

Dwarf Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Dwarf Male Character Portrait

Baldrick Dungshoveleux Esquire


Baldrick is a major trader and harvester.

If he sov's it, it means he thinks it's his and harvesting without permission will result in a response.

If he marks it with an army, it means it's his.  For animal remains, it means he killed it.  Harvesting without permission will result in a response.

If he doesn't mark anatomies with an army, he might still have killed it, and will probably bump you off of it fairly quickly if he did kill it.

Any mine, herb, or anatomy is fair game if it is more than 5.0 squares from a city or it is isn't sov'd or occupied.  As it is impossible to know who killed what before setting out on a harvesting mission, you may find him there first before you, particularly if a kill has been left for several days without being marked or harvested.  He has no objection to being bumped.  His suggestion is to set your destroying armies to occupy which is really attack and occupy.  This will prevent confusion.

Baldrick generally bumps other harvesters and has never killed them (yet)*.  If Baldrick sees his harvesters being regularly destroyed he reserves the right to respond.  

He is a fair man.  A little dim maybe, but fair and equitable none the less.

*This rule was broken in February 2016 when an experienced player was caught mining rare minerals on Baldrick's sov'd mine without permission - with 152 miners.  He sent the miners back to the player in a box - a very big one.


Baldrick is always ready to make you an offer for whole inventories, not just the stuff he usually buys and sells (rare minerals, rare herbs, and anatomies). In the past he has bought 10's or 100's of thousands of items. It's the way he gets hold of things like Soul Forged Blades.  His on hand cash resources are generally 15 billion plus or minus. His stock levels are in this profile. Sale and Repurchase finance can be arranged by IGM.


Trader Build Costs: 5 horses, 10 books, ** wine barrels and 5,000 gold per trader.

Trader Maintenance costs: 30 gold/hr or 720 gold per day.  However, trade research topics can reduce this by up to 50%.

The horses, books and gold costs are fixed, no matter how many traders you have.

The wine barrels are variable and follow the series: 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89... and so on.  Trader no 12 confirmed to require 89 barrels of wine. no 13=144b, no14=233b, no15=377b, no16=610b.  Baldrick could get to 16 traders from the 11 he has now. no17=987b or 1b gold or 1 prestige tome or £50.

Each barrel of wine requires 3,960 grapes and requires a brewery level 2 having the brewing and wine making research in the questing research tree.  Grapes are classed as herbs and are harvested by cotters using the cotter and grape picking research in the trade research tree.  Cottages are built via the city map and cotters are recruited via the train trade units screen.

In summary, it is possible to have LOTS of traders, its just that they get very expensive to make (not to maintain).  The main limitation isn't really monetary but time.   However, if you have money, it is quicker to buy the wine (and often cheaper too).


Faithfully written down and recorded by Edmund, his Scribe.


Label Minimum Maximum
Few 1 3
Handful 4 8
Several 9 21
Pack 22 81
Many 82 128
Gathering 129 227
Horde 228 462
Throng 463 815
Host 816 2,500
Legion 2,501 9,999
Myriad 10,000 24,999
Sea 25,000 49,999
Cornucopia 50,000 -



Baldrick is proud to announce that he has achieved stockpiles of:-

Items September 2024 April 2023 Difference
Basic 362,910,952 363,482,952 -572,000
Crafted Armour 71,570 74,357 -2,787
Crafted Bows 34,802 35,598 -796
Crafted Horses 69,097 73,708 -4,611
Crafted Spears 67,438 67,389 49
Crafted Swords 67,058 66,849 209
Elemental salts 13,278 14,284 -1,006
Exotics 332,256 334,160 -1,904
Herbs 481,055 481,055 0
Hides 283,220 260,080 23,140
Minerals 1,047,074 1,111,443 -64,369
Prestige Library 80 79 1
Produced 29,219,858 24,385,335 4,834,523
Rare Anatomies 1,042,292 960,617 81,675
Rare Herbs 1,931,478 1,841,712 89,766
Rare Minerals 2,842,030 2,681,033 160,997
Tentacles 911 466 445
Wine 1,760 1,750 10
Grand Total 400,416,209 401,424,240 4,543,342

Rankings don't really matter that much to me anymore and I don't do trades just to keep my ranking, partly because they can be easily manipulated using alts and sat accounts.

02/06/2019 = 3,640 non zero accounts global rankings

19/06/2019 = 3,611 non zero accounts global rankings

26/06/2019 = 3,611 non zero accounts global rankings

29/07/2019 = 3,484 non zero accounts global rankings

07/08/2019 = 3,456 non zero accounts global rankings

16/08/2019 = 3,424 non zero accounts global rankings

25/08/2019 = 3,408 non zero accounts global rankings

12/09/2019 = 3,370 non zero accounts global rankings

23/09/2019 = 3,370 non zero accounts global rankings

22/10/2019 = 3,258 non zero accounts global rankings

14/11/2019 = 3,196 non zero accounts global rankings

29/11/2019 = 3,184 non zero accounts global rankings

08/03/2020 = 3,324 non zero accounts global rankings

31/03/2020 = 3,263 non zero accounts global rankings

12/06/2020 = 3,303 non zero accounts global rankings

23/07/2020 = 3,280 non zero accounts global rankings

30/11/2020 = 3,300 non zero accounts global rankings - amazing holding up over the last 12 months.

14/03/2021 = 3,255 non zero accounts global rankings

19/12/2021 = 3,017 non zero accounts global rankings

23/01/2022 = 2,956 non zero accounts global rankings

13/03/2022 = 2,947 non zero accounts global rankings

19/06/2022 = 2,900 non zero accounts global rankings

27/07/2022 = 2,854 non zero accounts global rankings

08/10/2022 = 2,810 non zero accounts global rankings

26/01/2023 = 2,782 non zero accounts global rankings

02/04/2023 = 2,793 non zero accounts global rankings

23/11/2023 = 2,602 non zero accounts global rankings

15/09/2024 = 2,484 non zero accounts global rankings
