

Elf Female
Elf Female Character Portrait

Then it all crashes down 
And you break your crown 
And you point your finger 
But there's no one around 
Just want one thing 
Just to play the king 
But the castle's crumbled 
And you're left with just a name


[04 Mar 06:25]<Bluehorse> and impersonation of saint44, with utmost respect and with tongue firmly planted in cheek...:
[04 Mar 06:25]<Bluehorse> hahehem...
[04 Mar 06:25]<Bluehorse> Great!
[04 Mar 06:25]<Bluehorse> Fantastic!
[04 Mar 06:25]<Bluehorse> Awesome!
[04 Mar 06:25]<Bluehorse> Good to hear!
[04 Mar 06:25]<Bluehorse> Fine thanks!
[4 Mar 06:25]<saint44> ha ha
[04 Mar 06:25]<Bluehorse> Need Res?
[04 Mar 06:25]<Bluehorse> Need Res?
[04 Mar 06:25]<Bluehorse> Need Res?
[04 Mar 06:25]<Bluehorse> Need Res?
[04 Mar 06:25]<Bluehorse> Need Res?
[04 Mar 06:25]<Bluehorse> Need Res?
[4 Mar 06:25]<saint44> lol sounds like me
[04 Mar 06:26]<Bluehorse> My Pleasure!
[04 Mar 06:26]<Bluehorse> ^_^ Love ya girl!

[07:13]<Kumomoto> I know, Saint... luv u too


Gimardoran667> sait i luv ya darling

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