

Human Male
Human Male Character Portrait

Looking for Humans and Orcs interested in forming a new alliance based on the Tolkien lore for the Dunlendings.

Dunlendings of Elgea [DoE] is looking for a couple of experienced Humans or Orcs to participate in starting up the alliance. Also interested in hearing from experienced player interested in taking on the role of alliance leader. We'll agree on organization, governance, objectives etc. when the core team has been assembled.

IGM me if you are interested.

The alliance will be governed as an Oligarchy with the intention to go for full democracy.

More details here:


"The Dunlendings were less "civilised" than the Dúnedain, and never organised themselves into a state or kingdom. It is not recorded whether they built for themselves large cities or keeps in which to dwell--they were most likely an agrarian people in the fashion, one imagines, of the earliest settlements of Hobbits in Eriador. They nonetheless retained a strong sense of national identity throughout the lands they occupied on both sides of the Gap of Rohan, even if those lands nominally belonged to Gondor."

[Saruman] ... he was secretly gathering a force of Orcs and renegades in rivalry of Mordor. He made overtures to the Dunlendings and recruited them to his cause, reminding them of the injuries that had been done them by Rohan and Gondor. Thus when Saruman's forces marched with war against Rohan in 3018, they included a large number of Dunlendings, hoping to reclaim their ancient lands. Dunlendings -- or perhaps descendants of the Dúnedain -- who had occupied Isengard prior to Saruman's arrival, numbered among his most favoured and trusted servants.
