

Dwarf Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Dwarf Male Character Portrait

The Maozze is the slurred mouse, holder of black feathers for flying elephants, slapper of stunned cats.

Few know the true identity of the Maozze.  Michael Jackson, Her Majesty the Queen and Mickey Mouse all speak in high squeaky voices, have never been seen together and wear gloves for no apparent reason.  This is not a clue, just a set of coincidences made less relevant by Jackson's death.

The Maozze knows no fear, for only the clever have fear.  The Maozze does, however, cook, and knows better than to handle hot things.

Targetting the Maozze is like kicking puppies.  Fun.  But a higher power will mess you up sooner or later.  Not that the Maozze will notice or even care.

There are gloves to be worn for no apparent reason.






I am a gleaner.  Gleaning is the mediaeval practice of picking over harvested fields and battlefields to find dregs and remainders.  This will only be done by cotters, herbalists, miners, skinners and caravans - it is not a military act.  However, if you want something, guard it.
