

Elf Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Elf Male Character Portrait

Dear reader of my profile

I would like to keep a friendly "relationship" with my new or present illyriad neighbours. My goal here is to live in peace, build, trade and if necessary defend my Principality in BL. I have (for now) no desire to settle in Elgea. As a member of the “Indomiti” alliance my first action will be Diplomacy. I am open to discussion.

Helpful sites: arcanum-illyria (wiki), Illyriad Institute (site), Warmongering in Illyriad ( Military Blog), Illy Stuff (site), Illyriad forums (Forums of game itself)

Feel free to ask through sending an IGM about the following below: 1), 2), 3), 4), 5), 6), 7),8),9).10), 11)

1) Order of sending Ruthorian Cotters: Updated 3/09/2017 17:22; As from now xx/xx2014 xx:xx. If I send cotters in your "sovereignty" or X square range please just send a IGM (In game mail)to arrange an diplomatic agreement from person to person. If this does not work or you prefer the alliance to alliance diplomatic approach please IGM me then. This is a specialized player made 5 square harvest rule.

2) To Harvest, Mine And Skin: Updated 10/05/2023 17:33; As from now 29/08/2014 13:04. I would appreciate if you would contacting me if you want to harvest, mine, skin any resource (mineral, herb, skin, salts, skystones) in the 5 square radiance/ range near my town(s), excluding (= without counting) the Square of my town(s). As a member of a peaceful alliance my first action while be Diplomacy. I am open to discussion. This is a specialized player made 5 square harvest rule.

3) Right of Announced Harvesting of Basic resources: Updated 03/09/2017 xx:xx; As from now 14/07/2015 17:53. I want you to know that I allow people harvesting Basic resources on NON-Sovereignty Square's IF you are yellow/ orange (Neutral), Bright Yellow (NAP) in blue (Confederation) if you send a mail every time you want to harvest. Just Let me know if you are going to harvest. Alliance's in war with (IND) or any allies their caravans will be removed by bumping with caravans. If you truly want to harvest there just send an IGM. This is a specialized player made 5 square harvest rule.

4) Gentlemans settling agreement: Updated 10/05/2023 17:53  As from now xx/xx/xxxx. No settling (including Tenaril and Exodus) within the 5 square radius near my town. (My town square doesn't count.) My goal is to make a peaceful Princedom so I would like to have some room to have some sovereignty. If you have a question about it send an IGM (In Game Mail). This is a personalized version of the player made 10 square rule.

5) Maximum Armory Act: Updated 10/10/2016 20:37; As from now 29/11/2016 19:00: The maximum crafted weapons and armor I sell are a 100. This can change in the future. Some Crafted items are more expansive sold because some of the materials required are not native to Glanhad.

 6) Ruthorian City Influence Act: Updated 01/06/2020 17:30; As from now 23/1/2017 20:06: All herbs, grapes, skystones and minerals; except (although De jure)  456/-3196 within 5 squares are considered in my cities range. These are mostly claimed with sovereignty. All Hides, anatomies and salts within 5 squares are considered in my cities range. The hunted beast(s) should be protected by a camped army. I keep my scouting/Battle reports as reminder when I hunt(mostly for myself). If you truly want to harvest there just send an IGM. I  make exceptions to! . This is a specialized player made 5 square harvest rule.

7) Right of Harvesting: Updated 06/10/2017 18:23:15; As from now 23/1/2017 20:35: Unless protected by an army everything outside my city range (5 squares excluding city square) is in lawless" teritory regarding harvesting (To Harvest, Mine And Skin, Right of Announced Harvesting of Basic resources, Ruthorian City Influence Act does not count there). I try to avoid bumping with harvesters (Cotters, miners, etc.) This is a specialized player made 5 square harvest rule.

 8) Harvest Watch patrol: Updated 11/11/2018 20:56; As from now 6/4/2017 17:26: On a regular base Squares that are in my cities 5 square radius and are sovereign squares with either, herbs, minerals (including the rare ones) are going to be camped with a specialized army. People who are harvesting before the date are left unharmed. This is a specialized player made 5 square harvest rule.

 9) Gentleman’s overharvesting agreement: Updated 03/09/2017 17:27; As from now 6/4/2017 17:40: I want a mail if you are interested in overharvesting a Herbs (including rare) in my 5 square radius of my cities that is not on sovereignty. See for more information on sovreigned protected herbs with nr8, nr 2. This is a specialized player made 5 square harvest rule.

 10) USQ Har’Borra: 3 SQ of the Peninsula: Updated 24/03/2020 19:40; As from now 16/4/2017 19:36; The squares -126/-1690 -126/-1691,-126/-1692 because of lack of value for settling (1 square is a volcano) and opportunity for any city to have sovereignty, these unowned Squares near Harborran Influence are made no settling zone. Harvesting is allowed because . 7) Right of hunting is in use for these squares. -126/-1690 -126/-1691,-126/-1692.This an extension of my personalized version of the player made 10 square rule.

11) Ruthoria: Updated 16/04/2020 17:52; As from now Officially 7/8/2017 15:17, The official name for all my cities is "The Principality of Ruthoria", led by Prince Ruthor Head of House Ruthor, Member of Indomitia. The moto of Ruthoria is: Even in times of darkness we stil have faith! 

11A) Where Nr. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 ,7, 8, and 9 come in effect: Added on 25/12/2018: Nr 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9 are in effect in both my cities in Glanhad and Jurgor.

11C The Cities: Lith. founded at 4 march 2014 and located at SQ -140/-1676, Rmr. founded at 5 July 2014 and located at SQ -140/-1682, Acà. founded at 27 August 2014 and located at SQ-145/-1680, Mr- Mr founded at 21 October 2014 and located at SQ-151/-1684, Palce founded at 1 January 2015 and located at SQ -144/-1670, Apla founded at 1 March 2015 and located at SQ -143/-1676, Gsa.founded at 7 August 2015 and located at SQ 451/-3194, Har'b at 20 April 2016 and located at SQ -132/-1692, Mr founded at 8 august 2022 and located at SQ -149/-1655, X) founded at * (X) **** and located at SQ -****/-****. You may use the term Ruthorian cities to describe all of my cities.

11B and 11D and 11 E are removed since 16/04/2020 All named in section 11 "Ruthoria" is for for naming purpose only!!

I am proud to be part of the alliance INDOMITI [IND]. May we be prosperous and live in peace.

Sincerely Ruthor
