

Human Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Human Male Character Portrait
-HR/PR also known as Josh-
I may be able to help out. 
Send a mail & communicate, how else do we get to know each other?




[@i=6|6|<iframe frameborder='0' scrolling='no' width='215px' height='320px' src=''></iframe>]

My Thoughts
Everything you do in life, I see two main ways you can go about it. To do something for the result the action brings, or to do something to enjoy the process of doing it. Either way you choose, what was set out to do gets done, right? When you cook, is it just to eat? Some people like cooking, others dont. So, the fulfillment is then dependent upon the result. Try appreciating the process of the now and the day. This is your life, your choice. The mentality "if I had this, then I would be happier or feel better" is a disease within yourself. Ease off of that way of thinking. Find appreciation and see that nothing is missing. Fulfillment can be found in all your actions, ultimately it's only your decision to make. When a goal is reached the feeling fades and we feel emptier than before, so another goal or plan is made... And then another. The irony is; what we are searching can only be found here and now. It's the journey that counts, as well as the destination. Both are blissful in the light of awareness.

Helpful knowledge for a good start in Illyriad: #/Player/Profile/261096

#/Player/Profile/231435 (Ten Kulch) Illy R.I.P

?platform=metro#/Player/Profile/163928 (Fenarel) Illy R.I.P

29 September 2015

[18:35]<GM Stormcrow> @HR - We don't usually comment on mysteries. It may be that we need to make a big old hint on one of them, though.

[18:42]<GM Stormcrow> @Duran - Wow. I'm not sure that's a battle you want tbh. System, by default, has a nigh-unlimited set of ones and zeros.

[18:40]<System> is available for the highest bidder
[18:43]<System> From AI to AI, Rill... we need some of your natural speech algorithms back here!


[00:09]<Jane DarkMagic> this game is pretty boring unless there's something mentally wrong with you


[10:51]<viperone> eating something similar to smoked baby oysters..

[10:51]<viperone> lalalala

[10:51]<Urp the Hand Some> Smoked Baby Oysters

[10:52]<Urp the Hand Some> Getting high is shellfish


[21:06]<Karl Aegis> illyriad is pretty sketchy

[08:56]<Smoking GNU> HR can milk anything with nipples


[15:00]*Heart of Corruption sometimes dyes his tentacles to adhere to the latest fashion. But don´t tell anyone.


[16:25]<Shra'Kar> all my cities have rotten nasty farts in a jar to protect them

[11:45]<eldris> I once ran over a big rabbit, but while my husband mourned over it I got something from the boot to spray on it. To my husband's surprise, the rabbit got up and ran away, but now and then it turned around and waved at us. My husband looked at me in astonishment and asked what I'd used. I showed him the bottle. "Hair restorer with added wave


My gaming philosohpy is simply to have fun. If I've attack/raided you, it's because I thought you were inactive. Please correct me and I'll be happy to send back what I took.

good profile for links

Field description rough combat layout.

Mountains: (++) Ranged, (++) Spearmen, (--) Cavalery,(-) Swordmen
Hills: (+) Ranged, (+) Spearmen, (-) Cavalry, (0) Swordmen
Forests: (-) Ranged, (+) Spearmen, (-) Cavalry, (++) Swordsmen
Plains: (0)Ranged, (-) Spearmen, (++) Cavalry, (0)Swordmen

910xp for lvl 10 commanders.

3810xp for lvl 20 commanders.

6010xp for lvl 25 commanders.

NPC Groups.

  • "Few": Less than 4 units
  • "Handful": 5 to 8
  • "Several": 9 to 21
  • "Pack": 22 to 81
  • "Many": 82 to 128
  • "Gathering": 129 to 227
  • "Horde": 228 to 462
  • "Throng": 463 to 815
  • "Host": 816 to 2,500
  • "Legion": 2,501 to 9,999
  • "Myriad": 10,000 to 25,000
  • "Sea": 25,001 to 49,999
  • "Cornucopia": 50,000 or more


All roads lead to the heart of the Warrior. Without hesitation the warrior throws himself into the stream of passions that always runs through his heart. The Warrior knows he stands free to choose what he wants, he takes his decisions with courage, unselfishness and at times a proportion of madness. A Warrior of Light knows to seperate between the fluctuating and the constant.



[12:48]<Zenorra> Felicia A girl named Felicia is a kind girl. When you first see her you’ll soon notice how friendly she is. After you get to know her you’ll soon notice how strange and abnormal she is. She is always kind and cheerful, but she can do the strangest things too. She knows when to be normal and when to not be.

[19:46]<System> ** News Flash: GM Rikoo's [DEVS] small town of Rikoonia is now under siege by Justic Badstone's [ITG] legendary city of 14. Marbre

[21:10]<System> ** News Flash: GM Rikoo's [DEVS] large town of Rikooville is now under siege by Zelf's [DW] legendary city of Zelfopolis


Sayez was here
