
The Real Legends [†TRL†]

Founded By:overlordoftheworld Founded On:25JAN12 05:15

Do you want to be the real legend?

About The Real Legends,

This alliance is all about dragon mastery. There will be council with five members and two other council that will help lower class. Also, diplomat commander, magician, and army commander places are open. Also a trader who will be sending out resorces to everyone. 

We are peaceful alliance. If you have any problem or is dissatisfied with one of the alliance member, please let one of the members.

Furthermore, our alliance's goal is to help out new members joining this alliance. Also, our goal is to get everyone prepare to be the real legends of the illyriad.

To join the real legends...

Any races are welcome to join this alliance. Please contact overlordoftheworld, (#/Player/Profile/106424) to ask questions or to join this alliance. 

Basic Rules:

1. If a member fights another member in the alliance without telling the council, the player will be suspend from the alliance.

2. If you are the member of The Real Legends, and have a issue with other players, contact Black Commanders or Council of Wym. We will try our best.

3. Player who logged last about 30 days without giving a notice to any role including Wym or Great Wym will be automatically suspended from the alliance.

4. Player who wishes to quit the alliance should send a notice to either great wym or the council of wym before quitting the alliance.

5. Enjoy!

Attacks of all kind:

Attacks of all kind (diplomacy and attacks in armies) on one of the players that is on purpose will be taken offensively and all members of this alliance will take action to either crush the player or infest that player with spells.



We are recruiting Feel Free to Contact Overlordoftheworld

P.S. thanks to aaron crawford for the support! Thanks Aaron!
