
Elrond Eärfalas

Elf Male
Elf Male Character Portrait


The Story of Elrond


Elrond, He left his home in the depths of Kem, and wondered for years.
He gained a huge knowledge of the world around him before he came upon the ruins of a village. Over the next two years, he spent his time renovating the few buildings that there where, and inviting other travelers into his new home. Very often they stayed and helped him build upon the foundations of this settlement.


One day a travelling priest came by, a human, by the name of Joseph.
Elrond had met Joseph before; in fact they had travelled together for a few months.


Joseph became extremely interested in the village; he claimed he had made a discovery.
He claimed that upon the site of the village, a huge Abbey once stood, Mordant.


After much discussion, amongst the villagers, the monk and Elrond, it was decided that the settlement would be called Mordant Abbey, a resting place for all travelers.
A settlement, which would one day, be a great city.


Elrond one day had a message from another settlement, suggesting that they ally themselves in order to expand their own empires.
Elrond agreed, but very soon found himself on his own once again.
so he set up The BrotherHood, an alliance free for any settlements to join, to for people to help one another grow in this uncertain world.
It was then decided to move Mordant Abbey to -861|61 using Tenaril's Relocation Spell, this allowed an Alliance hub to be formed, bringing all of the BrotherHood together.

