
The Corrupted [Tcor]

Founded By:petitesword Founded On:30OCT12 12:07


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The Legend:

There was little to do. So we left. The world as we knew it had changed. We had no choice, we couldn’t resist. The call was too strong. So we crossed the desert, searching for answers.

 A ‘vanguard’, that’s what they called us, that’s what we wanted to be. We saw the sands as a vessel for power and new life. Little did we know that there was no truth or life in the desert. Only blood. We found an oasis but its cost was great. The pools of life we had sought were filled with blood. The promised land was a lie. But it was our lie. The lies of the sands became our truth and our creed. There is no life, there is no death, only blood and corruption.

So now we, The Corrupted, those who felt the call of the desert and have seen the blood flowing freely through its sands are waiting. Waiting….for you.

 On Joining The Corrupted

If you have felt the call of the desert and are ready to stand among us, contact - petitesword,  Mark Glenn, or any member in the senate

Why join?

We understand that many players desire to join an alliance and have an immediate impact. Other alliances require players to have veteran status before they can take a major role. We, The Corrupted, have a different philosophy. If you have faith in us, we will have faith in you. We welcome newer players into our ranks and value their immediate contributions. We are growing and The Corrupted will soon be a force to recon with. If you feel that you have what it takes, talk to a recruiter to see if The Corrupted is right for you.

We are based in the South Eastern area of Elgea and hope to one day form a power block in this area. We will support each other in all endeavours and will not tolerate acts of agression towards any of our members. We respect that every player has a right to claim sovereignty on his/her lands (within 5 squares of his/her city).

