

Elf Female
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Elf Female Character Portrait

NPC sizes 
A Few: 3 
A Handful: 7 
Several: 17 
A Pack: 63 
Many: 92 
A Gathering: 194 
A Horde: 343 
A Throng: 771 
A Host: 2273 
A Legion: 5697 (3000-8000) 
A Myriad    10,000    24,999
A Sea    25,000    49,999
A Cornucopia    50,000+    

uses of gems, herbs and animal parts:

Emoticon   NPC Amounts   Population Requirements for Cities


Key Code Label Min Max # Settlers Population
Flag F== Few 1 3      
Wink ;) Handful 4 10 2 1 450
Grin :D Several 9 23 3 2 2,000
Smile :) Pack 22 83 4 3 5,000
Straight :| Many 77 128 5 4 10,000
Frown :( Gathering 140 235 6 5 20,000
Tounge :P Horde 205 481 7 6 40,000
Pirate :ar! Throng 561 823 8 7 75,000
Thumbs Down :-q Host 822 2.5k 9 8 130,000
Thumbs Up :-b Legion 3k 9.9k 10 9 233,550


10k 24.9k      
    Sea 25k 49.9k      
    Cornucopia 50k+        


List of Strategry Guides and interesting Forum Posts and Links

  1. Newbie Start Guides
  1. Quests
  2. Magic
  3. NPCs
  4. Soverignty
  5. Warfare (Attack)
  6. Geography
  7. City Placement
  8. Moving your Capital
  1. Read the newbie guides
    2. Specifically the post by tallica: Newbie Guide (Part 1)
  2. Take the time to find the right Alliance. One with the group you get along with and you communicate well with. Don’t worry about joining early on. You have time.
  3. However, if you do wish to join one “Training Alliances” are a good way to begin. A TA is designed to help you get up to speed and expects that you will move on when you are ready.
  6. In all cases, always come to your alliance for help with res. Requesting basic res in GC when you are a member of an alliance is considered poor form by many.
  7. Never let your food production go negative. If you hit 0 you will regret it. I did.

Population < ~500


  • Lower your tax rate to 0%
  • Building Level Goals
  • Storehouse to L-15 (30k) +
  • Marketplace to L- 5
  • Barracks to L-10
  • Consulate to L-7
  • Library to L-10
  • Mage Tower to L-7
  • Tavern to L-2
  • Brewery to L-1
  • All Basic res plots to L-?
  • Food plots to L-? (Never have negative food)
  • City Track
    • Build Storehouse (IMPORTANT: Build this up quickly and often)
    • Research “Timekeeping” (City) 5 Minutes, 20 Research.
    • Research “Bureaucracy” (City) 40 Minutes, 75 Research.
    • Research “Pioneering” (City) 12 Hours, 1,200 Research.
    • When Storehouse is Level 15
      • Research "Inventory Managment: (City) 12 Hhours, 2,500 Research
      • Build Warehouse (When above research complete).
  • Magic Track
    • Research “Arcana” (Magic) 10 Minutes, 20 Research. Enables Mage Tower
    • Build Mage Tower
    • Research “Runes” (Magic) 2 Hours, 150 Research.
    • Research “Mark of Slaying” (Magic) 3 Hours, 250 Research.
    • Research “Mark of Slaying” (Magic) 3 Hours, 250 Research.
    • Research “Death Rune” (Magic) 5 Hours, 500 Research.
    • Prepare and Cast “Death Rune”
    • Research “Brewing” (Quest) 1 Hour, 20 Research.
  • Quest Track
    • Research Brewing
    • Build Brewery
    • Research “Bartending” (Quest) 45 Minutes, 50 Research.
    • Build Tavern to L-2
    • Research “Trade Contacts” (Quest) 1 Hour, 20 Research.
    • Research “Diplomatic Contacts” (Quest) 2 Hours, 50 Research.
    • Research “Negotiation” (Diplomacy) 20 Minutes, 20 Research.
  • Diplomacy Track
    • Research Negotiation
    • Build Consulate to L-5
    • Research “Finesse” (Diplomacy) 2 Hours, 50 Research.
    • Research “Espionage” (Diplomacy) 6 Hours, 250 Research.
    • Research “Spymaster” (Diplomacy) 9 Hours, 500 Research.
    • Build 50 Advanced Spies
    • Research “Scouting” (Diplomacy) 20 Minutes, 50 Research.
    • Research “Master Scouts” (Diplomacy) 6 Hours, 150 Research.
    • Build 50 Advanced Scouts
  • Trade Track
    • Basics
      • Research “Haggling” (Trade) 4 Minutes, 20 Research.
      • Build Marketplace
      • Research “Bartering” (Trade) 2 Hours, 150 Research.
      • Research “Trading” (Trade) 6 Hours, 500 Research.
      • Build 20 Caravans
      • Go forth and gather
    • Advanced
      • Research “Cotters” (Trade) 30 Minutes, 75 Research.
      • Build several cottages
      • Build several cotters (1 per cottage)
      • Research “Foraging” (Trade) 4.5 Hours, 300 Research.
      • Gather basic res (herbs, animal parts, minerals)

Interesting Links.

  1. Incomplete History of Illy
  2. A good crafting page
  3. Google doc spreadsheet with lots of info.
  4. The Illypedia
  5. Illytools Google Link
  6. Forum post on account removal.
  7. Black Market
  8. My Favorite Newbie Guide
  9. Building Charts
  10. Datafile
    1. Town
    2. Players
    3. Alliances
    4. Worldmap
    5. Terrain
    6. Terrain Combat
  11. Profiles I like
    1. #/Player/Profile/66699

