
Krakken [= K =]

Founded By:Rois Founded On:18APR10 05:39

THE KRAKKEN Below the thunders of the upper deep, Far, far beneath in the abysmal sea, His ancient, dreamless, uninvaded sleep The Kraken sleepeth: faintest sunlights flee About his shadowy sides; above him swell Huge sponges of millennial growth and height; And far away into the sickly light, From many a wondrous grot and secret cell Unnumber'd and enormous polypi Winnow with giant arms the slumbering green. There hath he lain for ages, and will lie Battening upon huge sea-worms in his sleep, Until the latter fire shall heat the deep; Then once by man and angels to be seen, In roaring he shall rise and on the surface die. Alfred Tennyson We are intent on peaceful expansion across the world but will fight for our right to expand. We look for confederates who will stand by us in times of trouble and that will work with our council. We do not want to align ourselves with anyone looking to start fights with other alliances, or those that wish to expand at the expense of others. If you want to join our alliance contact Blind Antelope,Rois or go to and apply at our forum. For diplomatic approaches please contact Blind Antelope THE CHARTER OF KRAKKEN 1. The Leader and Vice Leaders are Law. To disobey them is Unforgivable. One must obey whatever the Leader or the Vice leaders tell them. Without question or objection. If they believe they should not be doing so, then they should seek the advice of the Council. However to not perform the rulers commands, without seeking advice is Unforgivable and the person will be dealt with accordingly. 2. Respect the Alliance. To disrespect a fellow member is Unforgivable. One must respect his fellow alliance members, and the alliance itself. They should not even have to be warned to be respectful. Disrespecting the alliance and her members is Unforgivable and those who do will be dealt with accordingly. 3. Murder to Murderers. Unsanctioned killing is Unforgivable. One is not allowed to attack another alliance without first getting the approval of the High Masters or Lord Provost. To attack any alliance cities without permission is Unforgivable and those who do attack other cities will be dealt with accordingly. Unallied players can be attacked, but if they retaliate do not expect help if you are the instigator of rivalry. 4. Respect to Allies. To dishonour our allies is Unforgivable. One must respect our Alliance’s allies. They should not even have to be warned about respecting and honouring our allies. To dishonour our allies is Unforgivable and those who do will be dealt with accordingly. Reparations for damage to allies will be enforced stringently. 5. Murder to Liars. To join the alliance as a spy or refuge is Unforgivable. One is not permitted to enter the alliance as a spy or refuge. To seek asylum without a leaders’ permission or to spy on our Alliance is Unforgivable and those who do will be dealt with accordingly. 6. Alliance Dues Paid. To avoid ones dues to the Alliance is Unforgivable. One must pay their dues to the Alliance during times of need. They must provide whatever is asked for be it troops, resources or gold to help the alliance grow. To avoid paying them is Unforgivable and those who do will be dealt with accordingly. Note: However we promise the alliance will never ask for such things without reason and great need for them. You will only be asked to supply weapons, troops, resources, gold or anything when it is absolutely necessary.