
Ascension [Rise]

Founded By:Player 44945 Founded On:06JUN12 20:23

From the Depths we have risen

To the Sky we will rise,

Standing upon the foundations of the world

The new dawn shall herald our coming

And we shall Ascend like Angels.

Though they attempt to cover our light

Ever shall our light Shine the stronger

Bursting through and never hidden.





Ascension accepts all races, and play styles. We accept all play styles, but require our members be able to follow orders, and that they be able to able to determine when and how it is appropriate to interact with other players and Alliances. We accept those trained by training alliances without reservation, though we withhold the right to have determine our officers and player ranking regardless of past performance.

Ascension will attempt to resolve any and all issues and differences diplomatically, but reserves the right to act in retaliation against any and all hostile acts against her towns and players. All diplomatic overatures are currently being suspended due to the recent outbreak of war across large portions of the map. Because of this outbreak in hostilities involvement of this alliance against others will be reviewed on a case by case basis by the officers of the alliance.

For membership or diplomatic inquiries, please contact Furry Feet. Note that not all applicants for membership will be accepted, for reasons that may or may not be disclosed. We request that all applicants have a minimum of two towns.
