

Orc Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Orc Male Character Portrait

From the beginning happy town forged its way alone. My people drink and crash  my caravans into your party. About that,sorry not. Build a bridge and get over it,and watch your back fool.As time came to pass,attacked and abandoned by fellow countrymen of Middle Kingdom,a hand of friendship was offered,by the kind and honourable people of Forsaken.Under their protection,my people became fat and lazy,singing and laughing,could be heard from my war camps and its been rumoured that expressions of tolerance and manners,have become common,such virtue most unbecoming of Orcs.  

                                              I hear ,my ears, I see, my Eyes, to dark , to deep, where I have been.                                                                                             Hear the Banshee cry. Fire your flaming arrows to light what I see. Ra , beat back the night while my people slumber, Rain God Baby Face hold back your tears,may see I. Her smell, my nostrils know not scent, My ears, stretch to heaven, Stars,my lips know not taste, Suns, my naked body knows not warmth. Now I am Hers and She is Divine.        Take a walk in the Jungle of the Lion, though he is old, he is not Dead and he is stronger than the Leopard. Life continues as normal.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          For years my people lived in peace, and traded honestly in Middle Kingdom and such was my mood, happy and content, but allas the Dark prince has kept her from me. A cruel game I could not bare to play, so I bid you farewell my Love, farewell, lest my heart be torn straight from my chest. Forsaken truly no more.                              The Fool lifts his head and covets from my stores, thinking my people are weak, an opportunity to plunder. To you, I will show no mercy. To the friends of the Fool, I have no quarrel till you give me reason, but be sure, the music you hear in my camps, be drums of War. Let me be  clear, if you Thieve from me and get caught, I will come after you till one of us is ended, no ifs, no buts, no maybes
