

Elf Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Elf Male Character Portrait

Actually online JUN 2024. 




Info Updated July 2017

I´ve decided on my own to move out from Westmarch [i´ve arrived there some weeks before any RE player] where pacific players maybe has been harassed like me by random RE player or maybe another team, they think the anyone profiles belongs them but they´re wrong any profile have to be respected as individual or if it says something they don´t like just try to talk with courtesy and not acting like a bully menacing with agressive actions. If any RE player read again my profile please stop harassing me again no more mesagges from any of you will be readed, the next message received from you i will post the name of the bully on this profile and you will be agree with that taking no action of any kind even if you dont like it. Live and let live in peace.  To see closest Towns Abandoned replace actual coords with your town coords.


 [send a message asking for available products, prices or offer  ] More products not listed can be available in low sizes. 



[@c=253]     [@c=388] x     [@c=420] x     
[@c=314] X [@c=394]   
[@c=319] x [@c=395] [@c=422]  LOW PRICES IF AVAILABLE
[@c=320] x [@c=408] x  
[@c=339] x [@c=409] x  Lemonwood available at low cost on:
[@c=340] x [@c=411]   Centrum
[@c=341]  [@c=412] x  
[@c=343] [@c=414] x ask for
[@c=346] [@c=415]  availability
*Listed stuff may be available, a few or crafting, ask for more info.
x N/A

[+]Advanced Chainmails & Swords [not listed] may be available or crafting in low production [ask for more info]


Not common: some rare herbs/minerals are high priced because they havent any use but is supposed to be useful in the future.

{} Random products are offered on Hubs located in: The Barrier, Centrum, Shurthorn, Styne , Hoscarmel, Nemidas [Elgea] & The College of Silence [The Broken Lands]  

****  **** 

       SEELI COURT [ The Barrier ]           Centrum             Kingdom of Tall

  [ The Barrier ]          [ CENTRUM ]            [ Nemidas ]       

    [Norweld]           [Middle Kingdom]          [Tallimar]      



   STYNE        SHURTHORN         

    [ Styne ]          [ Shurthorn ]      [ Hoscarmel ]

   [Wolgast]            [Keppen]            [Kumala]


The Broken Lands


  The College

   Of Silence


*** All the prices are for every Hub, if you want a special price try with good offer &/or trade cheeky

[☼]Check the listed hubs, sometimes i sell items below the Centrum prices or even very low price for a regional hub i.e. hides, food, salts, random crafted gears & others.

[**NOTE** Crafted gears like armours, weapons & race mounts are not re-selled items]wink


Are you looking something specific? Send a message listing the stuff you want if i dont have it i can help you to look for it into other hubs or traders. Remember some articles not listed in the hubs/markets almost the times can have high prices when the product isnt provided regularly due the costs/dificulty to obtain it.

[☼☼] Fungus Toadcaps arent a common rare herb to be traded in high numbers for low prices, only can be obtained from 1 specific little area and the prices obviously will be high. 







Toadcap Fungus [@c=238]

In the dank and foetid places of Illyria, green-black mushrooms squat, resembling toads in shape and size. A perfect specimen, picked when it has reached full size and before it has started to rot away, can be used for a range of ritual purposes, having mind-altering effects, and also have related magical uses.

An untold history.

For long time some herbalists began a journey to travel in the most strange terrains of Elgea, one day they arrive in a swamp area, the travelers was tired and then settle a campment for rest, later they found some strange herb that they never seen before only hear and read about it, then they began to collect this strange specimen at the begining they dont know what is the purpouse and uses of this fungus but they have hear someting about his name "Toadcap Fungus", it not have any use now but the rumors say some mages are working to find a perfect use against some specific spell. On his records the herbalists says: this rare herb & not common as others, grows slow every 6-14 hrs and in range of 1- 6 in a patch  each one, there arent an exact time & size , the most advanced herbalist suggested if you find a patch of this herb only send 1 herbalist to harvest or check how many are on a patch and then send 1 gatherer less from the report if you try to harvest without check you will lost a feature production of this fungus and it will never grow again  for a long time and maybe will appear more in other different place.



Dont try to deplete any owned sov [or not sov] rare herb in my 5 squares within, i will push 'em out from the patch and you will not reply asking for a reason [this is the reason].

No armys allowed to be settled within 5 squares, on my sov or my kills [i keep every recent battle report to claim my kills] if you want to harvest some, be nice and send me a igm requesting a permission, sometimes i cant retrieve all the anatomies or i leave alone my kills but that not means i abandon it or its free to take, be sure to ask first, i gonna take it and occupy again if it was disocuppied recently, so if u send any gatherer [cotters or skinner] is under your risk & responsability. 

Be gentle with your neighbors and respect their 5 absolute squares within.

If you are going to harvest in my 5 squares or less squares first ask for permission to do it if you dont the gatherers will be removed inmediatly,  no armies allowed to camp or hunting less than 7 squares of Wolgast town, no armies allowed to camp 10 squares or less in The Wastes , no armies allowed to camp 5 squares or less of Norweld's cities, no armies camping less than 6 squares on Ursor city, will be removed inmediatly without warning, not reply to me asking for a reason for your looses [those are the reasons]. If i see potential risk of loose any of my rare herbs i'll bump out the herbalists on the square from any allowed player [or not allowed]. [No reply/message needed]

In The Broken Lands

Respect my full 10 sq i will remove any invader and you will not have any reason to reply for any lost.

NOTICE: To any player, no new settle allowed closer than 10 squares quadrants distance of any of my castles [only if the system spawn it] , is obliged to ask for permission, i will move my troops in all my hunt area, so dont reply me asking why im parking troops in my own hunt space, your messages will be ignored, you will be blocked and catalogued as harassing player. All related messages will be marked as never read and cleared to the trash, dont reply me why you were removed, you send your gatherers under your risk.


Any rare resource within 5 squares or with [without] sov must be asked for permission to harvest before sending your gatherers if you bump out or harvest without permission you will be removed by any force.

WARNING: Be carefull where you send your gatherers

Ok i was tolerant as a player, even when my gatherers were bumped and/or killed  i take no action when i know there were no premeditation, but from recent action like Grim Sharpaxe who left the game (abandoned) i will start to kill any gatherer who comes into my 7 cuadrant squares trying to abuse harvesting any kind of resource/anatomies  in all my other towns [Ursor & Norweld in Elgea, only apply in 5 squares within] without any warning, so be away from this distance and keep the peace. Dont ask for reasons, dont contact me for remove any note in my profile, all reply messages will be deleted inmediatly & be considered as "never read". 


Iceheart mine owned since 2013 (not for sale)

Any empty spot away from "your 10 squares" isnt yours if you dont claim sov or leave the patch empty if you have occupied before, you dont own any patch if you dont claim sovereignty on it or is more than 10 squares away, this is for all players if i occupy one dont come to me sending annoying messages about it, i leave one for this time to " rvnaik " but never will happen again, if it, you are who become to be the hostile not me. Is a shame why some people believe some patches are their patches just for occupy it some weeks and forgot to occupy again, once you leave the patch alone is free to take, only if you put a sovereignty then is yours, in all the time i have played only 2 people have send me annoying messages about their claims, at least 1 put sov on the patch but finally only shows how bad players they are.


You dont have rights to say or claim a rare patch/mine is yours if you just move your town to be closest and there are a sov claimed by other player previously. 


Deplete action: Sending more gatherers than suggested.

Players on depleting actions of rare resources are no granted for future permissions in 5 squares cuadrants and will be kicked without warning the next time if they are catched, will let them gather while scout report arrives  and the scout report will be published and it wont be removed from this list by anyway. Is suggested to scout every rare herb patch to avoid the kill of the spot even if its in the 5 sq of a player and previously with granted permission or the gatherers can be bumped or killed if the gatherers are equal or more than the patch [Any of the next listed players are automatically agree to get their gatherers killed if they are catched around and have send equal/more gatherers than the patch have even if they havent say it or writed it]. No compensation will be given neither a message or reply. [Is the obligation of a player to read any profile and contact the player to make sure if there is any condition to gather rare resources on his 5 sq].

List of rare herbs depleters [names partially covered at 2014, no more for 2015 to 2018].

Huronire  [May 23 2018]

Killer of  rarepatch  60 NAP'd  from Gleeb's [SHAD] Large City of Gleebtopia


Norweld [13/V/2015]

The whole patch with 6 [@c=235] rare herbs were killed by:

34 NAP'd  from KiraQuest's [ACHE] Large Town of Strensall


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Harvestable Resource Square Information:

2  [@c=238] remain.

4 herbalists are present, belonging to O--s[R----] from O---------  a patch of rare herb was depleted

Harvestable Resource Square Information: 
2   [@c=238] remain.

 are present, belonging to d----3 [C--w] from C- -- -------86 a patch of rare herb was depleted

Harvestable Resource Square Information: 

2  [@c=238] remain.

10  are present, belonging to Sy-----re [X-k-] from S----ity a patch of rare herb was depleted

Harvestable Resource Square Information: 
2  [@c=238] remain.
 are present, belonging to Vin---t Sell--k from C--s 01 --nd a patch of rare herb was depleted

Harvestable Resource Square Information: 

3  [@c=238] remain.
 are present, belonging to Ka--ek [KC--w] from K--C--y a patch of rare herb was depleted [3/X/13]

Harvestable Resource Square Information: 

4  remain.
 are present, belonging to Ka--ek [KC--w] from K--C--y a patch of rare herb was depleted[3/X/13]

Harvestable Resource Square Information: 

6 [@c=238] remain.
 are present, belonging to ra---na [*M--] from Vla-----tok

Harvestable Resource Square Information: 

3 [@c=238] remain.

 are present, belonging to Od- [R--ds] from Oak----ch' W

4 [@c=238] remain.

 are present, belonging to Od- [R--ds] from Oak----ch' W

Harvestable Resource Square Information: 

6 [@c=238] remain.

 are present, belonging to Wi--n [v--ow] from 2 1 L--un- L--e


Harvestable Resource Square Information: 
4 [@c=239] remain.
20  are present, belonging to an----ic [*--M] from -----------U  the patch spawn 7 hrs before and 12 hrs later depleted



Not into fight, just here for fun and if i can, sometimes helping some newbies like me with free basic resources. 

Sometimes giving away some basic resources & maybe another kind as a gift to some random player [with population below 350] if you're far away than 200 squares, be patient the stuff will arrive.






"In the land of the shadows maybe i get lost, but with the darkest light in my soul i have to keep going and reach to the high prize"






[03:13]<DTMR> not worried for more info about bl the day 

for his arrive doesnt change knowing more, just very happy 

this is a very entertaining game, to be honest the first 

one of ths kind i ever played so a big hurray for the devs  

great game

[03:14]<TanyaFairy> well said DTMR

[03:14]<GM Stormcrow> @DTMR - Many thanks. Illy's pretty 

different, and you guys make it that way. We're very 

proud of both it, and our playerbase.


I like how the DEVs are so nice with all the players and this makes me keep playing trying to be a good player and a good and peaceful neighbor.


For all the people who want to know whats mean DTMR [acronym] is just an abreviation of (☼☼§DEATHMASTER§☼☼) but obviously  it cant be accepted as a player name cheeky

