

Human Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Human Male Character Portrait
Few 1 3 Large Hamlet 120 199
Handful 4 8 Small Village 200 349
Several 9 21 Village 350 499
Pack 22 81 LargeVillage 500 749
Many 77 128 Small Town 750 1099
Gathering 140 227 Town 1.1k 1999
Horde 205 462 Thriving Town 2k 2999
Throng 561 815 Large Town 3k 4999
Host 822 2.5k Small City 5k 7499
Legion 3k 10k City 7.5k 9999
Myriad 10k 25k Large city 10k 12999
Sea 25k 50k Burgeoning City 13k 16999
Cornucopia 50k UP Sprawling City 17k 20999
Small Hamlet 50 79 Huge City 21k 24999
Growing Hamlet 80 119 Legendary City 25


Quick Links & Documentation:


Spears max 200

Infantry max 150

Bows max 100

Cav max 60


How to unlock the discovery.
Allembine Research Techniques.

To put it simply, we need to send 1 spy to certain locations around elgea, 26 in total, to learn 20 names of Order of Allembine ancestors. There's no requirements order on which name to learn first but some name needs 2 locations to be spied and those 2 have to be spied in correct order. Here is the list : 

No. Name First Coordinate. Second Coordinate.
1 Aldelbrecht -312|717 -
2 Asmorn -608|- 189 -
3 Bjandar-Thegn 910|-507 -
4 Braynard -102|1 949|-379
5 Burkhardt 429|-931 -
6 Eberekt 516|505 -
7 Ferhonanth -485|- 736 669|794
8 Fridholt 652|-265 -843|- 310
9 Gunthar -4|10 -
10 Haestin -377|- 104 -
11 Keldar 356|498 -
12 Lambercht -157|- 298 -
13 Lindricht 471|228 -711|674
14 Oddric 232|345 -
15 Osgaut 761|-892 -39|-973
16 Raedborth -194|- 687 -
17 Regindalt 719|365 -
18 Rikert 22|-85 -
19 Tormand -569|-91 136|855
20 Ulvelaik 399|-431 -

For name with only one coordinate, we simply need to send one spy and it will unlock the name, for name with two coordinates we need to spy the first coordinate first before the second coordinate. Spying the second coordinate before the first coordinate will give nothing.
For name with two coordinates we don't have to wait for the first spy to return before sending spy to the second coordinate, we only need to make sure that the spy to the second coordinate reach the tile after the spy report from the first coordinate delivered.

After all 26 coordinates are spied on, If by chance you make mistake such as sending to the 2nd coordinate before the first, the name wouldn't show up on the record, you could check the record on the mystery page and retry the mission (you only have to spy the coordinate for name which haven't shows up on the list, not all of them).

Failed spy action would still unlock the name as long as the Inscription found report appears.

