
Wild Berry

Dwarf Female
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Dwarf Female Character Portrait


Wild Berry is looking for a home and welcomes invites. If I find it hard to decide, which I believe I will! Please let me know whether you are nterested in showing me how great your alliance is for a week....


First stop.. nCrows!!   

[07:45]<Kumomoto> I only really pay attention to the real Crows.

[26 May 17:56]<merlynbc>

[14:11]<Teets> I'm just a simple arms dealer



Guesss where to now??


Newbs go here, for fast flowing resources!!!

Love you guys! x



FORGE!    -Thanks for having me, wishing you all the very best, here for you always xx



ROADS!! - Lovely bunch of people!!

Can not wait to see you all again ;)



Love you AESIR!

Please take me back when you have merged!

I missed G0Ds and Taron, so have to come back! x



TOR are uber-awesome! I think should bring Tor-U over, but other than that? Such great guys!!!! If only could have 10 accounts in Illy!



EAGLES! nice peeps! 

[30 Oct 20:27]<RobMBlind> I've already mapped out the neighborhood and have a plan to collect as much candy as possible




NEWBIE GUIDE PART TWO  <<---- illytools hah, what a link!


Stuatue Quest


[20:50]<Anjire> nothing devastates a spear formation like trueshots






















#/Player/Profile/254122 useful profile!

[05:27]<Wild Berry> TEN are recruiting if any new players are interested (or if in an alliance that does not give you books) feel free to mail myself or Bartricia 


[18:53]<Wild Berry> ATTENTION ALL NEWBS :- TEN is recruiting and would love to fill you up with advice and resources! please mail within!
[18:53]<Grrl> if follow tutorial, get resources for presents
[18:53]<Wild Berry> And Hi GC *smiles sweetly*
[18:53]<Always-Chief> lol ashor
[18:54]*Angrim shakes his head.
[18:54]<NovaCatt> grr.. i'm doing something stupid probably but it's not letting me send my vans to my new settlement 
[18:54]<Grrl> refresh browser, NovaCatt humie
[18:54]<Grrl> game may not know city there
[18:54]<Ashor> are your vans already traveling?
[18:54]*Captain Kindly hands Angrim a cold beer.
[18:55]<NovaCatt> i currently have 10 vans in total.. 8 of which are in homebase..
[18:55]<Grrl> den click on city, choose send resources
[18:55]<Grrl> refresh browser, den click city and send resources
[18:55]*Wild Berry huggles Captain and kisses cheek
[18:55]<Ashor> and fill that sucka up as Wild Berry says
[18:55]<Aristeas> you have to actually send something with them I think
[18:55]*Captain Kindly hugs Berry
[18:56]<Wild Berry> lol Ashor!
[18:56]<Thorp3> Haha lol



[11 Apr 00:50]<Maegary> berry - u are part of the furniture here and you get sat on - sorry hun - but we do luv ya 


**** 17th of April*** 

Read for a laugh...


Label Size (approx)
Few 1-3
Handful 4-8
Several 9-21
Pack 22-81
Many 82-128
Gathering 129-227
Horde 228-462
Throng 463-815
Host 816-2,500
Legion 2,501-9,999
Myriad 10,000-24,999
Sea 25,000-49,999
Cornucopia 50,000-Inf



[05:54]<Sliveen> a wild berry is its own distinct type of berry. Not exactly the larges, or plumpest, nor even the crispest. certain not hte most delectable nor jusiciest... yet it does stand as a welterweight in tis class of fructose emission


[13:15]<Erista> lmao berry
[13:15]<Wild Berry> He is NOT the messiah! He is a very Naughty Boy! *looks at ct*


[13:41]<GrolschMan> <3 Keep being this awesome Wild Berry 


[05:21]<Goldy1> likes wild berry's profile




[07:58]<iaikidou> i summon the power of GC... send all your caravans to Berry's cities!!!
[07:59]<Kafka the Fireclown> haha! okay
[07:59]<iaikidou> she rocks and has the spirit of illy in her
[06:10]<Justheart> Thanks Wild Berry let me sleep on you
[06:10]<Bartleby> oh my
[06:10]<Justheart> it not you sorry
[06:10]<Wild Berry> o.O
[06:10]*Bartleby giggles
[06:10]<Wild Berry> heheee
[06:10]<Zakkus> lol
[06:10]*Wild Berry is always being squished
[06:10]<Justheart> that came out totally wrong
[06:11]<Wild Berry> Was a giggle Justheart
[06:11]<Bartleby> WB is very comfy.
[06:11]*Wild Berry blushes a wild red
[06:11]<Kafka the Fireclown> haha! freudian slip eh?
[06:12]<Bartleby> lol


[06:16]*Nikon wonders if its me going on berries profile...

... No!?



[20:48]<Subatoi> Today's forecast; severe attitude warnings possible throughout the day, scattered sarcasm showers, and a strong chance of annoyance later in the day...

... You Said It, Subatoi!


[23:16]<Smoking GNU> tere's always another No 2 alliance for H? to stomp on

[06:06]<Rill> Kumomoto, frankly my dear ... I don't give a damn


[01:33]<Authentication> Luna takes aim... Adjusts scope.... Breathes shallow... Pulls Trigger!
[01:33]<Authentication> * censored *
[01:33]<System> **** <Authentication> has been auto-silenced until 26APR13 02:33. Please don't use profanity. You can block a player in chat by clicking on their name and choosing that option from the popup **


Oh EndRok! Why did you show me this?


[16:10]<Belargyle> How does Moses make tea?
[16:10]<Anjire> I have been randomly getting disconnect from chat today
[16:11]<Manannan> lol, have you got an 8 year olds joke book over there?
[16:11]<Belargyle> LOL.. good one TD
[16:11]<Belargyle> Hebrews it.
[16:11]<Belargyle> Pun jokes
[16:11]<Kilotov> is this the tea room
[16:11]<Kilotov> ?
[16:11]<Belargyle> Funny enough.. I stayed up all night to see where the sun went.. then it dawned on me
[16:12]<Manannan> i did that one the other day
[16:12]<Belargyle> Hey Kilo o/
[16:12]<Kilotov> what's the ddeal with all the big shots
[16:12]<Kilotov> heyoo
[16:12]<Manannan> well the new guys are really quiet atm so the older guys have to make some noise to draw them out
[16:12]<Belargyle> A dyslexic man walks into a bra
[16:13]<Kilotov> "yum yum"?
[16:13]*Jane DarkMagic hands mana his coffee
[16:13]<Jane DarkMagic> hope you don't mind dark roast
[16:13]<Belargyle> LOL.. it took me a little bit to get that last one
[16:13]<Manannan> the delicious irony that dyslexia is such a hard word to spell
[16:13]<Manannan> ty jane 
[16:14]<Belargyle> Energizer Bunny arrasted. He was charged with Battery
[16:14]<Jane DarkMagic> hahaha
[16:14]<Pongo.> German sausage jokes mm - well i gotta sausage joke lol
[16:14]<Belargyle> How do you make Holy Water?
[16:14]<Belargyle> You boil the H*ll out of it
[16:14]<Manannan> jab it with a stick
[16:14]<Belargyle> LOL
[16:15]<Pongo.> Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism have a meeting for tea at noon.Capitalism and Communism arrive on time, but Socialism is nowhere to be found. Finally he arrives, out of breath and apologetic."I'm sorry," says Socialism, "I was standing in line for sausage."Capitalism says - "What's a line?"And Communism says - "What's a sausage?"
[16:15]<Belargyle> LOL ... LOL
[16:15]<Belargyle> That was good
[16:15]<Beardo13> that was good Pongo, i may have to use that one myself
[16:15]<Belargyle> I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger... then it hit me!
[16:16]<Beardo13> two humans walk into a bar, the elf ducks
[16:17]<Talendar> Glad I was watching when those 2 came up.
[16:17]<Beardo13> and the dwarf walks under it without noticing
[16:17]<Belargyle> Ok.. I'll to make this one the last one - A girl said she met be at a vegitarian club, yet I have never met herbivore
[16:17]<Uraki> head hurts to much reading
[16:18]<Belargyle> Hey Beardo.. haha.. I've seen that one before too.. it is still a good one
[16:19]<Beardo13> i added the dwarf bit just now, but my aunt told that to her 2nd grade class every year
[16:19]<Beardo13> along with this gem
[16:19]<Beardo13> two peanuts walk down the street, one was assaulted
[16:20]<Beardo13> (better in speach, not written, but oh well)
[16:20]<Faeldor> Wow, I did a discovery. How many is it in total?
[16:20]<Shadow> Hello Mana
[16:20]<The_Dude> Howdy Shaw
[16:20]<Manannan> hi shaw
[16:20]<Belargyle> Broken pencils are pointless 
[16:20]<Shadow> howdy TD
[16:21]<Beardo13 nice Bel
[16:21]<Beardo13> i could do this all day, but i gotta make lunch for my fiance
[16:21]<Pongo.> ok last joke ........A man walks into a store and asks the clerk, "Do you have any polish sausage?" The clerk replies, "Are you Polish?" The man says, "Yes, but why do you ask? If I asked for Italian Sausage would you ask if I was Italian? Or if I asked for German Sausage would you ask if I was German? Or if I asked for a taco, would you ask if I was Mexican?!? The clerk simply answered, "No." The man said, "Then why did you just ask me if I was Polish?" The clerk replied, "Because this is a hardware store!"
[16:21]<Beardo13> good to se you all
[16:21]<Belargyle> This should be an easy one but... What do you call a dinosaur who has an extensive vocabulary?
[16:22]<Beardo13> I resemble that remark Pongo! 
[16:22]<System> ** News Flash: Belladonna (Abandoned)'s [Arise] huge city of 2.Elladinis now under siege by Erista's burgeoning city of Shackles
[16:22]<Beardo13> Thesaurus
[16:22]<Uraki> that was funny haha i like joke Pongo
[16:22]<Belargyle> A Thesaurus


[18 Sep 20:28]<RobMBlind> Is WB causing trouble already?
[18 Sep 20:30]<Hannibal Foul Wind> nah shes cool
[18 Sep 20:31]<Hannibal Foul Wind> just hot and dirty no change
[18 Sep 20:31]<RobMBlind> Thats why we want her here




