
Night Assassins [NA]

Founded By:Sorceress Founded On:05JAN13 19:21


"They call him Shaykh-al-Hashishim. He is their Elder, and upon his command all of the men of the mountain come out or go in ... they are believers of the word of their elder and everyone everywhere fears them, because they even kill kings."


The origins of the Assassins trace back to just before the first crusade around 1080. There has been much difficulty finding out much information about the origins of the Assassins because most early sources are either written by enemies of the order or based on legends. 

A passionate devotee of Isma'ili beliefs, Hassan-i Sabbah was well-liked throughout  the land of Illyriad and most of the  people becoming his followers. Using his fame and popularity, Takumi founded the Order of the Night Assassins. While his motives for founding this order are ultimately unknown, it was said to be all for his own political and personal gain and to also exact vengeance on his enemies. Because of the unrest in the Holy Land caused by the Crusades Hassan-i Sabbah found himself not only fighting for power with other Illyriadians, but also with the invading Christian forces. 

Thus the birth of Night Assassins to help protect to realm  from  the evilness and wrath of  Illyriad.



Alliance Rules


Anyone wanting to settle with 10Squares of a member is asked to mail them first or else settling city is subject to being seiged.


Anyone wishing to harvest within 5 squares of a city is asked to mail the person involved or be subject to being attacked by the alliance.


Alliance has a 21 day inactive policy, at that point the account is subject to being kicked.Then will be booted and or looted and seiged by another member of the alliance.







For all Diplomacy matters please contact  FARHOOD


Please note at this time we are NOT part of the Night Federation




