
Shraps Mem Academy [SMA]

Founded By:The Mariner Founded On:06SEP11 17:31


[00:57]<King Sigerius> I'm not your friend Eagle


     Welcome to Shrapnel's Memorial Academy

--A tribute to the great player - Shrapnel - defender of the weak in Illy - who moved on to the Great Adventure beyond leaving behind a lucky few with great memories and the rest of us with a noble philosophy...


 We've been forced into being a War Alliance

Everyone is welcome to join to fight Iron and Roman Empire if you're interested.


Please visit the memorial to Shrapnel at #/World/Map/-57/-115/4



We are part of a Triumvirate of 3 alliances

Illy Training Ground



Shrapnel's Memorial Academy


Shrapnel's FDU

Chilling / Hunting / Harvesting


  • Alliance Prestige
  • Resource shipments to help you grow
  • Experienced and friendly players to teach you the game
  • Additional information and guides
  • Participation in every other tournament
  • Internal competitions with Prestige prices for smaller/newer players
  • Some of the best and experienced tournament players in Illyriad
  • A chill and friendly AC in case you want to take a break

Benefits for all alliances:

  • A friendly, helpful and peaceful Alliance
  • Shared Prestige builds with vans from 150+ cities
  • Free movement between the alliances and to other alliances
  • Some of the oldest Alliances existing in Illyriad for over a decade



  • SMA will strive to be one of the premiere tournament alliances in Illyriad
  • We provide fun, knowledge, and support in an approachable environment
  • We may recruit short term membership for seasonal tournaments
  • We will teach how to be successful in tournaments and on regional totems
  • We expect members to be active
  • We expect membership to relentlessly launch at tournament tiles
  • We encourage vigorous scouting of tournament totems




Diplomatic concerns can be addressed to Thirion or Eagle


SMA follows the 10 square rule, and we consider 5 squares around our towns sovereign soil and ours to harvest.


