
Jack Aubrey

Dwarf Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Dwarf Male Character Portrait

A wise dwarf once said: "Learn to think and read before you speak! .. or at least, be able to handle an axe" smiley

If you see a dwarf lying on the ground, he is not dead, he is standing on his feet waving his axeangry


Summer of 2010 - BrotherHood of Knights, Calaquendi, DB and finally Dlord

My first days in Illy are bound to Calaquendi.  As newbie I started to attack a Cala player close to me.  Short after Queen Tinuviel contacted me and made me understand that, if I wanted to live, I should have stopped.  She also tought me the first basic of Illy battles wink.   After short time I understood and accepted to surrender and pay back the harm to the Cala player.  Thanks to this, I became a friend to Calaquendi

Meanwhile, my alliance got into trouble with DB  that soon showed their force and commitment.  Unfortunately, after very little time I was left alone since the King (LionHeart the brave) left the game and many other players were inactive.  I tried to defend myself at my best and I enjoyed the fight but I could never resist to DB alliance and so I asked Queen Tinuviel to mediate to stop the war.  Calaquendi actually did more than mediate and jumped in putting the word end to the fight between us.  Since my alliance was dead and I was the only active member left, I looked around and found a dwarf close to me (Lorre) that was part of Dlord.  Thanks to him I was invited to join Dlord and become what I am now.

Dark Blight History

 vCrow War - October 2013 - April 12th, 2014

The story of a peacefull dwarf leaving in Lucerna

6 cities once ruled the North Lucerna region,  2 of which exodussed to a new comfortable place and 4 have been razed after tremendous battles.  Only debris and corps are left of what once was a wealthy and peacefull area.

If you wander around the area you can still find debris of the 581 engines (573 cats and 8 battering rams) used to raze the cities and between the debris you can still find hundred thousands corps (or what is left of them) slew or burned by the runes. 

My dwarfs will never forget their brave and stubborn friends who stood still till their very last breath to defend their native land.

The end of the war

After months of forced march, ferocius battles, exodusses and fun, the dwarves have surrendered to the overwhelming enemy.  Now it is time to rebuild the city and protect the territory from those not involved in the war who took advantage of our status to steal our land, our resources and our homeland.
