
Sith Empire [SITH]

Founded By:Sithlordcharlie Founded On:08JAN13 20:30

The following people lead the way in making our mission a reality. All we need is you to join us

Recruitment- If you are interested on joining the Sith Empire, please contact an Member of Alliance of Upper command Or one of us will talk to uto see if u wish to join

Staff of Alliance:

Emperor of Alliance:   Sithlordcharlie is  the leader- He over sees every aspect of the alliance, all final decisions are made by this person.

 Crown Prince of Alliance: Titanic Is the Heir to the throne 2nd in command of all things going on in alliance

Chancellor of Alliance: This person is in charge of most aspects and can also grant permissions for war With Emperors Permission.

Vice Chancellor:  This the  person that  works in cooperation with the chancellor and emperor on all aspects of the alliance.

 Foreign Minister: This person is in charge of aspects outside the alliance including NAP's, war declaration and negotiations.

Vice Foreign Minister: Skorca  works in cooperation With Foreign Minister and Ambassador and High Command

Imperial Ambassador: IS an Person talkin  to other alliance and people to join us and make treaty that get up to Foreign Minister Office

 Interior Minister: Anndor is the Person is responsible for internal security and the protection of the constitutional order, for civil protection against disasters and terrorism, for displaced persons, administrative questions

Imperial Grand Moff: This person is in the highest Law maker in office

 Imperial Moff: Thiese people are in  charge of passing and upholding the laws, and has final vote on war declarations. They can also grant certain entities within. Also Is  Regional Moff

Lord Commander: Neria in command of All Member Troops During War time

Regional Commander: An Officer that take care of land Regions

 Citizen: Newbie to game/alliance

 Foreign Ambassador: Someone for another alliance making treaty for each other alliance’s or just help out loyal to another alliance

Lost Citizens: Player that is now not active in game


The Alliance Rules: We are neutral in all wars and we fight to the death.

All Diplomatic matters should be brought to are Foreign Minister Office

Diplomacy-We wish to have Non-Aggression Pacts with all alliances that we see are strong

Bismarck is the leader of that area For now and is also  Vice Chancellor of Foreign Office Sector

We ask that you try and stay active and remember it’s a game. Inactive players are fair game after 21days. However, you must ask permission to attack anybody and must follow orders.

 People who disobey orders will be kicked.

Threats against others of any kind will not be tolerated- doing so will result in immediate dismissal from the alliance.

Note to other alliances- We ask that you keep your troops more than 10 squares from us. This is as a courtesy to the members of the alliance. If you do not move you will get the following: 1. a warning to move within 5 days 2. Reinforcement by a sith member of the city that is within the squares the enemy troops are stationed 3. Failure to remove troops within the 5 days will result in force able removal.


Our Mission: Is to help our members in all aspects. We Will Train u in the game way of life on here. We take any willing person, a person who is outgoing and willing to grow with us. We help members in need and encourage our members to be themselves- within the rules of course. As an alliance we recognize the fact that people are unique- and no matter who you are we are here to assist you. Together we make a difference.  We also know that this is an game and real Like comes frist.

We provide guides and tips within our alliance for new players.
