

Founded By:Saint4 (Abandoned) Founded On:08DEC11 03:51

Capital City Relocated to Panna with 20k+ Population.

Tax Rate set to 4%



The alliance of Camelot is dedicated to generous play with a friendly spirit. We are, first and foremost, Knights of the Grail and uphold the prospect that we must support what is right.  Our Alliance is managed by the members of the Round Table but all have a voice and a vote in all issues Illy.

Camelot is a peaceful alliance. We seek to maintain peace and civility with all orders in illyria. We are dedicated to this ideal and will never initiate any acts of hostility to any active players. We (as do all in Illy) enjoy the right to defend our lands and holdings and will do so with efficiency and with maximun effect if attacked by another player. Attacks include diplomatic, military or magical. 

If you feel you have been wronged by one of our members, please contact us to let us know so we can find a diplomatic solution that will be amicable and fair to all.

If a member of Camelot does not answer your message please do not attack their cities. We will take that as an act of unwarrented aggression and act appropriately upon it. Please send a message to any member of the Round Table, and we will work to ascertain the best solution for all involved.

Camelot members claim all land within 10 squares of any of our players cities.  Whether it's moving a town, minerals or resources, npc or just an open field, it belongs to Camelot.  Please contact us before encroaching on our lands.   Our members will grow, and as such will require space to expand.

We wish good fortune to all and bid you luck on this great adventure!



Please contact any of the round table members for any diplomatic matters.

Members of the Round Table are:


Arthur of Camelot




Camelot is actively recruiting! Please contact any one of our members to ask for an invitation.

The Emblem of the Knights
The emblem of the Knights of the Round Table worn round the necks of all the Knights was given to them by King Arthur as part of the ceremony of their being made a knight.

The Order's dominant idea was the love of God, men, and noble deeds. The cross in the emblem was to remind them that they were to live pure and stainless lives, to strive after perfection and thus attain the Holy Grail. 

The Red Dragon of King Arthur represented their allegiance to the King. The Round Table was illustrative of the Eternity of God, the equality, unity, and comradeship of the Order, and singleness of purpose of all the Knights.

"This is the heart of Camelot, not these stones, not these timbers, these palaces and towers. Burn them all and Camelot lives on, because it lives in us. Camelot is a belief that we hold in our hearts."  -King Arthur.

- Excalibur -

"May God grant us the wisdom to discover right, the will to choose it, and the strength to make it endure."

