

Human Female
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Human Female Character Portrait

 CEO of Harmless   

Founder and Retired Chancellor of Toothless?, first training alliance in Illy and top training alliance for new players in the game. 

Harmless is a peaceful alliance, we avoid conflict and strive to get along with all alliances and players.   If you are pursuing the military side of the game, you may want to reconsider joining Harmless.   Harmless does, however, participate in Dev and Kodabear hosted tournaments.

I'm just a simple farmer and not to be feared.

On a side note, we have a long memory.......

If you poach kills within ten squares of my cities, you do so at your own risk. 

Please do not hunt, harvest NPC's or camp within ten squares of my cities.   The exception to this rule is near my cities of Crescent Moon and Polis, I hunt heavily in that area and do not want to have a conflict over NPC's.  If you need resources, just ask.


Banner design by KP


Magic Bear, Rank: High King 1 and very proud of it!

Starry Bear  (Thank you Koda!!!)

StarryBear (Thank you Koda!!)

