
Muppets On Tour [~MOT~]

Founded By:Pro Human (Abandoned) Founded On:21AUG11 00:36

Welcome to Muppets On Tour

We are a small training alliance, and a friendly bunch of Muppets that are here to learn and grow.

We are here to learn and once we have learned, we help. As a good leader once said, "We will move forward together!"

Just like most alliances, we take care-a-vans seriously, and they are a big thing in ~MOT~. Upon joining us, it would be advisable to mail one of the Leadership, telling them what you can hold for care-a-vans.

But, we are here to teach, then to give... and we are a peacefull alliance who don't want trouble.

If you wish to join ~MOT~, please contact either Phoenix_470, Aisha Blackmoon, BenDunder or Belle of the Vale. We will do our best to get you in (You must have at LEAST 50 pop so we know you are active).

We are open for a NAP or Confed. Please contact either Phoenix_470, Aisha Blackmoon, BenDunder or Belle of the Vale for details.
