

Orc Male
Orc Male Character Portrait

Yearick, Ever-Chief of the Duskhowl Orcs and Rhyagelle's Keeper of the Land

The Ancient Hearth - The area surrounding the Dolmens of Kardak has been the ancestal home of the Duskhowl Orcs since the earliest days of Elgea.  It was said that the strange dolmens would draw the herds, making hunting easy for the Orcs.  They settled their first city, Nar'Kul at the center of the rocks and grew strong with the plain's blessings.  

But Nar'Kul was riven, destroyed by men from the west.  What remained of the clan was cast upon the plains. They wandered for generations, always crouching on the fringe of civilization and making a point to be gone before dawn. 

One of the bands of refugees eventually made its way to Perrigor and settled there at what they called World's End.  No sooner had they established a toe-hold, but war found them again.  

After the Cyan War, Yearick and his Clan wandered the face of Illyriad, searching.  They found  the forsaken ruins of Nar'kul, still in its nest amidst the dolmens.  By the time word of the disovery reached Perrigor, only one small camp remained.  A watchpost during the war, Miskatonic was the only city to still fly the banners of the Duskhowl.  They remained in their unwavering dedication to their chief.

With assistance from the Cor'Undum dwarves to tap into the eldritch ley beneath the dolmens, Yearick drew Miskatonic through the todash night to rest upon the ruins of Nar'Kul.  It was not long before his blood brothers Balkin and Finrod joined him near the Plains of Mellia and an empire was born.


Sentinel Grove-

Todash Lodge- Originally a diplomatic outpost in the lands of the Sylvan Fey, the Lodge was dispatched to provide support to Governor General Jejune's Lan Larosh colony during its early days.  Currently Yearick's cousin Calx is watching the region, waiting for their eventual return.  It is the hopes of both the Keeper of the Land and the Orcs of Rhyagelle to make amends for Murkach's Folley years ago.

Scythewind Keep- Deep in the Keppen mountains, constantly besieged by snow, sits the Scythewind Keep.  Though the basalt fortress is unimpressive amidst the towering peaks, deep beneath its walls flows a river of magma.  With the aid of their Cor'Undum allies, the Duskhowl have harnessed the liquid flame to power a mighty forgeworks.  While few pieces of the Keep's craftmanship have escaped the Rhyagelle Empire, those that have are of the utmost quality.  This has lead more than a few envious dwarves to claim the work as their own.

Xerak Estates- These stately grounds once belonged to a minor human noble.  Though the locals won't confirm that it was the Duskhowl and not plague that drove the family from their ancestral lands, they have found their lives little changed under their new masters.  They have, however, learned to stay away from the infamous Drazk ale brewed there.  It was only a matter of days before they realized that "Drazk" is orcish for "Skullpunch".


Eldrash Peaks-  The Duskhowl believe that the ravens of the Eldrash Peaks see all that goes on in Elgea, and that they shepherd the spirits of the valiant dead.  During the days of Nar'Kul the clan burned pyres on the mountainside.  After particularly gruesome battles it is said that the ashes could reach as far as Fremorn.
