
SoYouWantToHunt [SYWTH]

Founded By:Bolism Founded On:28OCT23 08:41


Hunting, Harevesting & Crafting
1. Basics                  2. Commanders                  3. Army Attack Score                  4. NPCs Defense
5. Fight                  6. Tools                  7. Harvesting                  8. Harvestable Parts
9. Crafts                  10. HoD                  11. Data                  12. Others

Last update 2023/10/29


1. Basics


Name Short Explanation
Research For Infantry everything from Conscription to Elite Guards
For Cavalry everything from Call to arms to Elite Squadron
5 commanders: Military tree > Conscription (2nd), Call to Arms (3rd), Standing Army (4th), Warcraft (5th)
Troop type Cavalry for plains and small hills
Infantry for every other terrains
Commander T2 infantry or T2 cavalry to match troops, and all commanders same type
Commander points 10 points in Heroism
Army set up 5 divisions, 5 commanders, 61 T2 troops (57/1/1/1/1)
Gear Terrain gear on commanders only (cheap and works well)
Moonshatter gear on commanders only

And you are good to go! (at least in most cases :)

If you want more details on why, check the rest of the guide.



2. Commanders

With the research in the Military tree you can have up to 5 commanders alive per town (no limit on dead/retire ones).

Since we are all about attack power, T2 commanders are a must as they have the highest attack output. My hunting armies attack output comes mostly from the commanders (~90% of the total attack power), so we'll be focusing on them first.

When you kill NPCs or other player troops, your commanders earn experience points. The calculation is rather simple: each troop have a experience value attached to it, you multiply that by the number you killed and you got the total experience earnt. You then devide that by the number of commanders, and you'll get the experience each commander earnt. You can then assign those points to different traits in the commander page.

Note: Some people in GC mentioned that Division Bonus is better than Heroism for newer player. As show on that spreadsheet that is wrong for any reasonnable player, take heroism first (ALWAYS).



Let's start by mentioning the most important bonus for attack: Heroism. Each level your commander has, will add the attack of the troop he is based on 6 times.

Commander attack multiplier with 10 heroism:

(10 x 6) + 1 = 61

61 times the base attack. In the case of Human T2 cavalry [@i=5|77], the attack is:

65 x 61 = 3,965

To activate the full power of heroism, you need at least the same power in troops in your army, so you'll need 61 knigts or 108 charioteers (3965/37= 107.1, the 37 is the base attack power of charioteers [@i=5|76]).

You are free to distribute these troops along the different divisions of your army, but do not break the Elite bonus for your division. Also at least 1 troop need to be under each commander. I usually do:

5 commanders: 57/1/1/1/1 (57 in first division and 1 in each other)
4 commanders: 58/1/1/1
3 commanders: 59/1/1
2 commanders: 60/1


Division Attack Bonus

For pure attack bonus, the second important commander trait is the Division attack bonus.

Troop Type Division attack bonus
Spears Close Quarter Penetration:
increase the attack of spear commander & troops in the division by 10% (T1 com) or 15% (T2 com)
Infantry Bloodlust:
increase the attack of sword commander & troops in the division by 10% (T1 com) or 15% (T2 com)
Ranged Concentrated Fire:
increase the attack of bow commander & troops in the division by 10% (T1 com) or 15% (T2 com)
Cavalry Charge:
increase the attack of cavalry commander & troops in the division by 10% (T1 com) or 15% (T2 com)


Other Traits

For hunting the other bonuses are purely for convinience.

If you plan on hunting often with the same Army, you can spend some points into Vitality & Accelerated Healing. That will help maintaining the commanders alive, and reduce the chance to have the troops coming back with their dead bodies.

If you hunt a bit far from your town, you can spend some points into Forced March (up to 50% bonus speed for commander and troops in the division).

Be aware that the higher level is your commander, the longer and more expensive it costs to revive it, affecting your capabilities of hunting in case of casualities.


Elite Divisions

In Illyriad their are 2 types of division: Normal Division and Elite Division. Commanders and troops in Elite division, receive a double bonus from the equipment they are wearing.

In general for hunting you want to have the maximum possible number of Elite Divisions, as that improve greatly the power of our Heroic Commanders.

A division becomes Elite when you put less than the maximum number of same type troop under a commander. Here are the numbers:

Troop Type Max Troop in Division for Elite
Spears 200
Infantry 150
Ranged 100
Cavalry 60

You can see if your divisions are elites here and check if the star light up (Elite: yellow , not Elite: grey).


Commanders & Gear

Now that we have our commanders operational with heroism activated, let's talk about equiping them. To simplify the explaination here, I'm gonna take the case of hunting with terrain specific gear. If you want to calculate with different equipment, just change the gear attack bonus in the following calculations.

Let's calculate our bonus with Plainsman's Spear, Plainsman's Chainmail and Heavy Warhorse [@c=112][@c=154][@c=34]

60% + 60% + 5% = 125%

Since we are hunting in elite division, the total bonus is

125% x 2 = 250% = 2.5

The attack bonus is therefore:

3,965 x 2.5 = 9,912.5

and the total attack:

3,965 + 9,912.5 = 13,877.5


Commanders, Terrain & other bonuses

Our commanders are now geared and with 10 points in Heroism, so let's calculate our final attack score by incorporating the remaining bonuses we can have: Terrain, Division attack, Biome & Prestige.

I put 15 point in charge, I'm attacking on plain, not using prestige and no biome bonus:

15% + 30% + 0% + 0% = 45% = 0.45

That correspond to:

13,877.5 x 0.45 = 6,244.875 attack

The grand total attack for our Elite commander is:

13,877.5 + 6,244.5 = 20,122.375


Commanders Summary

I went through the whole calculation previously but you can simplify it with this formula:

Elite: ([base atk] x 61) x (1 + 2 x ([equip bonus])) x (1 + [other bonuses])
Not Elite: ([base atk] x 61) x (1 + [equip bonus]) x (1 + [other bonuses])

You can verify that by plugging in the values used previously:

Elite: (65 x 61) x (1 + (2 x 1.25)) x (1 + 0.45) = 3,965 x 3.5 x 1.45 = 20,122.375
Not Elite: (65 x 61) x (1 + 1.25) x (1 + 0.45) = 3,965 x 2.25 x 1.45 = 12,935.81



3. Army Attack Score

Let's start by calculating our troops output, I'll take again the same example, 61 T2 human cavalry, no gear. We got:

61 x (65 x 1.45) = 61 x 94.25 = 5749.25 attack

So now we can calculate our total army attack output

5 commanders: (5 x 20122.375) + 5749.25 = 106,361.125 (94.5% from com)
4 commanders: (4 x 20122.375) + 5749.25 = 86,238.75 (93.3% from com)
3 commanders: (3 x 20122.375) + 5749.25 = 61,116.375 (91.3% from com)
2 commanders: (2 x 20122.375) + 5749.25 = 45,994 (87.5% from com)

As you can see, the large majority of the total army attack comes from the commanders alone, and equiping troops will not improve the total output by much, but considerably increase the cost of hunting.



4. NPCs Defense (against one type of attacking troops)

Now that we understand how the attack of our army is calculated, we can evaluate the defense of the army we are attacking. Most NPCs have 4 level of divisions (up to 8 for Underworlders).

We'll start by the simplest case: Commanders & Troops are of the same type for all the attacking army.

We calculate the defense for each division of the defensive army, and then add them together:

[nb of NPCs] x [base def against troop type] x (1 + [terrain def bonus])

Let's do it with an example:

Type: Unit: Quantity:
Army: Legion of Giant Rats
Troops: [@i=5|238] Ratlings 3000
Troops: [@i=5|239] Rats 2000
Troops: [@i=5|240] Diseased Rats 1000
Troops: [@i=5|241] Elder bucks 500

We get:

Division 1: 3000 x 6 x (1 + (-0.15)) = 15,300
Division 2: 2000 x 8 x (1 + (-0.15)) = 13,600
Division 3: 1000 x 12 x (1 + (-0.15)) = 10,200
Division 4: 500 x 16 x (1 + (-0.15)) = 6,800

Total: 15,300 + 13,600 + 10,200 + 6,800 = 45,900 defense against cavalry on plains

So 3 of our Elite T2 commanders properly geared should be enough to clear that group of NPCs.



5. Fight

Loss = Defense / Attack

Let's evaluate the loss for out previous army of 5 knights on plain (section 3.) against the legion of rats (section 4.) :

Defense = 45,900      Attack = 106,361.125
Loss = Def/Atck = 45,900/106,361.125 = 0.43 = 43%

The commanders will loose a fixed amount of health, independant of their max health:

Com: 100 x 0.43 = 43 points of health loss

The troop loss will then be calculated

61 knigths loss: 61 x 0.43 = 26.3 ~ 26



6. Tools

With that, you are now able to understand the Mathematics behind the hunting and combat in Illyriad.

Luckily for us, [M.d] already put all this formulas into a spreadsheet that you can use as Calculator. It will indicates how many troops are required to clear your scouted group of NPCs:

[Original] Marauder's Calculator by Whack

[2020/05] Marauder's Calculator (Bolism Version) : that one simplify the integration of NPCs data entry.

[2022/09] Marauder's Calculator (Bolism Version) Version 2 : that one has a list of the current gear in game (doesn't include day/night bonuses, or undead/monstrous/vs animal bonuses).


A list of tools that I developped as needed, along the way while learning the game:

  • Thieves Tools: a tool that let you evaluate the number, the race and type of thieves sent at you
  • Updated Marauder Calculator: An updated version of the great Marauder calculator to integrate the 8 divisions army of Underworlds, and automatic NPC data loading
  • IllyCombat: python scripts to evaluate and graph various aspects of combats in Illy.
  • Alliance Inventory: a spreadsheet to manage the inventory for an alliance (What I was using in RoFC)
  • Heroism vs Division Bonus: a spreadsheet to show the vastly better option on taking heroism for hunting



7. Harvesting

In Illyriad there are 4 main classes of harvestable: Basic Ressources, Herbs & Rare herbs, Minerals & Rare Minerals and Hides & Animals parts.

  • Caravans harvest the basic ressources (food, wood, clay, iron & stone)
  • Cotters harvest Herbs, Minerals, Hides & Skysplinters.
  • Miners harvest Rare Minerals.
  • Herbalists harvest Rare Herbs.
  • Skinners harvest Animals parts.


It is possible to harvest parts on some squares marqued as Impassable. For that just copy the following line and edit the X and Y coordinates corresponding to the square you want to send your harvesters to:

Note: you can access that page by clicking on some harvestable on the map and then right click "harvest resources" then "open in new tab".


Tensmoor collected information on drop rates from killing NPCs. You can find the results of the data here.



8. Harvestable Parts


# Part Items
Skyfallen Stones
[@c=285] Skysplinter [@c=556][@c=557][@c=558] [@c=559][@c=560][@c=561] [@c=562][@c=563][@c=564] [@c=565][@c=566][@c=567] [@c=568][@c=569][@c=570] [@c=571][@c=572][@c=573]
Rare Minerals
[@c=202] Aeghris [@c=432]
[@c=205] Almhurin [@c=437][@c=479]
[@c=211] Amar Shards [@c=507][@c=521][@c=539]
[@c=193] Arterium [@c=49][@c=58][@c=157][@c=164][@c=277]
[@c=199] Claristrine [@c=260][@c=284][@c=283]
[@c=203] Daera [@c=276][@c=443]
[@c=195] Deepsilver [@c=261]
[@c=194] Earthblood [@c=265]
[@c=200] Elven Tears [@c=274][@c=441][@c=464][@c=490][@c=509][@c=524][@c=542]
[@c=204] Flektrine [@c=436][@c=484]
[@c=208] Goldstone [@c=433][@c=442][@c=458][@c=459][@c=485][@c=486][@c=504][@c=510][@c=519][@c=520][@c=537][@c=538]
[@c=210] Iceheart [@c=108][@c=105][@c=115][@c=50][@c=64][@c=151][@c=145][@c=170][@c=155][@c=173][@c=136][@c=139][@c=152]
[@c=209] Night Diamond [@c=272]
[@c=207] Obsidian [@c=171][@c=110][@c=54][@c=271]
[@c=196] Pyrestone [@c=259][@c=282][@c=281]
[@c=198] Rainbowstone [@c=262][@c=273]
[@c=206] Silversoil [@c=503][@c=525][@c=545]
[@c=212] Silversteel [@c=114][@c=63][@c=156][@c=174][@c=164][@c=278]
[@c=201] Svelaugh Sand [@c=264][@c=275]
[@c=197] Trove [@c=263][@c=280][@c=279]
Rare Herbs
[@c=246] Ancient Oak [@c=93][@c=97][@c=115]
[@c=231] Baleberries [@c=272][@c=271]
[@c=227] Berbane Leaves [@c=274][@c=273]
[@c=250] Brascan Seeds [@c=123][@c=127][@c=152][@c=565]
[@c=243] Brownback Moss [@c=262]
[@c=252] Desert Flame [@c=444]
[@c=233] Dyallom Gall [@c=427][@c=556][@c=559][@c=562][@c=565][@c=568][@c=571]
[@c=232] Ebony Wood [@c=46][@c=70][@c=99][@c=272][@c=271]
[@c=239] Furzion Seedpod [@c=261]
[@c=251] Giant Palm Leaves [@c=122][@c=142][@c=163][@c=152]
[@c=235] Ironstem Root [@c=265]
[@c=226] Larken Wood [@c=71][@c=85]
[@c=225] Lemonwood Bough [@c=87]
[@c=229] Mabri Fruit [@c=284][@c=283][@c=280][@c=279]
[@c=236] Miner's Bane [@c=478]
[@c=224] Pale Cedar Wood [@c=87]
[@c=230] Punfruit [@c=278][@c=277]
[@c=248] Queen's Hair Leaves [@c=133][@c=153][@c=177]
[@c=247] Rahan Palm Wood [@c=95]
[@c=241] Rockweed Root [@c=456]
[@c=245] Sharproot [@c=259][@c=282][@c=281]
[@c=244] Silverthorn [@c=260]
[@c=237] Snowbell Flowers [@c=491]
[@c=249] Spidertree Leaves [@c=121][@c=141]
[@c=242] Suntree Haft [@c=263][@c=274][@c=273]
[@c=238] Toadcap Fungus [@c=276][@c=275][@c=439]
[@c=240] Vistrok Flower [@c=264]
[@c=234] Warpwood Shoot [@c=502]
[@c=228] Ysanberries [@c=280][@c=279]
[@c=267] Heart of Darkness [@c=428][@c=429][@c=430][@c=431][@c=271][@c=272][@c=273][@c=274][@c=275][@c=276][@c=277][@c=278][@c=279][@c=280][@c=281][@c=282][@c=283][@c=284][@c=489][@c=440][@c=463][@c=508][@c=527][@c=541]
[@c=290] Air Salt [@c=68][@c=70][@c=72][@c=76][@c=78][@c=81][@c=97][@c=470][@c=471][@c=472][@c=473][@c=474][@c=475][@c=476][@c=477][@c=559]
[@c=291] Earth Salt [@c=123][@c=132][@c=137][@c=144][@c=156][@c=161][@c=164][@c=171][@c=174][@c=511][@c=512][@c=513][@c=514][@c=515][@c=516][@c=517][@c=518][@c=529][@c=530][@c=531][@c=532][@c=533][@c=534][@c=535][@c=536][@c=547][@c=548][@c=549][@c=550][@c=551][@c=552][@c=553][@c=554][@c=565][@c=568][@c=571]
[@c=292] Fire Salt [@c=54][@c=55][@c=58][@c=63][@c=64][@c=447][@c=448][@c=449][@c=450][@c=451][@c=452][@c=453][@c=454][@c=556]
[@c=293] Water Salt [@c=103][@c=105][@c=106][@c=110][@c=114][@c=95][@c=493][@c=494][@c=495][@c=496][@c=497][@c=498][@c=499][@c=500][@c=562]
Animal Parts
[@c=186] Hides [@c=33][@c=36][@c=34][@c=37][@c=35][@c=425][@c=427][@c=116][@c=479][@c=482][@c=434][@c=88][@c=76][@c=120][@c=121][@c=122][@c=123][@c=124][@c=125][@c=126][@c=127][@c=128][@c=129][@c=130][@c=131][@c=132][@c=133][@c=134][@c=135][@c=136][@c=137][@c=138][@c=139] [@c=501][@c=502][@c=503][@c=504][@c=505][@c=506][@c=507][@c=508][@c=509][@c=510] [@c=144][@c=145][@c=152][@c=156][@c=158] [@c=161][@c=162][@c=164][@c=171][@c=174][@c=179]
[@c=298] Alligator Heart [@c=460]
[@c=299] Alligator Skull [@c=481]
[@c=300] Alligator Entrail [@c=275]
[@c=301] Alligator Vertebra [@c=520]
[@c=302] Anaconda Heart [@c=522][@c=540]
[@c=303] Anaconda Fang [@c=483]
[@c=304] Anaconda Skin [@c=77][@c=107]
[@c=305] Arctic Wolf Heart [@c=537]
[@c=306] Arctic Wolf Entrail [@c=284]
[@c=307] Arctic Wolf Fur [@c=146]
[@c=308] Arctic Wolf Tooth [@c=103]
[@c=309] Baboon Heart None
[@c=310] Baboon Entrail [@c=273]
[@c=311] Baboon Fur [@c=61][@c=86][@c=98]
[@c=312] Black Bear Heart [@c=432][@c=461][@c=519]
[@c=313] Black Bear Tooth [@c=446]
[@c=314] Black Bear Fur [@c=53][@c=72]
[@c=315] Black Bear Vertebra [@c=282][@c=281]
[@c=316] Black Panther Heart [@c=272][@c=271]
[@c=317] Black Panther Vertebra [@c=528]
[@c=318] Black Panther Fur [@c=132]
[@c=319] Brown Bear Heart [@c=262][@c=277]
[@c=320] Brown Bear Fur [@c=73][@c=83][@c=109]
[@c=321] Brown Bear Vertebra [@c=271]
[@c=322] Cobra Heart [@c=469]
[@c=323] Cobra Brain [@c=442][@c=504]
[@c=324] Coral Snake Heart [@c=445]
[@c=325] Coral Snake Brain [@c=272]
[@c=326] Cyclops Heart [@c=436]
[@c=327] Cyclops Entrail [@c=282][@c=281]
[@c=328] Elephant Heart [@c=546]
[@c=329] Elephant Hide [@c=457]
[@c=330] Elephant Rib [@c=278][@c=284][@c=283]
[@c=331] Elephant Vertebra [@c=277]
[@c=332] Fire Salamander Heart [@c=467]
[@c=333] Fire Salamander Entrail [@c=282][@c=281]
[@c=334] Fire Salamander Skin [@c=67][@c=91]
[@c=335] Gharial Heart [@c=466]
[@c=336] Gharial Tooth [@c=48][@c=100][@c=175]
[@c=337] Giant Beetle Heart [@c=484]
[@c=338] Giant Beetle Carapace [@c=120][@c=129][@c=148][@c=168]
[@c=339] Giant Rat Heart [@c=259][@c=271]
[@c=340] Giant Rat Rib [@c=480]
[@c=341] Giant Rat Fur [@c=62][@c=75][@c=89][@c=102]
[@c=342] Giant Scorpion Heart [@c=468]
[@c=343] Giant Scorpion Exoskeleton [@c=134][@c=172][@c=282]
[@c=344] Giant Scorpion Stinger [@c=434]
[@c=345] Giant Scuttler Heart [@c=263]
[@c=346] Giant Scuttler Exoskeleton [@c=57][@c=113]
[@c=347] Giant Snake Heart [@c=486]
[@c=348] Giant Snake Vertebra [@c=505]
[@c=349] Giant Snake Fang [@c=445]
[@c=350] Giant Spider Heart [@c=435]
[@c=351] Giant Spider Fangs [@c=276][@c=435]
[@c=352] Golden Monkey Heart [@c=458][@c=510]
[@c=353] Golden Monkey Entrail [@c=274]
[@c=354] Golden Monkey Fur [@c=130][@c=150][@c=169]
[@c=355] Ice Salamander Heart [@c=455]
[@c=356] Ice Salamander Entrail [@c=275][@c=284][@c=283]
[@c=357] Ice Salamander Skin [@c=69][@c=96]
[@c=358] Jaguar Heart [@c=459]
[@c=359] Jaguar Fur [@c=51][@c=92]
[@c=360] Jaguar Vertebra [@c=280][@c=279]
[@c=361] Leopard Heart [@c=485]
[@c=362] Leopard Entrail [@c=78][@c=278]
[@c=363] Leopard Vertebra [@c=276]
[@c=364] Lion Heart [@c=488][@c=501][@c=544]
[@c=365] Lion Skull None
[@c=366] Lion Tooth [@c=501]
[@c=367] Lion Vertebra [@c=492]
[@c=368] Mammoth Heart [@c=278]
[@c=369] Mammoth Rib [@c=546]
[@c=370] Mammoth Tusk [@c=81]
[@c=371] Mammoth Vertebra [@c=526]
[@c=372] Massive Scarab Heart [@c=275][@c=276]
[@c=373] Massive Scarab Carapace [@c=437]
[@c=374] Poisonous Crawler Heart [@c=275][@c=276]
[@c=375] Poisonous Crawler Exoskeleton [@c=120][@c=138][@c=149][@c=178]
[@c=376] Poisonous Crawler Mandible [@c=44]
[@c=377] Polar Bear Heart [@c=506]
[@c=378] Polar Bear Fur [@c=166]
[@c=379] Puma Heart [@c=433]
[@c=380] Puma Rib [@c=279][@c=280]
[@c=381] Puma Vertebra [@c=279][@c=280]
[@c=382] Puma Fur [@c=42][@c=82][@c=94]
[@c=383] Rhinoceros Heart [@c=465]
[@c=384] Rhinoceros Rib [@c=284]
[@c=385] Rhinoceros Hide [@c=283]
[@c=386] Salamander Heart [@c=467]
[@c=387] Salamander Entrail [@c=465]
[@c=388] Salamander Fang [@c=101]
[@c=389] Saurian Heart [@c=277][@c=278]
[@c=390] Saurian Entrail [@c=284]
[@c=391] Saurian Rib [@c=438]
[@c=392] Saurian Vertebra [@c=438]
[@c=393] Scaled Charger Heart [@c=265]
[@c=394] Scaled Charger Scale [@c=120][@c=125][@c=154][@c=159][@c=165]
[@c=395] Scaled Charger Vertebra [@c=41][@c=84][@c=112]
[@c=396] Scritcher Heart [@c=264]
[@c=397] Scritcher Carapace [@c=68]
[@c=398] Simien Wolf Heart [@c=543]
[@c=399] Simien Wolf Fur [@c=124]
[@c=400] Snow Leopard Heart [@c=487]
[@c=401] Snow Leopard Fur [@c=126]
[@c=402] Snow Leopard Vertebra None
[@c=403] Tiger Heart [@c=462]
[@c=404] Tiger Tooth [@c=446]
[@c=405] Tiger Skull [@c=482]
[@c=406] White Tiger Heart [@c=274][@c=273]
[@c=407] White Tiger Vertebra [@c=281][@c=282]
[@c=408] Wild Dog Heart [@c=260][@c=280]
[@c=409] Wild Dog Bone [@c=43][@c=52][@c=60][@c=279][@c=559]
[@c=410] Wild Dog Entrail [@c=283]
[@c=411] Wild Dog Fur [@c=40][@c=74][@c=104]
[@c=412] Wolf Heart [@c=261][@c=281]
[@c=413] Wolf Entrail [@c=272]
[@c=414] Wolf Tooth [@c=55][@c=281][@c=282]
[@c=415] Wolf Fur [@c=59][@c=80][@c=111]



9. Crafts

A list of all the craftable items:

Leather Armors
Chainmail Armors
Plate Armors


Skystone Crafts

Those craftable gear (2019/12) seems to have been added to compensate for the really high cost and less used Magical Crafts. Each of the item required some Dyallom Gal herb and skysplinters to craft. They come in 3 levels, each higher level requiring the previous one crafted:

T1 T2 T3 Total Required Items for T3
[@c=556] [@c=557] [@c=558] 1[@c=63]   1[@c=233]   1[@c=292]   65[@c=285]   1900[@i=4|1]
[@c=559] [@c=560] [@c=561] 1[@c=82]   1[@c=233]   4[@c=409]   1[@c=290]   65[@c=285]   1900[@i=4|1]
[@c=562] [@c=563] [@c=564] 1[@c=114]   1[@c=233]   1[@c=293]   65[@c=285]   1900[@i=4|1]
[@c=565] [@c=566] [@c=567] 1[@c=127]   1[@c=233]   2[@c=250]   1[@c=291]   65[@c=285]   1900[@i=4|1]
[@c=568] [@c=569] [@c=570] 1[@c=156]   1[@c=233]   1[@c=291]   65[@c=285]   1900[@i=4|1]
[@c=571] [@c=572] [@c=573] 1[@c=174]   1[@c=233]   1[@c=291]   65[@c=285]   1900[@i=4|1]


Magic Crafts

With the 2018 October Update, some Magic Crafts have been added

# Name Parts Required
[@c=268] Lesser Mana Crystal 1[@c=417] 1,100[@i=2|1]
[@c=269] Mana Crystal 2[@c=417] 10,070[@i=2|1]
[@c=270] Greater Mana Crystal 3[@c=417] 105,000[@i=2|1]
Shards base: 1[@c=269] 3[@c=268] 1[@c=267]
[@c=271] Shard of Nightfall 1[@c=316] 10[@c=321] 10[@c=339] 1[@c=231] 1[@c=232] 2[@c=207]
[@c=273] Shard of Dawn 1[@c=406] 10[@c=310] 1[@c=242] 1[@c=227] 2[@c=198]
[@c=275] Shard of Putrescence 1[@c=374] 1[@c=356] 1[@c=372] 8[@c=300] 1[@c=238] 2[@c=201]
[@c=277] Shard of Life 1[@c=368] 1[@c=331] 1[@c=389] 8[@c=319] 1[@c=230] 2[@c=193]
[@c=279] Shard of Haste 1[@c=380] 2[@c=381] 10[@c=409] 1[@c=360] 1[@c=229] 1[@c=228] 1[@c=197]
[@c=281] Shard of Ferocity 1[@c=407] 1[@c=315] 1[@c=327] 2[@c=333] 10[@c=412] 5[@c=414] 2[@c=245] 1[@c=196]
[@c=283] Shard of Fortitude 1[@c=356] 1[@c=372] 1[@c=384] 2[@c=330] 8[@c=385] 5[@c=410] 2[@c=229] 1[@c=199]
Esssences base: 2[@c=269] 1[@c=270] 3[@c=267]
[@c=272] Essence of Twilight 4[@c=316] 15[@c=325] 15[@c=413] 3[@c=232] 2[@c=231] 1[@c=209]
[@c=274] Essence of Daybreak 15[@c=353] 4[@c=406] 2[@c=227] 3[@c=242] 1[@c=200]
[@c=276] Essence of Necrosis 3[@c=374] 3[@c=372] 12[@c=351] 1[@c=363]3[@c=238] 1[@c=203]
[@c=278] Essence of Anima 1[@c=330] 3[@c=389] 3[@c=368] 12[@c=362] 3[@c=230] 1[@c=212]
[@c=280] Esssence of Alacrity 15[@c=408] 3[@c=380] 4[@c=381] 3[@c=360] 2[@c=228] 2[@c=229] 2[@c=197]
[@c=282] Essence of Brutality 2[@c=327] 2[@c=315] 15[@c=343] 4[@c=333] 10[@c=414] 2[@c=407] 4[@c=245] 2[@c=196]
[@c=284] Essence of Protection 4[@c=330] 10[@c=306] 2[@c=372] 2[@c=356] 2[@c=384] 12[@c=390] 4[@c=229] 2[@c=199]


[@c=428] [@c=429] [@c=430] [@c=431] [@c=493][@c=447][@c=470][@c=511][@c=529][@c=547] [@c=494][@c=448][@c=471][@c=512][@c=530][@c=548] [@c=495][@c=449][@c=472][@c=513][@c=531][@c=549] [@c=496][@c=450][@c=473][@c=514][@c=532][@c=550] [@c=497][@c=451][@c=474][@c=515][@c=533][@c=551] [@c=498][@c=452][@c=475][@c=516][@c=534][@c=552] [@c=499][@c=453][@c=476][@c=517][@c=535][@c=553] [@c=500][@c=454][@c=477][@c=518][@c=536][@c=554]
[@c=271] 1 3
[@c=272] 1 1
[@c=273] 1 1 3
[@c=274] 1 1
[@c=275] 3 1
[@c=276] 1 1
[@c=277] 3 1
[@c=278] 1 1
[@c=279] 1 2 1 1
[@c=280] 1 1
[@c=281] 1 1 2 1
[@c=282] 1 1 *
[@c=283] 1 1 1 2
[@c=284] 1 1 **

* : Not required for [@c=518]

**: Not required for [@c=518] and [@c=554]



10. Hearts of Darkness

If you hunt Underworlds for the current event, you'll likely come accross some Hearts of Darkness (HoD). They can be valuable for crafting, and hunting the underworlds can bring some nice experience for your commanders. Further more you can receive and update a medal:

# Title Required HoD Total HoD in a town
Annihilator of Kerberos V
Annihilator of Kerberos IV
Annihilator of Kerberos III
Annihilator of Kerberos II 832,038 317,811
Annihilator of Kerberos I 514,227 196,418
Dominator of Kerberos V 317,809 121,393
Dominator of Kerberos IV 196,416 75,025
Dominator of Kerberos III 121,391 46,368
Dominator of Kerberos II 75,023 28,657
Dominator of Kerberos I 46,366 17,711
Vanquisher of Kerberos V 28,655 10,946
Vanquisher of Kerberos IV 17,709 6,765
Vanquisher of Kerberos III 10,944 4,181
Vanquisher of Kerberos II 6,763 2,584
Vanquisher of Kerberos I 4,179 1,597
# Title Required HoD Total HoD in a town
Queller of Kerberos V 2,582 947
Queller of Kerberos IV 1,595 610
Queller of Kerberos III 985 377
Queller of Kerberos II 608 233
Queller of Kerberos I 375 144
Punisher of Kerberos V 231 89
Punisher of Kerberos IV 142 55
Punisher of Kerberos III 87 34
Punisher of Kerberos II 53 21
Punisher of Kerberos I 32 13
Slayer of Kerberos V 19 8
Slayer of Kerberos IV 11 5
Slayer of Kerberos III 6 3
Slayer of Kerberos II 3 2
Slayer of Kerberos I 1 1



11. Data


Troops Table

Race Cavalry Spears Infantry Ranged
T1 T2 T1 T2 T1 T2 T1 T2
Human [@i=5|76] [@i=5|77] [@i=5|46] [@i=5|47] [@i=5|56] [@i=5|57] [@i=5|66] [@i=5|67]
Dwarf [@i=5|80] [@i=5|81] [@i=5|50] [@i=5|51] [@i=5|60] [@i=5|61] [@i=5|70] [@i=5|71]
Elf [@i=5|78] [@i=5|79] [@i=5|48] [@i=5|49] [@i=5|58] [@i=5|59] [@i=5|68] [@i=5|69]
Orc [@i=5|82] [@i=5|83] [@i=5|52] [@i=5|53] [@i=5|62] [@i=5|63] [@i=5|72] [@i=5|73]



Attack & Defense Tables

Attack Modifiers Terrain Defense Modifiers
Cavalry Spears Infantry Ranged Cavalry Spears Infantry Ranged
-50% +20% +40% +5% Buildings -45% +25% +30% +15%
-15% +5% +30% -20% Large Forest -15% +5% +25% -20%
-15% 0% +10% +10% Large Hill -10% +10% +5% +15%
-30% 0% +15% +15% Large Mountain -30% +20% +5% +30%
+30% -15% 0% 0% Plains +25% -15% 0% 0%
-10% +10% +30% -10% Small Forest -10% +10% +30% -10%
0% 0% 0% 0% Small Hill 0% +5% +5% +5%
-20% 0% +5% +10% Small Mountain -15% +15% +5% +15%



NPCs Sizes

Size # Min # Max
Few 1 3
Handful 4 8
Several 9 21
Pack 22 81
Many 82 128
Gathering 129 227
Horde 228 462
Throng 463 815
Host 816 2,500
Legion 2,501 9,999
Myriad 10,000 24,999
Sea 25,000 49,999
Cornucopia 50,000 ...



PCs Table

MDQ is a ratio trying to evaluate the strength of figthing NPCs. It was develop by Manannan, and you can check the forum post about it here. Unfortunately, to my knowledge he never detailed the exact calculation.

Name MDQ Troops
Alligators 2.350 [@i=5|128][@i=5|129][@i=5|130][@i=5|131]
Anacondas 2.425 [@i=5|132][@i=5|133][@i=5|134][@i=5|135]
Arctic Wolves 2.275 [@i=5|184][@i=5|185][@i=5|186][@i=5|187]
Baboons 1.875 [@i=5|250][@i=5|251][@i=5|252][@i=5|253]
Black Bears 2.000 [@i=5|180][@i=5|181][@i=5|182][@i=5|183]
Black Panthers 3.100 [@i=5|259][@i=5|260][@i=5|261][@i=5|262]
Brown Bears 2.150 [@i=5|102][@i=5|103][@i=5|104][@i=5|105]
Cobras 2.450 [@i=5|136][@i=5|137][@i=5|138][@i=5|139]
Coral Snakes 2.225 [@i=5|140][@i=5|141][@i=5|142][@i=5|143]
Elementals [@i=5|695][@i=5|696][@i=5|697][@i=5|698]
Elephants 12.750 [@i=5|164][@i=5|165][@i=5|166][@i=5|167]
Fire Salamanders 3.000 [@i=5|220][@i=5|221][@i=5|222][@i=5|223]
Gharials 2.200 [@i=5|267][@i=5|268][@i=5|269][@i=5|270]
Giant Beetles 1.425 [@i=5|242][@i=5|243][@i=5|244][@i=5|245]
Giant Rats 1.200 [@i=5|238][@i=5|239][@i=5|240][@i=5|241]
Giant Scorpions 3.025 [@i=5|156][@i=5|157][@i=5|158][@i=5|159]
Giant Scuttlers 3.250 [@i=5|148][@i=5|149][@i=5|150][@i=5|151]
Giant Snakes 3.100 [@i=5|233][@i=5|234][@i=5|235][@i=5|236][@i=5|237]
Giant Spiders 2.700 [@i=5|228][@i=5|229][@i=5|230][@i=5|231][@i=5|232]
Golden Monkeys 1.300 [@i=5|246][@i=5|247][@i=5|248][@i=5|249]
Ice Salamanders 2.575 [@i=5|224][@i=5|225][@i=5|226][@i=5|227]
Jaguars 2.200 [@i=5|192][@i=5|193][@i=5|194][@i=5|195]
Leopards 2.575 [@i=5|196][@i=5|197][@i=5|198][@i=5|199]
Lions 2.825 [@i=5|204][@i=5|205][@i=5|206][@i=5|207]
Mammoths 18.100 [@i=5|168][@i=5|169][@i=5|170][@i=5|171]
Massive Scarabs 2.050 [@i=5|254][@i=5|255][@i=5|256][@i=5|257]
Poisonous Crawlers 2.875 [@i=5|144][@i=5|145][@i=5|146][@i=5|147]
Polar Bears 2.550 [@i=5|124][@i=5|125][@i=5|126][@i=5|127]
Pumas 2.425 [@i=5|200][@i=5|201][@i=5|202][@i=5|203]
Rhinos 7.275 [@i=5|172][@i=5|173][@i=5|174][@i=5|175]
Salamanders 2.825 [@i=5|216][@i=5|217][@i=5|218][@i=5|219]
Saurians 19.250 [@i=5|263][@i=5|264][@i=5|265][@i=5|266]
Scaled Chargers 3.225 [@i=5|160][@i=5|161][@i=5|162][@i=5|163]
Scritchers 2.525 [@i=5|152][@i=5|153][@i=5|154][@i=5|155]
Simien Wolves 2.075 [@i=5|176][@i=5|177][@i=5|178][@i=5|179]
Snow Leopards 2.250 [@i=5|188][@i=5|189][@i=5|190][@i=5|191]
Tigers 3.300 [@i=5|208][@i=5|209][@i=5|210][@i=5|211]
Underworlds [@i=5|737][@i=5|738][@i=5|739][@i=5|740][@i=5|741][@i=5|742][@i=5|743][@i=5|744]
White Tigers 3.575 [@i=5|212][@i=5|213][@i=5|214][@i=5|215]
Wild Dogs 0.700 [@i=5|98][@i=5|99][@i=5|100][@i=5|101]
Wolves 1.540 [@i=5|106][@i=5|107][@i=5|107][@i=5|109][@i=5|110]



Commanders Table

Note: this is focused on hunting, hence only mentioning Cavalry and Infantry. Of course you can hunt with different troop type, but the result would be less efficient regardless of race or terrain.

Some examples of commanders with equipment on different terrain to help quickly calculate the attack output, with no prestige bonus, no biome bonus, but with division bonus (15%):

Com Equipment Terrain Com Total Atk
Not Elite Elite
[@i=5|77] [@c=498][@c=534][@c=429] plains (+30%) 32,195.80 58,642.35
[@i=5|77] [@c=564][@c=570][@c=427] plains (+30%) 16,787.81* 27,826.37*
[@i=5|77] [@c=112][@c=154][@c=34] plains (+30%) 12,935.81 20,122.37
[@i=5|77] [@c=104][@c=149] small hills (+0%) 10,031.45 15,503.15
[@i=5|57] [@c=63][@c=154] plains (+0%) 7,611.28 12,727.30
[@i=5|57] [@c=63][@c=149] small hills (+0%) 7,611.28 12,727.30
[@i=5|57] [@c=63][@c=149] large hills (+10%) 8,273.13 13,877.50
[@i=5|57] [@c=63][@c=148] small mountains (+5%) 7,942.20 13,322.40
[@i=5|57] [@c=63][@c=148] large montains (+15%) 8,604.05 14,432.60
[@i=5|57] [@c=63][@c=159] forest (+30%) 9,596.83 16,097.90
[@i=5|57] [@c=63] buildings (+40%) 8,273.13 13,237.00
[@i=5|81] [@c=112][@c=154][@c=34] plains (+30%) 11,343.71 17,645.77
[@i=5|81] [@c=104][@c=149] small hills (+0%) 8,796.81 13,595.07
[@i=5|61] [@c=63][@c=154] plains (+0%) 9,785.92 16,415.10
[@i=5|61] [@c=63][@c=149] small hills (+0%) 9,785.92 16,415.10
[@i=5|61] [@c=63][@c=149] large hills (+10%) 10,636.87 17,842.50
[@i=5|61] [@c=63][@c=148] small mountains (+5%) 10,211.40 17,218.80
[@i=5|61] [@c=63][@c=148] large montains (+15%) 11,062.35 18,556.20
[@i=5|61] [@c=63][@c=159] forest (+30%) 12,338.77 20,697.30
[@i=5|61] [@c=63] buildings (+40%) 10,636.88 17,019.00
[@i=5|83] [@c=112][@c=154][@c=34] plains (+30%) 11,741.74 18,264.93
[@i=5|83] [@c=104][@c=149][@c=425] small hills (+0%) 9,933.24 15,727.63
[@i=5|63] [@c=63][@c=154] plains (+0%) 7,828.74 13,132.08
[@i=5|63] [@c=63][@c=149] small hills (+0%) 7,828.74 13,132.08
[@i=5|63] [@c=63][@c=149] large hills (+10%) 8,509.50 14,274.00
[@i=5|63] [@c=63][@c=148] small mountains (+5%) 8,169.12 13,703.04
[@i=5|63] [@c=63][@c=148] large montains (+15%) 8,849.88 14,844.96
[@i=5|63] [@c=63][@c=159] forest (+30%) 9,871.02 16,577.84
[@i=5|63] [@c=63] buildings (+40%) 8,509.50 13,615.20
[@i=5|79] [@c=112][@c=154][@c=34] plains (+30%) 11,741.74 18,264.93
[@i=5|79] [@c=104][@c=149] small hills (+0%) 9,105.47 14,072.09
[@i=5|59] [@c=63][@c=154] plains (+0%) 7,176.35 12,037.74
[@i=5|59] [@c=63][@c=149] small hills (+0%) 7,176.35 12,037.74
[@i=5|59] [@c=63][@c=149] large hills (+10%) 7,800.38 13,084.50
[@i=5|59] [@c=63][@c=148] small mountains (+5%) 7,488.36 12,561.12
[@i=5|59] [@c=63][@c=148] large montains (+15%) 8,112.39 13,607.88
[@i=5|59] [@c=63][@c=159] forest (+30%) 9,048.44 15,178.02
[@i=5|59] [@c=63] buildings (+40%) 7,800.38 12,480.60

*: those items include many different bonuses, I just took the base attack bonus and the terrain bonus if available.



Commander Heroism Activation

As mentioned previously you need a certain number of troops in your army to activate the full power of Heroism 10. I summurized those number in the following table.

Commander Human Elf Dwarf Orc
# Atk T1 T2 # Atk T1 T2 # Atk T1 T2 # Atk T1 T2
T1 [@i=5|76] 2,257 61 35 [@i=5|78] 2,196 61 38 [@i=5|80] 1,952 61 35 [@i=5|82] 2,074 61 36
T2 [@i=5|77] 3,965 108 61 [@i=5|79] 3,599 100 61 [@i=5|81] 3,477 109 61 [@i=5|83] 3,599 106 61
T1 [@i=5|56] 1,342 61 39 [@i=5|58] 1,281 61 39 [@i=5|60] 1,769 61 40 [@i=5|62] 1,342 61 37
T2 [@i=5|57] 2,135 98 61 [@i=5|59] 2,013 96 61 [@i=5|61] 2,745 95 61 [@i=5|63] 2,196 100 61
T1 [@i=5|66] 976 61 41 [@i=5|68] 1,220 61 39 [@i=5|70] 915 61 36 [@i=5|72] 1,037 61 40
T2 [@i=5|67] 1,464 92 61 [@i=5|69] 1,952 98 61 [@i=5|71] 1,586 105 61 [@i=5|73] 1,586 100 61
T1 [@i=5|46] 427 61 27 [@i=5|48] 366 61 39 [@i=5|50] 427 61 36 [@i=5|52] 549 61 29
T2 [@i=5|47] 976 140 61 [@i=5|49] 915 153 61 [@i=5|51] 976 140 61 [@i=5|53] 1,159 129 61

Example: let's say I want to know how many troops are required to activate my T2 Sword Dwarf commander: I check the row for Infantry, T2 and check the values for Dwarf. In this example I would need 61 T2 (logic concidering how Heroism works) or 95 T1 infantry units in my army.



Visual Representation of Army attack

I tried to represent the Total army attack output depending on troops number in the divisions/army, taking into account different parameters (terrain, commanders, etc.). You can find it here: Spreadsheet.

Example: 5 humans T2 Cavalry commanders, equiped like previously (plain spears/plain chainmail/heavy warhorse), attacking on plains with 10/10 heroism and 15% of division bonus.

We can notice 2 importants point in the graph: the first one is at coordinate 61, it represents the moment when the commanders have their heroism fully activated, and so adding more troop from now on would just add the units attack to the army. The second point at 300 and represent the transition between the maximum numbers of elite divisions to the point where we loose one elite commander bonus (5 divisions of 60 = 300 cavalry max).

This graph help me to add the number of troops I need in my army to defeat some hunting prey. Calculate the defense against cavalry from the scout report, (to win: army attack > defense score) and I retrieve the rough estimate of troops I need. If I need more precision, I use Marauder's calculator :P



12. Others



A list of Illyriad player profiles that contain a lot of information on different aspects of the Game:




A list of images I made for Illyriad:


