
D'Haran Empire [DE]

Founded By:Gratch (Abandoned) Founded On:03NOV10 21:32

The D'Haran Empire!!


>About Us <


An air of war lingers just beneath the morning mists as your cotters rise to face another day. Rumours and intrigue abound. These are heady and uncertain times to those feeling threatened, bullied or vulnerable. The D’Haran Empire covers the good portion of the land and presents itself as an alternative to those who are more interested in building, trading and helping rather than destroying and territorial domination. But make no mistake - we will defend ourselves and our friends if provoked. If you are a new or experienced player, you’ll be welcomed into the fold and treated equally. Your success is ours and we want to see you succeed. Respect our fundamental rules and our alliance will treat you well and help you get the best out of Illiyriad.  

We’re always looking for new members. Whether you’re a serious or casual gamer, DE may be the right fit for you. We’re a friendly and supportive bunch. Our AC has a bar, pinball machine and a brass pole.  If you’re a troublemaker or the alt of a troublemaker - we’ll sniff you out, so don’t bother. For any inquiries about joining, and exclusive trade agreements, contact Always-Chief. For discussion of NAP’s or confederate possibilities, please contact Red_Rum.

   > Our Policies <

The D'Haran Empire believes in the freedom of all people to enjoy Illy and prosper, whether they are small or big. We believe that there’s room for every style of play and ambition (within reason), so long as they do not infringe upon the rights of others to do the same.

No one who joins will ever have their play style disrupted so long as they follow the basic rules of the alliance. The basic rules apply to everyone equally. No exceptions. The D'Haran Empire will respect your values, so long as you respect ours:

  • The D'Haran Empire will gladly assist any new member with resources and military protection if needed.
  • The D’Haran Empire expects its members to act responsibly at all times. Your actions -- in the game, forums or GC -- are a reflection of the alliance. Think before you siege, attack, bump, occupy a square to harvest or settle or diplo another player. When in doubt about that next move, DE leadership should be consulted. If the leadership has a problem with your actions, its incumbent on the member to heed their advice. Ignoring DE’s leadership in sensitive matters may have dire consequences, including removal.
  • The D'Haran Empire does not condone attacks against its members or others. Attacks on active small or new players, regardless of affiliation, are especially frowned upon. We’re not a warring alliance, but our armoury is well stocked if we have to take action.
  • The D’Haran Empire does not discuss its politics or actions in GC. IGM the leadership if you must discuss something - we’ll do our best to reply as quickly as possible.
  • Theft, sabotage and assassination against our membership may result in retribution or war. Diplo us at your own risk.
  • The D'Haran Empire recognizes that all players in Illy have harvesting rights within 5 squares of their cities - respect our property rights and we will respect yours. We prefer sharing agreements for other sites to maximize productivity and minimize conflict.  Message us to discuss a trade agreement.
   > Rules and limitations <

1) Do not be the aggressor (we are not the ones to start a war).

2) Do not insult people, especially your fellow members. 

3) Active participation in alliance chat and reading mail from alliance leadership is encouraged and will make the game that much better for you and the rest of the alliance. This is about having fun. If you plan to be inactive for longer than 14 days, you are required to advise the designated leader. (Other option would be asking another member of this alliance to sit your account in the time of absence)

Breaking any of these rules or policies will get you removed from the alliance.

   "Every person has to realize he's responsible for his own actions to the full extent. After all, what results from one action can have far reaching consequences." ~ Nick Halden

For any queries or Diplomatic issues please can you mail B'Orc or red rum

