
Sexy Lynn

Human Female
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Human Female Character Portrait



   *ALERT*  Send a request asking to harvest my kills near my towns... tyvm   


Okkudo> I am the wardaddy weeb king

flype> reminds me to put a grate on my chimney. Don't want Santa slithering in and spreading stuff. Just think of all the homes he has visitied.

Victorious defense by Sexy Lynn's forces at [-664|-254] in The Western Realms under attack by Durotan's forces from 1. Valleys of Neptune



Yuki> best name in illyriad.... sexy lynn

[00:19]<GM Cerberus> @Lynn - People with Ictyophobia


TheIceMan> [03:50]<Sexy Lynn> i will tell you its a new way to kill npc's // run at them nekkid and say bend over baby , daddies coming home 

[04:57]<Rill> otherwise I've been sleeping with the wrong guy


Toxic> Snagglepuss, was her name Liz and was she into penguins?

[23:01]Snagglepuss> I think it was Megan and it was Pelicans

05:37]<Rill> you shouldn't diplo yourself too often, though, you could go blind

[02:53]<Rill> depends on what he's wearing, have you seen the Tarzan movies?

Rill> it's not how big it is, it's what you do with it

[03:53]<Kodabear> Does this thong make my butt look big?

[03:52]<Lord Oliver> Loonie Lynnie sounds perfect!

16 Jul 19:01]<Oozra> you should search for my relics instead ! 

[16 Jul 19:01]<Haroldus> I'm searching I'm searching!!!

[13 Jan 20:28]<Halcyon> I prefer arriving with a big ass army that kills any

[19:59]*Pellinell is not innocent, i'm guilty but i'll shoot you full of arrows before i'll go to illy jail hehe

[20 Apr 02:21]<Ron Fay> It is better to beg forgiveness than ask permission


Rill> lorre ate me twice on my first day  Rill> I don't know that I enjoyed it ...

<Sir Angus> hey hands off the wiener

Fluffeh> I think I can safely say I'm the first person to play illy while touching Bezo's balls


 [30 May 03:17]<Sexy Lynn> what do i build to get spies again?

   [30 May 03:17]<Kompanion> a bathroom shower with a clear window and no curtains


<Sexy Lynn> stabs the spies

<Sexy Lynn> 5 inch heal into the foot, too

23:31]<ropadope> I am so banned


                                                                                                                     [18:59]<System> has no sense of humour


