
Eternal Champions [Champ]

Founded By:AmrothAnguireal (Abandoned) Founded On:29OCT10 01:56

Eternal Champions

   We are come to Illyriad from the depths of time. Mighty Spirits dedicated for all time to the war of good and evil. We serve the King, and hold council with a vote and voice from all members. To be born free is a blessing, to live free a privlege, to die free a responsibility. We shall defend any member who is attacked with complete intent of destruction for the hostile party responsible.

     Ut sementem feceris, ita metes

     The Accolade Painting Medieval Tapestry Wall Hanging - Knighting Ceremony by Leighton (One Of Our Best Medieval Tapestries)

Deeds alone are the measure of all. Let those who would be named great, do deeds of great renown.

The Great are not swayed by fate but rise up and forge their own destiny

Great Deeds will be done, They will be done by us.

Hail the Eternal Champions


** We appreciate that Illyriad is running out of space for good settlements and that it is increasingly hard to maintain the ten square rule. However, this is no excuse for bad manners. Any town settled within the borders of our players that has not requested permission beforehand will be removed. 

 We will consider requests up to seven squares from our players but no closer, however the final decision is left to the CHAMPS member whose borders are being infringed upon. We also expect other alliances to have the same or similar policies and should and CHAMPS player settle within the territory of another player without permission we anticipate that the CHAMPS players' town will be removed and we will support that action.

 In the event that 2 payers Land/Exodus/Tenaril at the same location or closer than 7 squares from one another, we honor the first setteled rule.

