
SimplyDivine (Abandoned)

Human Female
Human Female Character Portrait


Please note that ALL diplomatic and military actions initiated by this account were my SOLE responsibility and NOT the action of any alliance, past or present. All of my cities are being transferred to the MOON alliance for recycling and will be defended by the members, friends and allies of MOON. Please refrain from attempting to poach these cities unless you are prepared to vigorously defend your siege squatters.

A Note to my Illy Friends...December 7, 2014

Today in Global Chat, a player joked about being 12 years old. He was given a GC warning by one of the GMs and nothing more. After all the publicity, both in the Illyriad forum and an external gaming forum, explaining why there could be NO exceptions to a player making that kind of statement, I was told by one of those GMs that the context of the player's claims precluded a perma-ban. Given the circumstances surrounding the Moka fiasco, I have decided that I no longer care to be a participant in this type of deception. Double standards have eroded the last vestiges of respect I had for the GMs, and I refuse to show even tacit support for a company without personal integrity. I realize, too, that I am but a small ripple in the ocean that is Illyriad, and the game will go on just fine without me, as it should.

I will be spending a few days tying up loose ends and distributing many of the resources I have accumulated to the wonderful friends I have met over the past three years. I wish all of you the very best in all that you do, but most of all I wish you love.


