

Founded By:Sif Founded On:13SEP21 12:50




WESTMARCH RISE is the state and his members are his noble citizens ,

Apart  from players located at wesmarch and the very close area

Apart  from ambitious members willing to grow as much as possible (at  military , cities , gold, ……) the WR will help them achieve their goals , protect their interest and protect them from any aggression . To achieve its goal has ALT alliances which are apart from the ALTS from its citizen.




We adopt the 10 square rule for  harvest a permit ion from the member cancel that rule .

FREE hunting & harvesting zone :

All members are free to hunt and harvest around their cities and other members cities.

The gain from this is that we don’t lose time for both hunting and harvesting





At WESTMARCH RISE decision making is by the council and by the members voting.

So the council suggests and the members vote .


Council apart

  1. 1 judge councilor
  2. 2 Military councilors
  3. 2 Diplomacy councilors
  4. 1 economy councilor
  5. 1 member growth councilor


Council members 

  1.  make proposals in not emergency times and the gold member vote about
  2. Take decisions and give orders in time of emergency
  3. Gather information’s about their sector


WESTMARCH has a pyramid scale structure and so  :

A Gold members of WR

Obligations / must :

  1. have most of his city in WESTMARCH
  2. willing to grow in power as much as possible  (military , cities , gold, cities  …… )
  3. willing to help other  members to grow
  4. let WR know about his ALT and if he is not use it for the interests of WR pay a TAX for it
  5. ............
  6. ……

Rights/CAN :

  1. All the Gold members votes to accept or no in a deadline the council proposals
  2.  Every Gold Member have the right to engage  elections and became a senator
  3. Take a share from the money paid as ALT TAX
  4. Be a leader of an ALT alliance (army , faction play , builders, farm  …….
  5. ….




Silver    Members of WR

Obligations/MUST :

  1. have most of his city in WESTMARCH
  2. willing to grow in power as much as possible  (military , cities , gold, cities  …… )
  3. willing to help other  members to grow
  4. let WR know about his ALT and if he is not use it for the interests of WR pay a TAX for
  5. ..

Rights/CAN :

  1. All the silver  members votes to accept or no in a deadline the council proposals
  2. Take a share from the money paid as ALT TAX
  4. ….


Bronze   Members of WR

Obligations/MUST :

  1. have one  of his city in WESTMARCH
  2. willing to become Silver    Members  …
  3. let WR know about their ALT 
  4. ..

Rights/CAN :

  1. Make proposal s ….
  2. ….








  1. Leader / general (1 ALT ACCOUNT  from the council)
  2. Apart from member like military aspect
  3. Members must Have one big/fat city close at the alliance claster totally protected to be able to support pop for 6-7 so don’t care much if he lost them
  4. Make war exercises each other
  5. Members must Having 6-7 cities ready to mill sov if needed
  6. ….



ALT Faction play .

  1. …..
  2. .


ALT Builders/farmers 

  1. Helping other with res
  2. Filling with res the local hubs
  3. Preparing cities for capture
  4. ……


ALT Expedition newbie ring

  1. Apart from players willing to help newbies
  2. Cities at the newbie ring to find new members
  3. …..


ALT Expedition rare resources

  1. …….
  2. …..




Every suggestion is more than welcome
