

Human Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Human Male Character Portrait

[07:13]Biff Because you know why. You are just a politician. Not a player.

[07:14]Kodabear YES i always wanted to be a politician

[07:15]Kodabear I will get elected and get thing change. MAKE ILLY GREAT AGAIN!!!!


The fingerprints of koala bears are virtually indistinguishable from those of humans, so much so that they can be easily confused at a crime scene.


11 Jan 04:25]<Grug> I'm trying to go for an approach that doesn't just spoon-feed locations to live but rather impart the information you'll need to find cities on your own.
[11 Jan 04:25]<Metzger> teach a man to fish....
[11 Jan 04:25]<doomer5> heh, conquering is where im thinking
[11 Jan 04:25]<doomer5> can you conquer in this game?
[11 Jan 04:26]<Grug> ^ bingo. Give a man fire and he'll be warm for a night but SET a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
[11 Jan 04:26]<Metzger> lol
[11 Jan 04:26]<doomer5> lol
[11 Jan 04:26]<Grug> I'm pretty sure that's how it goes. If not I have a lot of burnt coprses to explain.
[11 Jan 04:27]<Grug> Koda's going to come back to see a pile of charred new players and me with a lighter saying "Look, I'm teaching!"

[01:40]<Kumomoto> On the fifth anniversary of T?, I want to recognize Starry for founding T?. T? was the very first training alliance. It was Starry's vision that created this concept of a training alliance that is outside of any politics or war that is purely for the good of the new players. Many others have done amazing jobs following this model, but T? was the prototype and Starry was the Henry Ford who created it... I think we all owe her a debt of gratitude for doing so when none existed prior in Illy. It was largely due to this concept of protecting newbies that we have the game culture we have. Obviously it is the espousal of this philosophy by so many that caused this, but it is right and proper to give credit where credit is due to the founder of the first training alliance, T?... Here's to you Starry!!!!!

[23:33]<Kodabear ***BREAKING NEWS*** To honor those who have died in the battle with the EVIL bears the next 48 hours. some of the name who died to the EVIL bears are Urp and wink and BlackBloodedChampion and Elessar Sáralondë and many more

Magic bear interview

[00:06]<EvilBanking7> kodabear has magic, and I love hearing how that magic empowers and protects his bears

[23:57]<Urp the Hand Some> Koda is Mrs Urp's favorite player. Which is why they are never allowed to meet irl.




made by Artefore






made by Sonorous

02:57]<Wartow> Pluto, I see you've already met the fine Kodabear fellow here in GC. Next you will experience confusing references to magical bears, chocolate, and clay. Resist the temptation for at least a week to ask why this happens. Get to know these odd people and investigate their alliances. Tell them you will consider joining if they give you lots of good free stuff.




[20:25]<heårtless> yeah SC does using bear magic count as cheating? 

[20:26]<GM Stormcrow> Bear magic does indeed confer unusual, and often unknowable advantages. But the advantages are so mysterious and subtle that they don't count as cheating.


[05:56]<GM Stormcrow
> Magic bears are, indeed, awesome 
[06:12]*GM Stormcrow [DEVS] is a proud "GM Bear"
07:10]<GM Stormcrow [DEVS]> Brown Bears Count 5,003 InMotion 61 Units 660,072 Merges 232,705 Splits 100,737 Grows 1,770,343 Moves 4,628,507 Combats 224,883 Spawns 314,037 Decisions 15,182,160 MaxGroup 1,884 Since 26/04/2012 16:05:23 Reason Growth
GM Stormcrow [DEVS]> There ya go... 

GM Stormcrow [DEVS]> A small insight into how brown bears have behaved as a group :_

GM Stormcrow [DEVS]> Yup - a single group won't go over 1,884 - but two (or more) groups could move to the same square and decide that they like each other... and then merge and form a supergroup
[07:14]<GM Stormcrow [DEVS]> Basically the "One Direction" of Bears 
[06:52]<Whakomatic> the bears are running amok!
[06:53]<Gran Pays> It's because Koda has made Illy such a great place for bears to settle without fear of persecution.
[07:38]<Ranger> Hey Koda, what are you studying?
[07:39]<Deborahhe> He's a Bear Scout
[07:39]<Ranger> Haha
[07:39]<Ranger> Ursinology
[07:39]<Deborahhe> yup. that's it
[07:39]<Deborahhe> arcane Ursinology
[07:40]<Ranger> LOL there you go!
[07:40]<Deborahhe> Actually, he's going for his MBA...Masters in Bear Administration
[07:40]<Martilicious> nice one Koda, getting As
[07:41]<Ranger> Masters in Bear Arcana
[07:42]<Ranger> I think we have just constructed his Bear CV
[07:42]<Deborahhe> Indeed.
[07:43]<Martilicious> I once made an Evony CV lol
[07:43]<Martilicious> was awesome!
[07:43]<Kodabear> lol sry doing something
[07:43]<Ranger> lol
[07:43]<Ranger> We have you covered Koda
[07:43]<Ranger> We answered for you
[07:43]<Deborahhe> studying for his final in Pawsitive Psychology
[07:43]<Smoking GNU> woof?
[07:44]<Deborahhe> Writing his paper on the effects of Grizzle Down Economics
[07:44]<Ranger> Studying Bearometrics
[07:45]<heårtless> alot of pink
[07:45]<Deborahhe> Interested in Early Depandancy theory
[07:47]<Smoking GNU>
[07:47]<Deborahhe> Studying the history of Spanish Conquistabears and their interaction with Native Abearicans
[07:47]<Ranger> Reading the Polarbearity of Electrons
[07:47]<Lancer Diamante> hi
[07:48]<Victus> omg
[07:48]<Ranger> Hi Lancer
[07:48]<Deborahhe> Hello Lancer
[07:48]<Victus> what has happened to GC
[07:48]<Lancer Diamante> hi raanger
[07:48]<Deborahhe> lol Vic
[07:48]<Deborahhe> it was a running bear battle
[07:48]<Ranger> Deb and I are writing magic bear cv's
[07:48]<Deborahhe> bears at 20 paces
[07:48]<Josh> it has been Bearified
[07:48]<Ranger> Not a battle, a collaboration
[07:48]<Deborahhe> Bearily I say!
[07:49]<Kodabear> welcome to illy Lancer Diamante
[07:49]<Ranger> Collabearation
[07:49]<Smoking GNU> i think i've found koda:
[07:49]<Smoking GNU>
[07:49]<Kodabear> Lancer Diamante You will receive many gifts from the fine folks in GC, as well as invitations to join their alliances. Resist the temptation for at least a week! Get to know them, and investigate their alliances. Read their summary pages. And have FUNN!!!! 
[07:49]<Josh> how do i become a bear again?
[07:50]<Martilicious> DON'T ASK!
[07:50]<Deborahhe> Koda, you really missed some beariness should scroll up
[07:50]<Kodabear> i was watching it all
[07:50]<Ranger> lol
[07:51]<Kodabear> you guys are showing up as pink so hard to miss
[07:51]<Ranger> Deborahhe I just met you and you're one of my favorite people
[07:51]<Josh> why not Marti?
[07:51]<Deborahhe> lol. why thank you Ranger
[07:51]<Kodabear> Lancer Diamante i sent you some great newbie guides in a message i also sent some res. I also recommend that you level up Storehouse and set your taxes in your Castle to 0%
[07:51]<Lancer Diamante> Just asking but is any one here a dog lover
[07:52]<Martilicious> because if you ask Josh you won't get invited
[07:52]<Martilicious> not me LD
[07:52]<Lancer Diamante> thanks kodabear
[07:52]<Ranger> I have a dog that I love
[07:52]<Josh> awww

From a post that was deleted that by Ellibear

One time, Koda was waiting out back for me behind the school with a lock in a sock.  Well I thought it was a lock in a sock.  It was really a bag of Skittles.  He beat me until I was unrecognizable.  Well I thought he was going to, but really he just offered me candy.  Then he grew 99ft tall and called me a Jello people.  I think he was saying I was fat.  Well I think that's just his way of saying hi, but anyways my jeans were a little tight that day.  But yeah, Koda is awful. 



GM Stormcrow> I'm still completely in awe of the first magic bear story on the forum. Some essence of greatness is clearly visible.

For funniest, I went with Kodabear. His is just... magical. The thing is that the bear shoots magic and it's just stupid funny. I love this. 50 Prestige and a medal to the account.


Trader spreadsheet

kodabears Playerspotlight.

Please dont ask to be a magic bear.

If you ask I wont make you into a magic bear.

Requirements to Settle each City
# Settlers Population
2nd 1 450
3rd 2 2,000
4th 3 5,000
5th 4 10,000
6th 5 20,000
7th 6 40,000
8th 7 75,000
9th 8 130,000
10th 9 233,550




made by Haldier




made by Eliieh

The ranks of the magic bears

rank 12 Cub   12 illy magic bears are this rank:   Eons Berde  Farynn Tink XX The Unkown Corgak Duran Tater LunaRista SkyBreaker

rank 11 Squire 4 illy  magic bear are this rank: ,

rank 10 Knight   1 illy  magic bear is this rank: AJJ 

rank 9  First Knight  3 illy  magic bear are this rank:   Rill, dantem, CodyTheBard, Angrim, Haldier DreadedMan Burll, Trenalith Strongtear, Sisren,Gran Pays ,dantem, Manannan, SirTwist,  Elessar Sáralondë, BlackBloodedChampion,  Sat1, Trappist, Kojootti, Arctic55, Kanut Sexy Lynn, chetan, Olaf The Mean, Mudd-Slinger, Gimli Son of Groin, Durotan Erista Filthy Orc Thibbledorf Pwent TheDiva vanerin rfp WarBoy dhazard Fiona  DePaul wink

rank 8 Legionnaire   1 illy  magic bear is this rank:   mohit9006, sillygirl-2, LadyLuvs, Ellieh

rank 7 Centurion ,  MicroMe,Pellinell, Nikon, EvilKatia. Chris G Phoenixfire,Captain Kindly 

rank 6 Champion  3  illy  magic bear is this rank: Urp 

rank 5  Lieutenant Commander

rank 4 Commander  1  illy  magic bear is this rank:   

rank 3 High Commander Aziza Habibte,  Artefore,  

rank 2 High King 1 illy  magic bear is this rank : heårtless, Jane DarkMagic Starry

rank 1 Lord of the Magic Bears 1 illy  magic bear is this rank :Kodabear


Special ranks

Rank Lord Chocolate bear ghannima

Rank Great magic bear Duck Lyken

Rank Lord Cookiebear Sa'Belle

Rank GM bears GM Rikoo, GM ThunderCat CerberusIllyriad GM Luna King Sigurd of Illyria GM Stormcrow

Rank Magic dragon bear, FluffTheMagicDragon

Rank Drop bear Martilicious

Rank coderbear Digioso 

Rank  Skittlesbear Lagavulin 

Rank Pizza bear TeddyTeddy

rank Director of the Federal Bear of Investigation Urp the Hand Some

made by Ellieh

Made by Ellieh


made by Artefore

Magic bears hate bear skin rug




This is what will come after you if you have a bear skin rug


enhance by Artefore




[04:10]<Urp> I imagine Kodabear as an actual brown bear. I would ship him a beehive or some salmon as a present.
[04:10]<Evae> honey - he will love that
[04:10]<Rill> what a great idea!


[00:10]<Rockette> this is like his personal shrine where we all worship the Bear ;D



everyone want the bear

pie song


9/9/2013 4:59 kodabear /me give everyone pizza

9/9/2013 4:59 Lagavulin Pizza!

9/9/2013 4:59 Magic Toad enjoy it virtually while i enjoy it physically

9/9/2013 5:0 Lagavulin ePizza is only two letters short of eatPizza. so it must be nearly as good

[05:06]*kodabear give everyone cake

[05:06]<Lagavulin> thank you koda, don't mind if I do

[05:06]<Sa'Belle> Oh koda. Now I really, really like you

[05:06]*Sa'Belle stamp koda with "Property of eCrow"

[05:06]*Victus thanks Koda

[05:07]<kodabear> yay yay everyone loves the bear

[05:07]<Angrim> koda bear. hmmm.

[05:07]<Lagavulin> Belle, no poaching. He might prefer to come to mCrow after T?. Can't just call him for eCrow

[05:07]<Sa'Belle> Yes I can

[05:07]<Nikon> he'll come to T-O!

[05:07]<Jane DarkMagic> i claim belle then

[05:07]*Jane DarkMagic stamps belle with mcrow

[05:08]<Sa'Belle> JANE

[05:08]<kodabear> maybe i dont want to be in cows

[05:08]<Victus> /em waves at Jane

[05:08]<Jane DarkMagic> hi vic

[05:08]<Lyken> someone say cows?


[05:08]<Sa'Belle> Minor detail, koda

[05:08]<Victus> lol Lyken


[05:08]<Lagavulin> not want to be crow? sniff

[05:08]<Angrim> kodabear is a bear with a...longer-than-usual tail?

[05:08]<kodabear> lol dont fight over the bear

[05:09]<Nikon> there should be a cows many 4 and 20 black birds...

[05:09]<Lyken> Murder of Cows is still on the table...

[05:09]<Jane DarkMagic> Murder of Cows(STEAK)

9/9/2013 5:9 Victus tiny steaks

9/9/2013 5:9 Angrim oh. it's a disney reference...?

9/9/2013 5:10 kodabear /me give everyone ice cream

9/9/2013 5:10 Lagavulin but I rather like 4 and 20 Blackbirds (PIE)

9/9/2013 5:10 Victus Koda is fattening us up for the slaughter


a few days later


[04:57]<Artefore> koda you should join T-O when you graduate

[04:57]<Artefore> wed love to have you

[04:59]<Sa'Belle> I already stamped him, Arte

[04:59]<Artefore> darn

[04:59]*Sa'Belle beats Arte off with a cookie stick


[04:59]<Artefore> and another one joins the crows

[04:59]<Artefore> and another one gone...


[05:00]<Chris G> ahh Sa'Belle,,, my recruitment nemesis

[05:00]<Artefore> and now i have that stuck in my head

[05:01]<Sa'Belle> Hehehe

[05:05]<Artefore> join us koda... come to the east side

[05:05]<Artefore> well, ecrow is there too

[05:05]<Artefore> nvm

[05:05]<Artefore> bye

[05:05]*Lyken waves.

[05:05]<kodabear> lol bye

[05:05]<Sa'Belle> Good koda, wasting time before work

[05:06]<Chris G> no,,, join the Fellowship

[05:06]<kodabear> what if i still in T?

[05:06]<kodabear> stay


[05:07]<Sa'Belle> Then all of Illy will be sad, except for T?, who will be overjoyed


[05:17]<Artefore> kodabear walks into a bar and says to the bartender, "id like a beer...............and some peanuts." the bartender looks up and says, "why the big paws?"

[17:06]*Pellinell steals Koda's pizza and runs back to AC


[17:07]<Krzesimir> and thus began the great pizza war

[17:07]*kodabear sneak in Pellinell's ac and take his pizza back

[17:07]<Pellinell> lol


[19:35]*Auraya huggles BBC
[19:35]<Auraya> It was just on DnD Sliv
[19:35]<Globe Master> BBCs mine food..get away morons
[19:35]<BlackBloodedChampion> owwww, thanks gnu but i SAID FACE!
[19:35]<Smoking GNU> that's cause THIS is CNN, bbc
[19:35]<Sliveen> hmmm, i havent played DnD in ages
[19:35]<Kodabear> lol
[19:35]<BlackBloodedChampion> hugs koda's tongue
[19:36]<Globe Master> bites BBC toes...
[19:36]<BlackBloodedChampion> well its nice knowing you all
[19:36]<BlackBloodedChampion> but im going to be eaten alive
[19:36]<Smoking GNU> by a Grue?
[19:36]<DaFuMiquel> well its strange rolling in GC and reading this from BBC 
[19:36]*Kodabear spits out BBC into the sun
[19:37]<BlackBloodedChampion> *tries to run away*
[19:37]<Kodabear> hey DaFu how are you
[19:38]<DaFuMiquel> doing fine
[19:38]<Sliveen> gah!! according to my calculations the city needs to fall much much faster
[19:38]*Kodabear runs after BBC
[19:38]<BlackBloodedChampion> *throws sponge at koda*
[19:39]<Kodabear> are you razing Sliveen?
[19:39]<Sliveen> need some help taking that city down.
[19:39]<Sliveen> yes im going to raze it
[19:39]<Smoking GNU> those poor people
[19:39]<Taron> according to my calculations we are all going to die a horrible death!
[19:39]<BlackBloodedChampion> i need somone to raze one of my towns if anyone intrested
[19:39]*Taron loves futurama
[19:40]<BlackBloodedChampion> same taron
[19:40]<Kodabear> lol
[19:40]<Kodabear now I have to watch it
[19:41]<BlackBloodedChampion> aww poor koda
[19:41]<BlackBloodedChampion> now go shoo!
[19:41]<System> ** News Flash: Planck's [H?]small city of Planck City is now under siege byRunestone's [DARK] huge city of Western Field
[19:41]<BlackBloodedChampion> i might be safe now
[19:41]<Sliveen> anyone wanna help seige my alts capital?
[19:42]*Kodabear throws fireballs at BBC
[19:42]<BlackBloodedChampion> pisses himself*
[19:43]<BlackBloodedChampion> well that solved the proplem
[19:43]<Zenorra> rofl
[19:43]*Kodabear throws iceballs at BBC
[19:44]<learski the brave> yo dafumiquel
[19:44]<BlackBloodedChampion> great, dont think wee will help this time
[19:45]<Kodabear> lol
[19:46]<BlackBloodedChampion> throws pie at koda*
[19:46]*Kodabear throws bombs at BBC
[19:46]<BlackBloodedChampion> thows water at bomb*
[19:47]<Kodabear> bomb filled with ice cream
[19:47]<BlackBloodedChampion> throws the nearest dwarf at koda
[19:47]<BlackBloodedChampion> damn 
[19:48]*Kodabear throws suns at BBC
[19:48]<BlackBloodedChampion> throws sea at koda
[19:49]*Kodabear throws worlds at BBC
[19:49]<BlackBloodedChampion> throws black holes at koda
[19:50]<Skydoesminecraft> Hi
[19:50]<Kodabear> lol
[19:50]<Skydoesminecraft> How ya doing
[19:50]<BlackBloodedChampion> damn sky, we are having a epic battle here
[19:50]<Zcool> hello
[19:50]*Kodabear throw pants at BBC
[19:50]<Skydoesminecraft> Hi
[19:51]<BlackBloodedChampion> throws ... i dunno poop at koda
[19:51]<Skydoesminecraft> You donut talk to me like that
[19:51]<Skydoesminecraft> Here comes deadlox
[19:51]*Kodabear teleports the poop back at BBC
[19:51]<Zcool> I think the black holes win... lol
[19:51]<BlackBloodedChampion> ergh
[19:52]*Zenorra tosses BBC a poop deflector.
[19:52]<BlackBloodedChampion> *teleports worlds at koda*
[19:52]<BlackBloodedChampion> grabs the poop deflector and uses it*
[19:52]<System> ** News Flash: Finnicky (Abandoned)'s city of 4. Kazad Gorog is now under siege by Mooaka's [vCrow] huge city ofMiccosukee
[19:53]*Kodabear telepots black holes at BBC
[19:53]<BlackBloodedChampion> turns the poop deflector into a black hole bounce ray
[19:53]*Zenorra gives Koda a potato launcher
[19:54]<BlackBloodedChampion> leaps at potato launcher
[19:54]*Zenorra giggles
[19:54]<Sliveen> growls.... who stole my spud launcher?
[19:55]<BlackBloodedChampion> missed
[19:55]<Zenorra> ooops! *runs and hides*
[19:55]*Kodabear use the potato launcher at BBC
[19:55]*Trenalith Strongtear blinks at the weapon choices floating around.
[19:55]<BlackBloodedChampion> hides behind tren
[19:56]*Trenalith Strongtear re-lurks to take himself out of the line of fire.
[19:56]<Maegary> lol - throws in a spinning ward to protect tren
[19:57]<BlackBloodedChampion> dodges spuds and whips out his miniture death ray ... no not what your thinking you dirty minded freaks
[19:57]<Sliveen> frowns, then grins slyly.... wubba wubba.. youz all gon get it nowz
[19:57]<Zenorra> blinks at BBC from the shadows
[19:57]<System> ** News Flash: Thes Hunter's city of New Er Huntila is now under siege by Dlaeni's [EFP] huge city of Lemis Abannon
[19:57]*Kodabear cast a spell to bring billions of little green army men to life and sends tham after BBC
[19:57]<Maegary> whoop whoop go Dlaeni!
[19:58]<BlackBloodedChampion> cast a spell that brings billions of bogy soldiers to attack the miniture soldiers
[19:58]<Smoking GNU>
[19:58]<Sliveen> drags her extra large potato launchers out and carefully places ripe pumpkins and watermells in them
[19:58]<Smoking GNU> O_o
[19:58]<BlackBloodedChampion> go snot monsters
[19:58]<-Che-> Uncle Pong is here Merry Christmas ho ho ho
[19:58]<-Che-> Here comes Santa Claus, Here comes Santa Claus, Right down Santa Claus Lane, Vixen and Blitzen and all his reindeer Pullin' on the reins. Bells are ringin', children singin', All is merry and bright. So hang your stockings and say your prayers, 'Cause Santa Claus comes tonight.
[19:58]<BlackBloodedChampion> uses che as a shield
[19:59]<-Che-> well maybe not tonite lol
[19:59]*Kodabear sends really big cats after BBC
[19:59]<BlackBloodedChampion> thats what i thought
[20:00]<BlackBloodedChampion> send huge dogs at koda
[20:00]<BlackBloodedChampion> why we fighting anyway?
[20:00]<Sliveen> plants rotten tomatoes onto burning arrows and twines pasta in front of fletching, then lfres away!!!
[20:01]*Kodabear throws TVs at BBC
[20:01]<-Che-> googles ifres
[20:01]<Kodabear> lol BBC idk
[20:01]<BlackBloodedChampion> throws sky boxes at koda
[20:02]<BlackBloodedChampion> well i better go byeeee y'all
[20:02]<-Che-> laters BBC
[20:02]*Kodabear rains fire over BBC
[20:02]*Smoking GNU nukes GC from orbit
[20:02]<Smoking GNU> it was the only way to be sure
[20:02]<Kodabear bye BBC
[20:03]<Kodabear> lol GNU
[20:03]<lsxrule> Thinking abot having a grape sale, anybody want to buy them all if i have an xmas sale
[20:03]<Maegary> lol
[20:04]<Maegary> I'll be interested
[20:04]<lsxrule> all or nothing if i drop the price
[20:04]<Maegary> all
[20:04]<Maegary> how many you got
[20:05]<lsxrule> about 177 000
[20:05]<Maegary> nice
[20:05]<Maegary> igm me price?
[20:05]<Kodabear> I guess the fight is over but it was so much fun
[20:05]<Thunderbum> is GC playing up?
[20:07]*Trenalith Strongtear thinks someone named Thunderbum should be a Dwarf.
[20:07]<Kodabear> can someone copy GC and send it to me
[20:07]<Smoking GNU> or on a steady diet of brussle sprouts
[20:07]<Trenalith Strongtear> lol GNU
[20:07]<Thunderbum> I'm a small elf
[20:07]<Maegary> thunder!
[20:08]<Thunderbum> Mae how you doing?

[19:29]<GM Rikoo> Good, Koda, dig the story!

