

Elf Male
Elf Male Character Portrait



So you've decided to enquire about the Takumi, this will give you a brief history and other things about me.



My History

I started Nov 2011 and soon joined WET (a training alliance). A wonderful place where I took my first steps in Illyriad. I settled in Azura. and Tallimar and there I have stayed.  It's a warm location, full of hostile creatures.


I naturally transitioned over to WE (the parent alliance of WET) awhile later and there I stayed for several months hanging out with a great crew (Shanks, Grag, Scar, Roland, oh so many I can't list here, but just a few to mention) . Then joined Nightbringers where me and a few friends found our calling and decided to make our own alliance. After a period there  I broke off and made my own alliance. Due to timing issues we folded the alliance and moved into Nightbringers,Restarted the Night Assassins, and after  growing some we decided then to merge with another alliance and be called the Southland Sentinals.  Which is where i am today.

About Me

However, I've learned that friendliness can be mistaken for weakness so I am always well prepared.  I also don't like bullies and I have ensured my growth and success to counter any bullies swiftly. Whether it's directed towards me or my friends there will be a price to pay.

If there is a dispute and the other party is open to it I'm always open to discussing the issue.  However, if one has purposely been rude or inconsiderate, then obviously my recourse will be similiar. I've learned too that this sometimes is the only "language" that type of person knows.


Personal Policy  (This applies to everyone regardless of NAP/Confed/Etc)  note: under construction

1. City Settlement -  

  • If you settle a city within 5 squares of me be prepared to move it.  I will not tolerate a city that close. And you will get 1 warning to move it.  Then I will swiftly relocate it.  
  • If you are considering settling within 6 to 8 squares away from any of my cities this may be ok, HOWEVER, permission is required.  I may not grant it either and if ignored I will relocate your city by force.
  • 9+ squares away don't bother me.  It's tough finding a plot of land so knock yourself out and welcome to my beer garden :)

2. Basic Res Farming (Food/Stone/Iron/Clay)

  • If I have land Sov'd and you would like the basic res from that plot  just ask for permission prior to harvesting there. I'm pretty relaxed about those.  However, I may be adjusting Sov levels and your vans could be in my way and will get killed. So upfront communication is important
  • UnSov'd land next to me I could care less.  Enjoy! :)

3. Generic herbs/hides/minerals

  • I'm not too fussy.  However, do not camp a cotter right on my doorstep (2 squares or less from me).  If you see something that close to one of my cities, just ask permision and I may well grant it (with temporary conditions of course). Why am I picking about generic? Because I don't want any farmers that close to my cities without permission first.  I'm funny that way. I feel it's impolite.  And I wil respond in an impolite manner.

4. Rare herbs/hides/minerals (the real dicey one)

  • Good manners are important. End of Story.  Be rude and I will be rude back.
  • Any Rare herb/hide/mineral within 3 squares of my city I consider to be my property. Do not touch it.  I will bump your harvesting guy. And reinforce it with an army.
  • Any Rare within 5 squares of my city I still consider to be my property. Do not touch it. However, I may be willing to temporarily grant harvesting rights given the spoils are split (80/20 - 20% for me). Again, if permission is not sought and I find your harvester/army I will remove it (forcefully or politely depending on my mood of the day).
  • WARNINGDo not camp any army  within 5 squares of any of my cities. I do not care the reason. I MAY warn you that you have encroached on my territory and consider it (that army not the player) a threat and will remove it forcefully. However, I may also just wipe it off the map swiftly. Please note: I am not declaring War on you in anyway. I'm simplying removing a hostile threat close to my Cities.  Honour this and we will have no problems.  If I do wipe out your army, do not retaliate.  You don't want to pick a fight with me as it will be one hell of a bloody long war and I have the manpower to sustain a long drawn out conflict.  Let's just be respectful and polite and move on and enjoy our short time here in Illy.



This link will help you with your quests
Tips for new players 
Basic defence for new players
Tips for new players
Tips for moving your Capital
Tips for building an army for new players
A guide to help you with your spells
NPC Difficulty Help
A Guide To Sov
Illy Crafting

NPC Group Size

         Description Min Max
Few 1 3
Handful 4 8
Several 9 21
Pack 22 81
Many 82 128
Gathering 129 227
Horde 228 462
Throng 463 815
Host 816 2,500
Legion 2,501 9,999
Myriad 10,000 24,999
Sea 25,000 49,999
Cornucopia 50,000+  

