

Human Male
Human Male Character Portrait


any player known by the GM's to be under 13, or claiming to be under 13 will be banned from Illyriad for life,  please refrain from pretending or joking about being under 13, it will get you banned!


due to the generosity of many in sending prestige items and gold, Chris G's memorial medal has been minted and plenty remains for awarding to everyone who would like the symbol of remembrance 

in memory of Chris G / Devastruktor RIP 

photo taken by chris couple of years ago he posted on his facebook page

and thanks to Raven for this...

IllyCon 2018

17 -20 August 2018

Game of Thrones location tour, pub nights, paintball, shopping  / sightseeing





an irish ride-on lawnmower


raising awareness and helping everyone understand more about autism will help break down barriers. Those living with autism and their families also have to contend with the challenge of dealing with some people's prejudices and uneducated opinions.

The more we talk to each other about autism, what it is, how it affects someone and their family, can only be a good thing!
Those I know who have family members with autism... show a great love, and special pride in them, and rightly so, for how they get through their everyday challenges in life, where so many things we take for granted aren't an option for them, or are seen in a very different way, is truly inspirational!

  the challenge faced by those with autism, their families and carers. They don't see it as a challenge to be overcome though, it's just a way of life. A mother with a daughter who has autism, a sister whose brother has autism, they don't see them as needing a cure, as sick or ill... just different. They don't see them as special needs, just special. A person with autism, and the pride in them shown by their families, can be truly inspirational



any player known by the GM's to be under 13, or claiming to be under 13 will be banned from Illyriad for life,  please refrain from pretending or joking about being under 13, it will get you banned!


one of several New Player Guides in the Illyriad forum, this gives some idea for new players of the early stages, what to build and research, and when...

a lot of new players ask in global chat how they can join an alliance, which alliance would be good to join... a link for helping to find the right alliance...


list of rare resources and craftable items...



set yourself targets in life... just never let them become limits

instead of focusing on what you can't do... 

think more about what you can do

If each person helps one person each day, anyone, in a small way or big, helping someone across the road, helping someone in an online game, being there to listen to a problem....

think of the thousands of people that person might help with the rest of their life.... those helped would appreciate it, the person helping would feel great, how good would this world be

Help someone today, just one, help another tomorrow... not much effort required, but the reward...?


To be a man of principles, stand for what you believe in....

Only follow the crowd, when you believe the crowd to be right

When you believe the crowd are wrong, walk your own path

Be strong, if what you believe in is true...

Maybe in time, that crowd will follow you



"Few": Less than 4 units
"Handful": 5 to 8
"Several": 9 to 21
"Pack": 22 to 81
"Many": 82 to 128
"Gathering": 129 to 227
"Horde": 228 to 462
"Throng": 463 to 815
"Host": 816 to 2,500
"Legion": 2,501 to 9,999
"Myriad": 10,000 to 25,000
"Sea": 25,001 to 49,999 
"Cornucopia": 50,000 or more 
