
Fairy Road Authority [Roads]

Founded By:Player 47969 Founded On:09OCT11 12:28




Fairy Road Authority (aka Roads)

The Fairy Road Authority is an inter-continental competitive tournament alliance with deep roots in exploratory trade and crafting. We are one of the oldest long-standing alliance with great stability. Our original mission, whose primary charter is the restoration and maintenance of the Fairy Road network have drastically evolved into one whose mission is to dominate at seasonal King of the Hill tournaments. We welcome visiting warriors who shares the same vision as us, to dominate and represent as a formidable tournament alliance.

The Fairy Road Authority is a large collective organization which needs a variety of areas of expertise and is always looking for new talent to add to the family. Every member is valued, from our fighters to defend our name and territory in tournaments to our traders, and crafters.



Tournament Play

Roads has a primary focus to participate and dominate winning either bronze, silver, or gold medals at seasonal tournaments. We train our soldiers to be strong and resilient, defending each square across many lands especially our home territories. Roads have been participating in tournaments for over 8 years and have markedly improved over the past few years. In the past 2 years, we have won multiple global medals.

Autumn 2024 - Gold Medal

Summer 2024 - Bronze Medal

Spring 2024 - Silver Medal

Winter 2023 - Gold Medal

Autumn 2023 - Silver Medal

Summer 2023 - Gold Medal

Spring 2023 - Silver Medal

Winter 2022 - Silver Medal

Autumn 2022 - Bronze Medal (first global medal)

We continue to seek for new brave warriors to fight alongside and defend our name and honor. Our warriors have valiantly stood up against many odds, set-backs with a heart of steel and valor! As a longstanding underdog in tournaments, teamwork and collaboration is key to our alliance. Visitors are always welcome. We value loyalty, integrity and fair play. Switching teams in the middle of a tournament is strongly discouraged in Roads. When we win, we win with the highest honor, perseverance and hard work. Message InfinitySP or Mars if interested fighting with us either a Roadie or valiant brother, subject to a character aptitude evaluation.

We take tourneys seriously!


Our records prior to 2022 are as followed:

Tournament XI - Calamity ( Glanhad Oct 26 - Nov 23 2019)

1st place at: Glanhad, Oarnamly, Strendur, The Wastes

Overall rank: 5th

Second bloodiest Square:  The Wastes at 4.4 million deaths

Kodabear Server-Wide King of the Hill Tournament (June 17-July 17 2019)

1st place at: Clarien, Coanhara, Glanhad, Huronire, Northmarch, The Wastes.

Overall rank: 4th

Bloodiest Square:  Glanhad at 2,914,484 deaths

Kodabear/Zap Server-Wide King of the Hill Tournament (June 2018)

1st place at: Fremorn, Glanhad, Oarnamly, Poisoned Isle 

Overall rank: 6th

Tournament X - The Chill of Winter (Jan 2018)

1st place at: Clarien, Glanhad

Overall rank: 8th

Kodabear Server-Wide King of the Hill Tournament (April 2017)

1st place at: Clarien, Glanhad

Overall rank: 13th

Tournament IX - The Tinkers' Tournament (Sep 2016)

1st place at: Glanhad

Overall rank: 19th






Poaching policy:

We do not accept any harvesting that is not agreed beforehand on mines, herb patches or animal parts (including, in particular, elemental salts) on any square under Roads sovereignty or with a Roads army present.  Note: We may consider sharing harvesting with confed or NAP players that ask, and of course all existing agreements remain valid.

Territorial policy:

5-square radius:

The Fairy Road Authority will defend any resource plots within less than a 5 sq radius of any Road Town, and on any sovereignty claim by a Road town from unwanted armies, cotters, skinners, herbalists, and miners. This may include bumping harvesters, and possibly diplomatic or military action against any troops or harvesters deployed to these squares if deemed necessary for resource preservation (see conflict resolution below) . Note that although we consider the 5-square rule to be bilateral, we do not consider a town arriving at a traditionally Road rare resource to automatically claim that resource. Some players consider caravans to be included in their private 5-square policy and we do consider it polite to ask before harvesting within somebody's 5-square range.


Roads also adheres to the de facto standard 10-square rule.  To avoid unnecessary conflicts, players who wish to move their cities or settle new ones within 10 squares of an existing Road city should contact the owner of the existing city prior to initiating the move.  Any player who does not acquire the appropriate permissions in advance may be subject to having the new/relocated city removed by force (see conflict resolution below). This rule is bilateral, and Road Workers desiring to settle within 10 squares of a player town should first verify with the new neighbours.

Conflict resolution:

Most territorial conflicts are based on misunderstandings, and can be resolved by the involved players talking to each other to clarify the needs and wants and standpoints of both parties. Only if player-to-player discussions have proven fruitless in resolving the conflict should the matter be elevated to discussions between alliance leadership. Do not start any military action without first consulting your alliance leader - most alliances do not condone aggression started on player initiative.


Diplomacy policy:

We are a peaceful alliance.  As we are spread over the map,  we require the good will of our neighbors to do many of our activities and therefore have many Non-Aggression Pacts.  We wish to remain friendly with all of our neighbors.  War  (excepting friendly training exercises)  is always a last resort,  and the Fairy Road Authority is proud to have avoided this last resort for some years now.




Roads is currently chaired by the Chancellor. The rest of the leadership council consists of the vice chancellor, council members, road administrators, and workers. The organization, although strictly hierarchical, is also very geographically oriented; the Fairy Roads covering all the lands as a service and a friendly presence. However, in most matters unless the alliance is at war, the Co-ordinator of any given sector is very independent. The following roles have been identified:

Royal Councillor:

There is only one and our royal councillor roams Elgea and Broken Lands and defends Roads against outside threats and have been pivotal to our success in tournaments!


Our councillors perform key leadership tasks which but is not limited include diplomacy relations, recruitment, and personnel issues.

Trade Master:

Truly a master in their craft, our trade master are ranked in top 10 in Trade and represents the best of the best.

Urban Administrator:

Our administrators fight in our honor in seasonal tournaments and include our own warriors as well as elite fighters from neighboring lands who fight alongside us and win global victories together.

Hub/Wilderness/Road Connector:

Overseeing maintenance and extension of roads, a Connector administrates an extensive road network, often supported by one or more smaller players (sometimes including partner alliances). A hub connector should be close to connecting two adjacent hubs with contiguous roads, while a Wilderness Connector typically maintains and extends a  contiguous road network with a length* approaching or exceeding 50 squares.  A Road Connector may not have as long of a contiguous road, but will have large segments of a major alliance road construction project involving many players.

Road Administrator:

A Road Administrator has created a road network at least 20 squares long* or has built an empire of 10 or more towns. If the road network is part of a larger network, the length does not have to be contiguous, but can be the sum of "patches" contributing to the same road in several places.

Segment Administrator:

A  Segment Administrator has created a road segment with a length* of at least 6 squares or has reached the population level of 100,000 citizens.

Road worker:

A road worker has started building a road by claiming sovereignty over one square or has built at least 3 cities and reached the population level of 10,000 citizens.

Apprentice Road Worker:

A new member of the alliance that has not yet starting building a road. 

* Road length is measured as the fewest number of sov squares needed to connect the two points furthest away in a contiguous network or line of sovereignty. There may be intervening bodies of water to the road network, but then the shortest water crossing(s) will be subtracted when calculating road length.




Our Roots and History: Building Roads

The Fairy Road Authority [Roads] started its life as an independent sister organization of the Dwarven Druids. We share the peaceful and explorative goals of the Dwarven Druids. There are, however, two important differences: 1) Although a dwarf-friendly alliance, we accept members of all races and not only dwarves. 2) We focus on infrastructure and trade rather than magic.

It is important to understand the history of deep roots. When initially found, with pathfinding being a possibility in Illyriad, our alliance primary focus was to build roads as a global connection for trades and other transport.

Historical Road Construction:

Broken Lands Spineroad:

Connecting Broken Lands trade hubs via Gremont and High Hills

  1. Kreyo in GREMONT
  2. Poeghad’s Haven in HIGH HILLS
  3. Memor in HIGH HILLS
  4. Halls of Care in GLANHAD
  5. Seven Blessings in GLANHAD
  6. Temple of Compassion in GLANHAD
  7. Tattershill in NORTHMARCH
  8. Cloghord's Haven in COANHARA

Gremont 723|-1991, Roadwork SP-G1: Gremont Express (108 squares (projected))
Road Administrator: Rant Casey

Gremont 402|-1974, Roadwork SP-HH1: High Hills Exchange (48 squares)
Road Administrator: Shnaidinho

Other Major Roads:

Fremorn -951|362, Roadwork F2: Northern Trail (55 squares)
Road Administrator: Doomstay

Qarosslan 650|830, Roadwork Q2: Reaver Bend (55 squares)
Road Administrator: Alcie

A Collection of Decommissioned Roads:

Kumala -944/-910, Roadwork K2: Highway No. 1 (52 squares)
Road Segment Administrator: Tullernas at Pro

Laoshin 986/370, Roadwork La2: Laoshin Freeway (17 squares)
Road Segment Administrator: demdigs

Middle Kingdom 104|80, Roadwork MK1: Inner Ring Transcouncil (35.5 squares),
Road Administrator: O Cavaleiro Verde

Zanpur 725|-377, Roadwork Z1: Zanpur Desert Bypass (35 squares)
Road Administrator: Zinorien

Fremorn -954/-354, Roadwork F1: Fremorn Mine Pass
Road Worker: JiaLak9

Wastes -950|762, Roadwork Q2: Northwest Fairy Passage (112 squares)
Road Administrator: Thistle Boy

Zanpur/Perrigor/Turalia 601|-425, Roadwork Z2: Zanpur Highway (126 squares)
Road Administrator: Salvina

