
The Order [T-O]

Founded By:Pellinell Founded On:30JUN12 23:20


Requirements For Membership

The Order is primarily a military based alliance. 

For those that wish to become members, we require our members to be active, civil and mature players.


For Diplomatic Relations

If you have settlement issues, or any other dispute with a member of T-O, please contact Seven

The Order does not engage in Confederations outside of the Dominion, with the exception of facilitating an exodus and those we have long standing relations with. 



Our Policies

  • The Order has strict policies regarding settlement. We do not settle within 10 squares of other players and ask that those wanting too settle within 10 squares of a member's city ask before settling. This includes an occupying army on the map.
  • Abandoned/suspended/inactive accounts still in this alliance belong to us. Do not without prior approval from a council member attempt to siege a abandoned/suspended/inactive account. Do not send your city to exodus to a spot where we have troops and are guarding while a player relocates. Mistakes happen in both cases and we are willing to be gracious when its a mistake.
  • We consider any resources within 10 squares of a city to belong to that city except in cases where 2 cities are very close. In those cases it is between the two players to work out an arrangement. If you send harvesters or armies within 10 squares of one of our cities without speaking to that person first you should not be suprised if you lose harvesters or troops. The rule of thumb is, ask first. We are very willing to work out arrangements that will be suitable to both parties. Our 10 square rule will not change! 
  • We do not poach players, and ask that other alliances show us the same respect. 
  • The Order despises bullies, If you are being bullied and are not in an alliance and located near  one of our hubs (Azura, Perrigor, Strendur) feel free to contact us for help.
  • A warning to would-be spies: if you are discovered, it will result in an immediate declaration of war on the alliance you are from and forfeiture of your cities by siege.
  • Taxes currently are set at 4%


Proud Member of the

The Order [T-O], The Colonist Empire [Tcol], Dwarven Lords [DLORD], Dark Star Academy [DSA]
