
Dragons [D]

Founded By:BlackGryphon (Abandoned) Founded On:02MAR12 22:54




The Dragons ask for a 10 square minimum perimeter around all cities.

Please do not send troops closer without asking the city's owner first, troops within 10 squares will be removed.


The Dragons Will Return

Through the mists of time, before the age of man and the Elder Races, There dwelt in the realm a multitude of mystical and magical beings, Chief amongst these were the dragons. They ruled the Earth, Sea and Sky. They were ancient even at that time. Over time the Elder Races appeared Elves, Dwarves etc. The Elves with their Magical and diplomatic abilities were soon able to establish a strong bond with the Dragons, and a strong kinship was formed allowing the dragons and Elves to co-operate with diplomatic and military might. These Elves became known as The DragonLords. becoming the ultimate arbiters of peace in the realm. And so was formed   DRAGONS. The Dragons rule the dark skies, keeping a watch for the Forces that would disrupt the realm.  Over time, this alliance was forgotten. But it will return Stronger and wiser.


So the Loremasters tell us.


Until Now.



Together we will strengthen the Realm against Chaos, working in the darkness to bring back the Light into the world. 

 DRAGONS have been reborn, and are awaiting the return of the Dragons. They are, in effect, a Peaceful Alliance, Preferring Diplomacy and Trade over Aggression, But if pushed too far, even Dragons have a breaking point.  There is NO RIGHT OR WRONG, GOOD OR EVIL.  ONLY HARMONY OR CHAOS.  DRAGONS has always and will continue to strive for PEACE AND HARMONY.

For applications to join us please mail a member of the alliance Leadership. Do not be disappointed or disheartened if your appliacation is rejected. Entry by Invitation only


For All diplo matters Please mail a member of the Dragon Council


Important:- All members Should be aware that unless prior notice is given, we operate a 21 day inactivity rule. Those members inactive for 21 days or more will be kicked from alliance and cities erased or taken over. If you know you will be absent Please appoint a sitter for your account, or send mail with dates to the Dragon Council. It is in your best interests to do this. You Know it makes sense. Have FUN, and keep playing.

