

Human Female
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Human Female Character Portrait





Label Size (approx)
Few 1-3
Handful 4-8
Several 9-21
Pack 22-81
Many 82-128
Gathering 129-227
Horde 228-462
Throng 463-815
Host 816-2,500
Legion 2,501-9,999
Myriad 10,000-24,999
Sea 25,000-49,999
Cornucopia 50,000-Inf



[15:03]<Angrim> faiiry power is when you put one in a cage and give it a hamster wheel. 




"People are often unreasonable and self-centered.  

Forgive them Anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives.

Be kind  anyway.

 If you are honest, people may cheat you.

Be honest anyway. 

 If you find happiness, people may be jealous. 

Be happy anyway.

The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow.

Do good anyway.  

Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough.

Give your best anyway. 

For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway."

~Mother Teresa    ( )



[01 Jan 13:06]<Rubytripper> Happy New Year everyone! Just wanted to drop a line and let you all know I have accepted a position with another alliance, and will be joining them today. I am extremely grateful for everything you all have done to help me grow and answer my questions. Special thanks to Tarsha and DP for going to extra mile in my development!! I wish you all the best and please feel free to keep in touch!


Seasons and Lunar Phases in Illyriad have an ingame effect on various global bonuses and penalties.

The ingame Seasons and the Lunar Phases mirror the Real World clock for the Northern Hemisphere of our lovely planet Earth.  This is by design, to enable people to plan forward by using a simple RL device, such as a calendar.

There are 4 Seasons in Illyriad, and they run as follows:

SPRING (March, April, May)
The time of renewal, growth and soil loosened by the rains.
+1%    +5%    +1%    +3%      +1%

SUMMER (June, July, August)
Early crops ripen, and workers prefer escaping the heat, underground.
none     +1%    +5%    +1%      +3%

AUTUMN (September, October, November)
The crops are harvested and the balmy weather pleases most everyone.
+3%     +3%    none    +5%      +5%

WINTER (December, January, February)
Workers collect firewood whilst the ground is frozen.
+5%     none    +3%    none      none

There are 8 Lunar Phases in Illyriad thoughout the 28-day Lunar month, as follows:

The supernatural is at lowest ebb, and the rational is triumphant.
+7%    none

The first stirrings of chaos begin anew.
+4%    +1%

Empiricism and the unnatural are balanced evenly.
+2%    +2%

The supernatural spools up to unleash its full potential.
none    +4%

Unutterable chaos takes full hold over the land.
none    +7%

Its force exhausted, the supernatural begins to recede as rationality fights back.
+1%    +4%

Evenly balanced but in swift retreat, the supernatural knows its time will come again.
+2%    +2%

Order is largely restored and the cycle begins afresh.
+4%    none



[14 Aug 14:37]<Derby> Some come to lurk Some come to play Some merely come to pass time away Some come to laugh On accounts that use Prestige But as for me I come for to siege



[18:56]<Chalice> Ouch! IN SanFran?!?

[18:56]<Chanson> my signature number was a version of "Turtle Blues"... and considering that i'm a fat white chick, takes talent to sing it where i've sung

[18:56]<DramaPrincess> was my Birthday yesterday *passes out the beer*

[18:57]*AJJ glomps DP with a birthday hug 

[18:57]<Chanson> Happy Birthday, DramaPrincess! and many more happy ones

[18:57]*Chalice toasts Drama Princess

[18:57]<Namuh> Belated Happy birthday DP

[18:57]<Nobby> happy bday dp

[18:57]<Karl Aegis> Congratulations

[18:57]<Chanson> did you do something fun?

[18:57]<Chalice> Other than Illy?

[18:58]<DePaul> Happy belated other DP!

[18:58]<Cormoran> something about "happy birthday DP" just sounds wrong, but i guess whatever kind of party you enjoy...

[18:58]<Rill> happy Illyversary DramaPrincess!

[18:59]<AJJ> Eww Cormoran

[18:59]<DePaul> Drama drinks on the house all day

[18:59]<Chalice> afk for now--will come back later and help clean up after the party...

[18:59]<Chanson> thinks any party is a good party

[18:59]<Cormoran> that's what i'm saying

[18:59]*AJJ throws confetti and brings over a cake for Drama

[19:00]<DePaul> well. that happened

[19:01]<Smoking GNU> ello rilly

[19:01]<DramaPrincess> awe thanks guys! was actually getting a spritzer!

[19:01]<Karl Aegis> I feel like there should be chocolate

[19:01]<DePaul> see? drinks on the house

[19:01]<.Mjölnir.> Chanson...unless it be the lynch party...that one not so good to be guest of honor at*

[19:01]<DePaul> true


some AC... you see, there is this player (ask eCrow about them too!) He refuses to answer mails - which is pretty darn rude, no?? By now he must have 20 friend requests! hahaha! 

[19 Sep 21:37]<DramaPrincess> see you soon Paul, or will do more with knitted swimwear next time

[19 Sep 21:38]<Oldwolf> Knitted swimwear? What did I miss? Wrong time to pipeline!

[19 Sep 21:43]<Lord Stanley> Wolf apparently Paul has the secret to make girls go crazy

[19 Sep 21:43]<Mithladar> is it cocaine? no, molly?

[19 Sep 21:45]<broken land> Hello is drama princess on

[19 Sep 21:45]<broken land> ???

[19 Sep 21:46]<broken land> Hey just to let you know would not allow anything within 10sq from my cities

[19 Sep 21:47]<broken land> Moreover found you e mails offending but anyways happy illying

[19 Sep 21:49]<DramaPrincess> hi!

[19 Sep 21:49]<DramaPrincess> sorry was wandering!

[19 Sep 21:49]<DramaPrincess> crap

[19 Sep 21:50]<DramaPrincess> well have to go the 5 sov route then guys

[19 Sep 21:54]<Derby> Good Day Acheans

[19 Sep 21:57]<Tarsha> Hey Derbs

[19 Sep 21:57]<Derby

[19 Sep 21:57]<Lord Stanley> Hi broken. The city I was asking about was exactly 10sq from your city. You found my emails offending? I was asking your permission and would've only liked you to have at least responded no

[19 Sep 21:58]<Derby> Well - I see Shrewdpaul and Big Bad Bob have come back - 

[19 Sep 21:58]<DramaPrincess> he joined and left within like 3 minutes - and hey Derbs

[19 Sep 21:58]<Helmsman> This is Astara. How did Broken Lands post in our AC? He is not on the member list as far as I can tell.

[19 Sep 21:59]<Lord Stanley> Apparently he was offered an invite to allow me to exodus to a specific spot. He accepted , posted, and then left .

[19 Sep 22:00]<Helmsman> Oh, well, probably not the kind of player you'd want to be neighbors with.

[19 Sep 22:01]<Helmsman> By the way if you are still on Broken Lands, I'm Astara sitting in Helms account.

[19 Sep 22:02]<DramaPrincess> stop sitting and get into your party dress Astara!

[19 Sep 22:03]<Helmsman> PARTY!!! 

[19 Sep 22:03]<System> ** News flash: A Non-Aggression Pact has been negotiated with House of Cards [Cards]

[19 Sep 22:03]<Helmsman> Now I do sound like Helms.

[19 Sep 22:03]<DramaPrincess> just cos they are scared to hunt NPCs near us in BL 

[19 Sep 22:03]<Helmsman

[19 Sep 22:04]<Helmsman> I got to finish in his account. It was wierd to be a male human.

[19 Sep 22:05]<Tarsha> Any non-sitting lurkers need res?

[19 Sep 22:05]<Helmsman> I'm sitting, but can use stone in both Zendara and Endara as I'm upping their walls

[19 Sep 22:07]<Mithladar> I'm still trying to unload the res I piled up while OOT.

[19 Sep 22:07]<DramaPrincess>#/Trade/Orders/-918/-3046can we all send 6 beers here please?!

oh yeah... cheers broken land! 


[10:42]<DramaPrincess> I miss work, and should be there but took a day off and now feel guilty, so I better do housework I suppose...

[10:42]<TheBillPN> falar sent you resources

[10:42]<Sitaras> Okay, I'll pay it forwards 

[10:42]<Rill> or just take a day off and enjoy yourself, DP

[10:43]<DramaPrincess> Do that at 3-5 cities Sitaras, no rush!

[10:43]<Gran Pays> DP, technically making cake is a chore. Just saying.

[10:43]<Falar> TY Rill and The Bill for the care-a-vans. i shall put them to good uses

[10:43]<Gran Pays> Have your chore, then eat the evidence.

[10:43]<Rill> well done!

[10:43]<Etherea> I have a question, if you are prepping for Exo, and sending out settlers, if your settlers are in motion are they still considered as part of your city? Can you Exo with them in motion, or do you have to wait for them to settle?

[10:44]<DramaPrincess> lol, I do not make cake when little girl is at school, that would be evil Gran ;p

[10:44]<Rill> so you're saying she should have her chore and eat it too?

[10:44]<Berde> Morning, Etherea.

[10:44]<Gran Pays> Hmm, suppose it would be.

[10:44]<Rill> you have to wait, Etherea

[10:44]<Etherea> Morning Berde

[10:44]<Gran Pays> Make 2 cakes maybe?

[10:44]<Rill> they are considered to be traveling diplo units

[10:44]<Etherea> Thank you Rill

[10:44]<Gran Pays> Then when she comes home, you can tell her you made a cake.

[10:44]<DramaPrincess> can only exo or tenaril one at a time

[10:44]<Rill> np

[10:45]<DramaPrincess> oooh Rill, that is copy paste worthy!

[10:45]<Falar> Dp make it whils shes at school, if you eat some before she gets home its just quality control to enshure that what she gets is good

[10:45]<Etherea> Yes, I have chosen Exo, want to save my Teneril for later use if needed.

[10:45]<Gran Pays> Dp, you owe it to your daughter to ensure she only gets the best and safest of chocolate cake.

[10:46]<Gran Pays> You're doing her a favor by eating most of it.

[10:46]<DramaPrincess> lol, if only I liked chocolate

[10:46]<Falar> woohoo after 4 tries my cotter finally found minerals 

[10:46]*Gran Pays is feeling like the devil on the shoulder right now. lol

[10:46]<DramaPrincess> now lemon drizzle...?

[10:46]<Berde> Falar, were you being bumped?

[10:46]<Gran Pays> I like cheesecake, that delicious lying pie.

[10:47]<DramaPrincess> mmmm lemon or raspberry Gran?

[10:47]<Falar> nno every time i went out told me nothing was there when my ppl got there

[10:47]<Gran Pays> Never had it any ways but plain, chocolate, or grasshopper.



#/Player/Profile/259732 Thanks Gwen!

I know NOTHING about elves sooooo:-

Text Type annoys me! eg:- 
 [22:27]<-Pongo-> hehe u got that rite Rill
