
Alizés [AZ]

Founded By:Miradamian Founded On:24AUG12 13:26


Les Alizés are the winds of trade that help speed ships across the oceans. We enjoy the peaceful tranquility of the vast oceans during our trade and discovery journeys across the known world.

Here in Alliance Alizés, we are traders.  We harvest raw materials, and we use them to craft fine bows and swords and armor and other much sought-after items which we then offer in many of the land's markets and trading posts.

We also take part in the tournaments, and one day we'll hopefully be big enough to win one!

We are a peaceful alliance, but able to defend ourselves.  Concerns about any of our members should be raised with any of our Queens or Kings.

We have a strong reputation of being friendly to new players and seasoned veterans alike.  If you'd like to join us, feel free to send a message to one of the Queens or Kings.
