
Fires of Heaven [FoH]

Founded By:Jurome Founded On:07JUN12 15:08



 ~ Fires Of Heaven ~

FoH is equally led by Siren418, Pocketsfull, and the FoH council

Please contact Siren418 or Pocketsfull with any questions, comments, or concerns to ensure you get a timely response.

If planning to settle a city near any of our player's towns, please contact that player and leadership Siren418.

We have a 10sq rule here in FoH but upon permission, we do allow neighbors, so please just send us a message for approval. See #5 below for more info. :)



About Us:

We are a group of gamers from all walks of life that share the common goal of mastering all aspects of Illyriad. Illyriad offers players the ability to trade, build, fight, or operate covertly. The members of FoH are given the right and freedom to focus on any facet of their choosing. The ultimate goal of the alliance is to be as well rounded as possible.

Alliance Policy:

1) We strongly urge you to create a presence in our alliance chat as we love to be involved with our players. Daily guidance, tournament coordination, and friendly banter will often take place here, which will improve the bonds between alliance mates. Communication is regarded as one of the highest priorities of FoH.

2) Alliance members are not required to specialize in any one aspect of Illyriad, but should you choose to specialize in any particular facet of the game, we are here to help you acheive your goals. Promotions within the ranks of FoH will be given to members who show outstanding efforts and talents.

3) Alliance members reserve the right to remain neutral in individual conflicts. In a war time scenario ALL members of FoH will be expected to attack, perform diplomatic missions, or support other members of the alliance.

4)Any suspended or inactive accounts within FoH are still considered property of FoH. Sieging any FoH towns without direct permission from Melbrebel or Siren418, could result in war. Please contact leadership with any questions and/or requests for permissions. 

5) FoH does not require its members to use "marker armies" like the crows do. When we settle or exodus a town, we will not send to a square with an occupying army on it, nor will we sit a town within 5 sqs of another town. We do not believe that a "marker army" has the claim of 10 squares around it; if it is not an actual sitting town, or if it does not have sov claim on it, it's technically not owned by anyone. We believe in the "first come, first served" standard; should two towns exo or settle near each other accidentally, the first town there gets to stay, whether it is ours or another alliances. Accidents happen as the map becomes more crowded and we hope to settle matters diplomatically to resolve the issue. 

Failure to abide by any Alliance Policies may result in removal from FoH





