
Beekeepers [BZZZ]

Founded By:Gryzelda Founded On:12JUL11 22:06


The Bee
  (by Andrew Downing)

The music of the busy bee
Is drowsy, and it comforts me;
But, ah! 'tis quite another thing,
When that same bee concludes to sting!



The Pedigree of Honey
  (by Emily Dickinson)

The pedigree of honey
Does not concern the bee;
A clover, any time, to him
Is aristocracy.



For a Swarm of Bees
   (Anglo-Saxon Metrical Charm)

Settle down, victory-women,
never be wild and fly to the woods.
Be as mindful of my welfare,
as is each man of eating and of home.






The Beekeepers are a friendly, peaceful alliance of newer players.  We try to help out other new players when we can, and we do not condone bullying of any kind.  We expect to deal with cases of erroneous attacks on active players via diplomatic means.  We are not actively recruiting at this time, as we haven't yet the resources to support many members.  However, we will always welcome likeminded players.  



