
Dwarven Druids [Druid]

Founded By:Player 27628 Founded On:05JUN11 22:02



We  aim to prove to the world that Dwarven magic is as powerful and reliable as the dwarven tools we all prefer.    To this end, we will assign a Dwarven archdruid of each region of the map - in Elgea and in Broken Lands. Being a non-military alliance, we strive to maintain peaceful relations with all other alliances, and will not initiate hostilities. Anyone thinking about starting aggressions towards the Druids should be warned though, that constant resource deterioration and defensive magic will not be the only means of retribution.

But we prefer to help our friends and stay in peace. May the beards of all dwarves and all our friends grow to the ground! 



(Illustrations from, mainly)


Territorial claims policy:

In light of current resource and crafting policies, the Dwarven Druids will resolutely defend any reource plots within a 5 sq radius of any Druids Town, and any sovereignty claim by a Druid town. This will include diplomatic and military action against any troops or harvesters deployed to these squares. This Action is deemed an adequate and appropriate defense of our resources. Note that although we consider the 5-square rule to be bilateral, we do not consider a town arriving at a traditionally Druid rare resource to automatically claim that resource.

Druids also adheres to the de-facto standard 10-square rule.  To avoid unnecessary conflicts, players who wish to move their cities or settle new ones within 10 squares of an existing Druid city should contact the owner of the existing city prior to initiating the move.  Any player who does not acquire the appropriate permissions in advance may be subject to having the new/relocated city removed by force. This rule is bilateral, and Druids desiring to settle within 10 squares of a player town should first verify with the new neighbours.


Poaching policy:

We do not accept any harvesting that is not agreed beforehand on mines, herb patches or animal parts (including, in particular, elemental salts) on any square under Druid sovereignty or with a Druid army present. We will attack harvesters breaking this policy, and we may drop NAP and even confederate status until sufficient guarantees have been received that poaching will not resume from the members of such alliance.



The organization, although strictly hierarchical, is also very geographically oriented; the range of important spells being limited and the Dwarven Druids permeating all the lands as a global force to reckon with. However, in most matters unless the alliance is at war, the Archdruid of any given region is very independent.


Great Archdruid

Nesse, founder of the alliance and current fiddler in politics. In times of abundant mana trying to establish a common direction for the alliance. The Great Archdruid is also occasionally called upon to resolve conflicts of transregional nature.


Archdruid - Cabinet

A special position that is given to those who form the collective will of the Dwarven Druids.  May be of any specific title, such as recruitment, defense, etc.



The Archdruids are the acting representatives of the Dwarven Druids in their region(s) or area, and act with a high degree of local autonomy. Although it is largely up to the discretion of the Archdruid in each region, supporting new players in that region is encouraged and in particular any Dwarves (regardless of alliance affiliation) with less than 500 population regardless of alliance are welcome to request support in the form of building materials and production boost spells. As appropriate, Archdruids are also acting as liaisons to other alliances and as Ambassadors to NPC factions in their vicinity.

Druidic officer
One who serves the Archdruid as a liege in the archdruid's region and helps with the maintenance and other duties given to the Archdruid.


Having at least one level 10 mage tower and providing magic assistance (geomancy spells and and in conflict situations also blights) as requested by his/her Archdruid, or having established an outpost in a region lacking other Druids. Druids should follow relevant orders by Archdruids of the region or area their towns are in.



Dwarves having joined the Dwarven Druids, but not yet graduated as Druids.



Fairy Road Authority is our sister alliance, and in a crisis we would act as one unit.

Other Confederations: A confederation is not entered lightly, and before entering a confederation with any alliance, we need to ascertain that aims and goals are aligned, and that the prospective confederate understands that in case of conflict of interests, the Consone Confederacy will take precedence. Using mainly defensive magic, the Dwarven Druids will come to the aid of any Confederated player being attacked without provocation. Should the case arise that conflicting views are presented and in particular should several alliances from within our layers of friends be involved, careful investigation might be necessary to assess the guilt and in case of sustained doubt, we may remain inactive. Obviously, we expect the same if we get attacked, though perhaps more predominantly in the form of military and diplomatic aid.

Non-Aggression Pacts: Any alliance is welcome to sign a NAP with the Dwarven Druids, as we are striving to maintain the natural balance by allowing all different expressions of life. We will obviously not tolerate overt or implied aggressions towards any Druid, and neither overt aggression towards any of our allies. In disputes between alliances within our NAP sphere, Druids in different regions may take different sides, so that Druids support either or both sides with defensive magic, but in no event shall troops, destructive diplomatic units or offensive magic be used against a player in an alliance within our NAP sphere.


In Memory of Our Fallen Dwarven Brothers; Nesse and Gyronn
