
Noble Odyssey [N-O]

Founded By:Dalyor (Abandoned) Founded On:29MAR12 14:43


See that which you miss, decipher what is encrypted, hear the whispers on the wind and be ruthless in the defence of our domain - for our Noble Odyssey, our ultimate crusade, is to find that Utopia where justice reigns supreme, all races are considered equal, and live in health and prosperity for all time.


Noble Odyssey is an independent alliance actively recruiting players - please contact  Blue Panther for information or an invitation.

CAMARADERIE - As an alliance we offer a much broader community than your average alliance.  Noble Odyssey is a peaceful, mature community with some of the most active and loyal members in the game. We are here to have fun, be involved and play the game.
LOYALTY - Our strongest assets are our members.  Each player in Noble Odyssey brings a valuable asset to the table.
SECURITY - We are a respected alliance and have many allies.  We are well represented in the global community and we value members that maintain a positive influence in the global community through the forums and GC. 
INTEGRITY -  Members of Noble Odyssey will work not just within the rules of our alliance but the accepted rules of the broader community. We shall not undertake any diplomatic/magical/military activity without due cause and without having explored diplomatic solutions first. Moreover, we will fully support any member of the Noble Odyssey that is the victim of said activity.
TRAINING - Knowledge itself is power.  Unless you're a prodigy of sorts, you understand that Illyriad isn't a game that you learn or play on your own.  Our Alliance has years of combined experience in Illyriad:  from basic game mechanics to advanced player tips and tricks. 
ORGANIZATION - Noble Odyssey is not an alliance that will instantly forget about you. Members will receive regular emails regarding alliance related events and issues and welcomes feedback from all members, regardless of size or rank. In-house tournaments, as well as inter-alliance tournaments will be held on a regular basis so that we can share and evolve knowledge and tactics.
INVOLVEMENT - We interact together well, taking part in Illy tournaments and alliance tourneys. We support each other in every way possible.
RANKING - We have a detailed ranking system which helps to keep you moving.
 "There is no greater honour than to bestow knowledge upon those who desire to learn."
~ Thought
Noble Odyssey offer the security of the alliance, the generosity of the hunt, and the knowledge of the ages. Noble Odyssey are now recruiting, so if you have an interest in joining th alliance, please contact any leader for information.
Diplomacy Queries:
Please direct any diplomatic or territorial issues to Blue Panther.
Noble Odyssey adheres to the Illyriad standard 10-square rule.  Due to the migratory  nature of NPC's we do not accept that they are the property of any player unless they are on sovereign territory. To avoid unnecessary conflicts, we ask that players, both of Noble Odyssey and of other alliances, email each other to ask permission to go after and harvest the NPC's out of courtesy. Also, be advised that Noble Odyssey will resolutely defend any resource plots within a 5 sq radius of any Noble Odyssey town or any land with Noble Odyssey sovereignty. This will include diplomatic and military action against any troops deployed to these squares. This action is deemed an adequate and appropriate defence of our resources. 
Players who wish to move their cities or settle new ones within 10 squares of an existing Noble Odyssey city should contact the owner of the relevant city and also a member of the Noble Odyssey council prior to initiating the move.  Any player who does not acquire the appropriate permissions in advance may be subject to having the new/relocated city removed by force. 
Noble Odyssey do not recognise the use of troops to mark locations for spots for city locations, in part because so many troops are left occupying spots after NPC kills that it is impossible to determine what the purpose of the troops is, and partly as a result of seeing the system abused by too many players that have marked a location in excess of a month. Our attitude is that if you can get an army there, you can get a settler there.
Zero Tolerance Policy:
The following guidelines help to assure our members that Noble Odyssey is a peaceful, non-confrontational alliance; failure to comply with the guidelines below will result in immediate termination from Noble Odyssey regardless of your rank.  
When joining Noble Odyssey this policy is a contractual agreement between you (our member) and the alliance (Noble Odyssey).  You MUST abide by the following policy in order to retain your membership:
1. No member shall attack another player (Militarily or Diplomatically), unless the player has been proven to be inactive/suspended from the game or has proven to be hostilic in any way by not adhering to a members profile page.  The only exception to this clause is if Noble Odyssey are at war and war can be declared at the discretion of the alliance leaders and council.
2. Members of Noble Odyssey are not permitted to engage in aggravating or malicious banter in regards to another alliance or individual player in external forums. Whilst the alliance retains the right to have a free-spritied AC it should also be noted that alliance members may be sanctioned by senior figures in the event of exceptionally irresponsible or unacceptable behavior in AC.
Abandoned Accounts:
After a players time away from our alliance hits the 30 day mark, a message will be sent to the inactive player.  If they do not respond by the 30th day, their cities will be looted. New players are expected to log in regularly - they will be deemed inactive at 14 days and kicked unless the leader has been informed. If you plan on quitting the game entirely, please contact the leader or any council member. For extended absences, please appoint a sitter or make alliance council aware of the estimated length of absenteeism. Whilst any account is in Noble Odyssey, it is the sovereign property of Noble Odyssey and any diplomatic, magical or military attack on said account will be construed as a hostile act and dealt with accordingly.
Note some players may not talk because they are in banjo classes  -