
Toothless V2.0 [T2]

Founded By:Aradil Founded On:28OCT10 04:01

Toothless V2.0

TOOTHLESS? We are a temporary peaceful alliance formed to help those who are new to the game. Not only do we train members in the nuances of the game, we support them with resources and materials.  We require that our members be active and building.  Members are not allowed to attack any active player. Our members are free to leave and join any alliance when they feel comfortable with the game. We are a sister alliance to Harmless? and to Toothless? (our first training alliance), however, since we are peaceful training alliance, we are not involved in Harmless conflicts/wars nor do our members provide any support to H? members.

We will be happy to consider a NAP with any alliance as long as the NAP agreement includes the following: Toothless is a peaceful alliance and, as such, will not be called up to aid or assist in any conflict. Any new training or peaceful alliances are welcome to request a NAP with our alliance. We support protecting new players and assisting them in understanding the game.

We protect our members, if you have an issue with anyone in Toothless please contact me to resolve the issue peacefully.   

Contact Starry if you wish to discuss joining our alliance.

NOTE;  We are currently forming Toothless II as there is a need to help and protect new players, please, many of our members are moving to Toothless II and have notes in their profiles, they are protected by this alliance and Harmless.    Thank you.   Aradil  (aka Starry)
