
Illyria Empire [IE]

Founded By:Reka Founded On:13APR10 16:42

LORE: Mature players, master strategists, descendants of Middle Earth, believers in the Magic of Illyria... We have come back from Valenor. We are here to win .... CORE VALUES: Our alliance shall be known for its valor, honor, good reputation and tactical acumen. We shall overcome hostiles with overwhelming force, speed, and defensive skills. Our cities shall be among the richest and most prosperous in all of Illyriad. WE WILL NOT BE INTIMIDATED AND NO ONE SHALL INTIMIDATE US. TERRITORIAL REACH: We are currently concentrated in the southeastern quadrant, with members as far south as Y(-239) and as far east as X(283). And we have established a foothold in the far northeastern territories from X(109) to X(262) to as far north as Y(199). And we are having key allies in the southwestern and northwestern quadrants. We don't believe in lumping our cities together because we are here to explore the myriad possibilities and the farthest reaches of Illyriad. PLAYERS WELCOME: We prospect only the active players and only by personalized invite, but if you are interested in joining us, just message any of our members. We also promote harmony among all the races. Our current roster includes the following: Humans - 31 Elves - 28 Dwarves - 15 Orcs - 10 TOTAL - 84(... and counting ... ) Note: RANK/TITLE System of the Alliance has been transferred to the Alliance Forums
