min trll wedding twist ever
[01:19]<LeCage> surgery techniques have improved since the Bobbit day's 
[01:19]<Toki> Lol nope
[01:19]<lordziggy> sign here
[01:19]<lordziggy> ready 
[01:20]<suzie> take the dick clause out
[01:20]<suzie> i'm classy
[01:20]<TooFarOrc> I thought the wife kept those from the wedding on...
[01:20]<Toki> I had a busy week at work and now I blasted with a prenup and anullment...
[01:20]<suzie> he just can't have any of my stuff
[01:20]<lordziggy> ok then just the gold
[01:20]<Viperone> weeeeee!! grabs his formal tinfoil hat and puts it on...partyyy time
[01:20]<LeCage> nope they are presented to her after the divorce settlement
[01:20]*suzie she said in a voice that sounded like a hoarders episode
[01:20]<Toki> hells no gold for anyone 
[01:20]<lordziggy> either way ill take it
[01:21]<lordziggy> bahahahahaha
[01:21]<suzie> omg rofl.
[01:21]<lonewolf> lol
[01:21]<suzie> ceremony. ever.
[01:21]<lordziggy> ok sign on the condition i get the gold or can take it
[01:21]<Toki> Got no gold to take either 
[01:21]<lordziggy> hahahaha
[01:22]<suzie> and tfg went and paid to watch the paperview fight bwhahaha
[01:22]<TooFarOrc> Boxing match starte, watching people abuse each other in game and on TV. 
[01:22]<lordziggy> pulls out the normal prenup the other one way just a trick
[01:22]<suzie> LOL i said it before u could
[01:22]<lordziggy> ok so sign away
[01:22]<suzie> i repeat, ever.
[01:22]<Toki> well... Looks like wedding is off. Laters everyone!
[01:23]<suzie> LMAO
[01:23]<lordziggy> quick we need a stand in

