
The Iconic Knights [IconR]

Founded By:Ecmoth Founded On:06MAR12 16:14

                               THE ICONIC KNIGHTS


Our aim is not to be an alliance of lone riders or lone raiders, but to unite into something half decent! We plan on becoming something (opposed to nothing) and become something that might just be able to beat our enemy (not that we want or have any).



We, the Iconic Knights strive for Glory. we are Driven from Pure Power and World Dominance (I mean, who hasn't got this ego in them? We have to make up for something..)  Nothing pleases us more than crushing our enemies and to cause widespread trolololing and chaos amongst the world and its inhabitants! From Elves to Orcs, or even the Mighty Human race and there high Throne leaders. All will be defeated, their towns will be torched and their lives will be ripped from them! We Are the Followers of the Darkness, We are the followers of the Devil himself - We, Are The Iconic Knights!


-- The Goals For This Alliance --

  • The Iconic Knights are here in Illy for Battle, we are an agressive alliance, we will stand down to any Agreements! (We will stand up if threatened by destruction though) If there is a piece of land on Illy that we want, we will take it!
  • We Aim to have a Templar in every Region of the Map, and at least two Knights in every Region. This way if we are called to battle we can move our armies around the Illy World Effectively and the Templar of that Region will be able to Communicate with the other Members in his Region easier, this will make us more Prepared for Combat and will give us the Upper-Hand.
  • The Iconic Knights may be an Agressive Alliance but we are aiming to have Allies to call upon if We are in need, however there are not much Agressive Alliances out there and most Allies prefer to keep " Neutral " rather than to help an Alliance in war that have Provoked it, and in this Alliance we are the ones prepared to start a War!
  • The Iconic Knights also Aim to have Dominance over our Neighbours, if we have Cities that are near our Towns and Cities we want them to feel Provoked, to be scared to make any quick movements hostile to us, this way it will be easy to take over the nearby land and to be aware of any Movements Ordered by that Player.
  • ^A loadda BS but all the alliances have something like this so we followed suit

         !The Rules!

  1. We may be an agressive Alliance but all Members must report to a Templar or a Dark Knight before they Order any Hostile Actions against a Member, if this rule is ignored the Player will Immdiatly Be under GREAT Punishment.
  2. Players must not Reveal any Plans to anyone outside of The Iconic Knights Alliance, whether its your Best Friend on Illyriad or if someone tries to Bribe you into it, you will be Kicked out of the Alliance and Hostile Actions will be taken Upon you!
  3. Disrespect, Please do not Disrespect Members of the Alliance. This can Lead to Them not helping you in time of need, or not sending out Resources to you when your Low. Disrespecting the Higher Ranks may lead to More Severe Punishments from the Alliance though.

The Ranks

  1. The Dark King - The Dark King has Full Control over the underworld and its Members.

  2. Mother of Mayhem - This Bi@tch has Full Control Over the Underworld and its Members.

  3. The Templars - The Templars are in Control over the Underworld Army Movements ( UAM ), they control where the Army Goes and what they attack.

  4. The Dark Knight - The Dark Knights are the Members who maintain Resources and are in control over Diplomatic Army Movements ( Dam ), all Theives or Scouts sent out to other Players Must first be reported to a Dark Knight.

  5. The Warrior - The Warriors are the Members who are the Backbone of the Alliance, they make the AC Active and are the BackBone of the army, they must maintain a decent army at all times and must be prepared for War at all times.
  6. The Underling - The UnderLing is a Player who has not shown his Dedication to the Alliance and has maybe not been as Active as other Players or has Broke a Rule with only small Punishments.
  7. The Banished One - The Banished One is a Member who has been demoted from " The Underling " for either, Breaking another rule or becoming In-Active, The Banished one cannot veiw the Forums for Secret Information and Will not be called upon for Battle - They cannot be trusted.


    To Join this Alliance please send a Message to Either :-
Or the name above ^
 You may not be Accepted Immediatly as we will have to veiw your History and gameplay!

